Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 561 The Ancestor of Fire Source

Chapter 561 The Ancestor of Fire Source
"I'm going to your grandfather's funeral, your grandfather's, it's so unreasonable, I..."

Ryoma couldn't stop cursing, filled with resentment, and sprayed white smoke from his nostrils, so that few people didn't know what to say. While sympathizing with Ryoma, he was also very depressed about this funeral place. know how to describe it.

The burial place, you can know the horror of this place just by listening to the name, it is the place of the sun, even the flames can be buried, it should be the nemesis of all evil spirits, and it can destroy all dark and evil things, but now, thousands of people Wan's yin soldiers and yin horses lined up in front of them in a team, with a surge of death and murderous aura.

Around them, circles of raging fire lingered, and the temperature was extremely high. Even the strong in the middle stage of the celestial beings, such as the Son of the Demon Palace, had to use all their strength to activate the defensive barrier to block this threatening heat. The Yin soldiers and the Yin horses did not respond at all. They were arranged in the center, as if the raging fires were guarding them.

"Oh dog seller, strange things happen every year, especially today..." Xiaolong leaned on Ziying's shoulder and made a vivid summary.


Tens of thousands of yin soldiers and yin horses roared loudly, the bloody aura was compelling, and the aura of death soared into the sky. They held bronze spears mottled with copper and mottled with copper, and their eyes were bright, red and blue, full of evil aura. They rushed towards Tianfan and the others.


The dull footsteps sounded, desolate and cold, which made people feel scared, but to Tianfan and his party, these were really nothing. What they had experienced was far more dangerous than this scene. The reason why he was in a daze was because what he saw in front of him was too unimaginable. The raging fire on the periphery was actually guarding a group of evil spirits in the center. If it was said, who would believe it? It was simply nonsense, but at this moment it was true happened.


The yin soldiers and yin horses on the ground all rose into the air at the first time, either stepped into the air, or came on horseback. Although the bronze spears in their hands were rusty and mottled, they exuded the breath of death. They quickly killed When they got close, and the surrounding fires moved forward with them, they really looked like a group of guardians.

The evil spirit was soaring, and it turned into a cold current that swept across the four directions. Thousands of Yin soldiers and Yin horses soared into the sky. Outside their bodies, there was a haze of death shrouded in blackness, waving the bronze battle spear in their hands, Kill Xiang Tianfan and the others.


Tian Fan looked very calm, and directly stretched out his big hand. The nine-color divine light was hidden in his body, and he launched an attack with pure flesh. The Yin soldiers turned into powder in an instant.

"Keng Jiang..."

These yin soldiers and yin horses obviously did not have their own consciousness. The black mist surged, and the death energy swept the world. None of the thousands of yin soldiers stopped, and all of them charged with bronze spears. Jumping, like a guarding soldier, launched an attack in unison at this moment.


The four fire dragons condensed into a shape in this passage, roared to the sky, and rushed towards them, burning all over their bodies.


Xiaolong was very dissatisfied, thinking that the fire dragon had desecrated the dignity of the dragon clan, so he opened his small mouth directly, and the dragon clan's ancient combat technique unfolded, and a silver-white energy column attacked and killed in an instant, invincible, smashing one of the fire dragons into pieces, turning into a sky full of dragons. However, it was absorbed by the other three-headed fire dragons in the next moment and became even stronger.

During this process, many Yin soldiers and Yin horses were also impacted, shattered by the light of the dragon clan's ancient combat skills, and turned into dust.

"Master Ma is here too, I'm so pissed off!"

The dragon horse screamed angrily, the flames danced all over its body, and it almost turned into a flaming fire horse. Like a small dragon, it opened its mouth and spit out a pillar of fire that reached the sky, and went straight to one of the fire dragons, smashing it to pieces with a bang, and finally Like a small dragon, it turned into a sky full of flames and merged with the bodies of the other two fire dragons.


The dragon's roar shook the sky, its power was overwhelming, and the overwhelming heat came over the surface. The two fire dragons became more powerful, and their power was a bit overwhelming. The soldiers and horses came from the air, and the weapons in their hands were aimed at the eyebrows of several people.

"Damn it, don't get in the way."

Seeing the confused little phoenix on Tian Fan's shoulder, Zi Ying was a little worried. She was very dissatisfied at the moment, and raised her bare hand lightly. , the Heavenly Immortal's coercion was at its fullest. Although the two fire dragons were very powerful, it was difficult to make any waves under this energy, and they dissipated in an instant.

And those yin soldiers and yin horses are even more miserable. With the cultivation base of the seventh heaven of immortals, there are really not many people in this world who can resist. Zi Ying launched an indiscriminate attack. The sound of puffing was endless, and in just a moment, the Yin soldiers and fire dragons that could kill the peak of the celestial beings were completely wiped out.

"My God..."

"As expected of siblings..."

"I admire you……"

Xiaolong was amazed, but the Son of the Demon Palace and Longma felt their backs were a little chilled. This kind of power was simply too terrifying. They couldn't help but wipe off their cold sweat, and then couldn't help admiring it. , The peerless arrogance that wants to be teased, this method is astonishingly powerful, but it is elegant and magical, without losing a little bit of immortality.

"How about Xiao Tiantian, I'm amazing, hehe." Ziying's face was flushed, and she smiled charmingly.

"Of course you're amazing. You are Xuannv's apprentice, the Immortal Emperor's daughter-in-law, and my future wife. How could you not be amazing?" Tian Fan got thick-skinned once in a while, stretched out his hand, and squeezed it lightly. Ziying's lovely Qiong nose.

Zi Ying's cheeks quickly turned crimson, she slapped Tian Fan's outstretched claws, and said brokenly: "Bah, cheeky, you are getting more and more dishonest."

They continued to move forward, the cremation place was really dangerous, and then they encountered several crises, large and small, but they all passed through without any danger, and light slowly began to appear in front of them, and The fire light is different, there is a blue light coming from the front, the little guy is already very confused, the feathers have completely lost their luster, and he is a little confused.

"It's so cold, it's so hot, it's so uncomfortable, it's very uncomfortable..." The little guy cried out again, but he poked his head out, as if he really wanted to go in.

"Little Tiantian, what happened to it?" Ziying was very worried.

"It's nothing, everything is ahead, let's go in!" Tian Fan whispered.

They walked through the barrier of flames and came to another space. Just as they stepped into this field, before they had time to see their surroundings clearly, in an instant, extreme coldness and destructive flames surged at the same time, making people including Tianfan Everyone inside felt a sense of horror, and felt their hairs stand on end.

The protective barrier outside the Demon Palace Son and Longma's body instantly shattered, half of their bodies were frozen, and the other half was scorched, as if it was about to melt, and they couldn't help but let out a scream. Standing on Ziying's shoulders, she was sheltered and was not harmed.


Tianfan roared loudly, the divine splendor surged above his body, and the divine light domain became dazzling, instantly enveloping the Son of the Demon Palace and Longma in it, blocking the source of destruction outside, but he also trembled a bit, At this moment, the Divine Light Domain was violently impacted.

"Then...that...what is it!"

The dragon horse swallowed hard, quickly activated its divine power, and repaired the injured body. At this moment, it was shrouded in the domain of Tianfan's divine light. They were not in danger. They finally saw the scene in front of them clearly. With the cold air that freezes everything, on the right is a red flame lotus, filled with heat that melts everything.

One blue and one red, the two colors of divine light flashed alternately, from cold to hot, the energy of two different attributes intertwined together, and the air of destruction filled the entire space.

"Damn, this is the legendary Ice and Fire Heaven?!"

The Holy Son of the Demon Palace cursed in a low voice, just now, he and Ryoma almost went to the Western Paradise to report, those two energies were simply too terrifying, almost comparable to the death storm in the depths of the ancient battlefield.

"Youlan holy flame! Red lotus fire!"

Compared to them, Tian Fan was even more shocked than they were. He never thought that he could see such a legendary thing, and he finally understood why the little guy had such a reaction before, and unexpectedly met him here. The ancestor of the fire source when the world was created.

(End of this chapter)

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