Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 553 Ancient God Volcano

Chapter 553 Ancient God Volcano

In the mysterious hell, the ancient land behind Huangquan Road is full of dangers, but for Tianfan and his party today, it is obvious that the danger here does not threaten their safety, and with their combat power, they can deal with it calmly. .

They stepped on ancient broken corpses and killed many evil things on the way. Among them, there were humanoid evil spirits, which were psychic from ancient corpses.

"Damn, such a guy is really scary!" Ryoma bared his teeth, a little blood stained his shiny fur.

This is not a good land. Along the way, they naturally have to fight. It is not because they have conflicts with other cultivators in the big world, because they choose different routes and it is difficult to meet each other. It is because they are on the road leading to the mysterious volcano. From time to time, there will be many evil spirits and ghosts swarming up, not afraid of death at all, causing them a lot of trouble.

"Who told you to go this way just now? Why does my uncle think that our road has the most evil spirits and the strongest evil spirit?" The Son of the Demon Palace stared at Long Ma with malicious intent.

"Ahem..." Longma coughed dryly, and said solemnly: "The life of a cultivator is full of ups and downs, and this is not a bad thing. You can regard it as a trial, and it will have some effect on you. It is a kind of accumulation for the future to hit a higher realm, and it will produce unimaginable benefits at critical times, you know, you should thank Ma Ye."

"Thank you, sir!"

The Son of the Demon Palace snorted unhappily. Although this guy was trying to avoid responsibility, it has to be said that what it said made sense.

The speed of celestial cultivators is definitely not slow, but in hell, in the void, there is a strange force suppressing them, it is difficult for them to fly rapidly in the air, although Tianfan's divine light field can offset this to the greatest extent However, he didn't want to be too ostentatious. He didn't use the divine light field to move, but just used it to wrap the little phoenix, trying to isolate the impact of the mysterious fluctuation in the volcano on the little guy.

"finally reached!"

Another four hours passed, and they finally came to the foot of the mysterious volcano. Looking at it closely, the volcano became even bigger. The spirit of fire gives people a dazzling feeling.

"The Qiankun Huoshou, the terrain is extraordinary, and there must be a treasure of fire!"

"That's right, look at this momentum, there must be a treasure with fire spirit in this ancient volcano!"

There are a total of eight cultivators gathered here. There is no doubt that they are all powerful existences in the realm of celestial beings. They are divided into three teams, standing in different directions, and looking around indifferently. They are obviously from three different worlds.

"The treasure belongs to me in the Hunyuan Realm. If anyone dares to compete with me, don't blame my ruthless subordinates!" This is a very young man, wearing an old black armor. He looks only 21 or [-] years old. He is heroic, with a towering head and extraordinary temperament.

But no one will think that he is really a young man, because he has a pair of eyes as deep as the ocean. Although he looks young, he is actually a powerful old antique. The most powerful one, few people can beat it.

He stood with another indifferent man in blue, which made the others very scrupulous, because on the way here before, they saw this man's means, amazing powers, unparalleled combat power, alone Dozens of monsters were torn apart, many of them were evil spirits from the realm of celestial beings.

"If the Fire Treasure has a spirit, it will recognize its owner by itself. Don't think that the three of you can really cover the sky with one hand!" Someone snorted coldly. Why not be as good as others, but face is still important.

Tianfan and the others stood aside with expressionless faces. They chose to ignore the cultivators from these three different worlds and looked at the volcano seriously. The little phoenix was lying on Tianfan's shoulder, in the realm of divine light. The little guy The current state is much better, at least its consciousness is very clear, not as confused as outside.

"Hmph..." the black-armored man snorted coldly, staring at the person who spoke, and said, "You can try and see if I can kill you all inside!"

After saying this, he glanced at Tianfan indifferently, turned around, and swung his fist directly. The black light was shining brightly, and the force of the flesh shell was extremely powerful. He shattered a side of the mountain and opened a path. He and the man in blue walked into it without looking back, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"It's so arrogant!"

"No way, they have arrogance!"

Naturally, some people are dissatisfied here, but there is nothing they can do. Among the heavens and myriad worlds, the Hunyuan world is considered a powerful world. Leaving aside the six great worlds and the original eight worlds, few people can compete with them. They are still very famous in ancient times. of.

In the remaining two worlds, there were a total of four of them. After a while of communication, they came together. Obviously, they were very afraid of the two Hunyuan Realm men who entered at the beginning, so they had to form an alliance at this moment and reached a certain According to this kind of agreement, they will fight against the two angels in the Hunyuan Realm together in the future.

Among the four angels, two came from the Illusion Realm, and two came from the Luohua Realm. They looked at Tian Fan and the others warily, and then walked in through the cave opened by the black-armored man before. Quickly walked down a winding ancient road.

"Little guy, how are you doing now? Can you feel where the power that affects you is?"

Tianfan and the others didn't enter it right away. They were all looking at the little phoenix seriously at this moment, waiting for the little guy's answer. For some reason, the little guy might be a detector, able to clearly perceive the so-called Where is the fire treasure placed.

"Hmm... it seems... it seems to be at the bottom..." The little guy closed his eyes for a while, and said in a low voice, then he raised his head again, and whispered: "It's strange, it seems that there is still a wave of energy. It's lurking inside, but... I can't feel clearly, it seems to be above, no, it seems to be below, and it disappeared again, so strange..."

As he spoke, the little guy himself was a little confused, and he stuck out his tongue in embarrassment.

"Let's go to the bottom first, the little guy feels the power there, let's find out what it is, and then look for another energy!" Zi Ying said.

Everyone else nodded, and it was still Tianfan who brought the little guy into it with the Divine Light Domain.

"Damn, why is it so hot!"

The Holy Son of the Demon Palace howled. They didn't feel anything when they were outside, but after entering it, a violent heat flow hit their faces. Unprepared, the Holy Son of the Demon Palace almost burned his hair. There was an extra red spot on his neck, and he was so frightened that he quickly propped up an energy barrier.

"What a weird place!"

Even Longma murmured softly, you know, they are all powerful beings in the mid-stage of Celestial Immortals, and they will be injured by a stream of heat at this moment, which is enough to show that this volcano is extraordinary, and there must be something terrifying inside that can threaten the powerful Celestial Immortals. strength.

"Let's go, go underground!"

Tianfan said in a low voice, under the leadership of the little guy, he thought about walking forward, walking along a winding ancient road.

The interior of this volcano is crimson red, very similar to the fire cave in the human world. It seems to be formed by being burned by the hottest flames all the year round. After a while, he actually felt an unparalleled burning sensation, which made him quickly withdraw his claws in fright.

I don't know how long this volcano has existed in hell, maybe it has existed since the beginning, because inside this volcano, they felt a vastness of vicissitudes, these flowing The hot wind seems to have come from time and space since ancient times. It has a kind of depth and a kind of origin.

There are many staggered ancient roads inside the volcano, paved with cyan stone jade fragments, walking on it gives a feeling of returning to the past.

Led by the little Phoenix, they walked towards the bottom of the volcano along a winding path. At this time, the little guy seemed a little confused, as if he was stimulated by something, and his whole body was glowing at the moment, like A mass of fire made Tianfan feel a burning sensation. If it weren't for the divine light domain, he would really be unbearable.

(End of this chapter)

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