Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 568 The Ultimate Secret

Chapter 568 The Ultimate Secret
Demon Scorpion Ridge, this is a well-known ferocious place in hell, because there is an unrivaled demon sealed here. In the early years, it roared every day, and the sound shook the sky, overwhelming the surrounding fields.

At that time, a few extremely powerful evil spirits passed by here unintentionally, but they were instantly shattered into powder, which really shocked some powerful evil spirits, so over the years, this place has become a restricted area, and no one Monsters dare to approach here.

"As early as millions of years ago, you already had no future, let alone breaking out from hell..." The ancestor of Phoenix looked very calm, looking like a dream, like a picture scroll, and fell silent For a long time, I spoke at this moment.

She looks like a middle-aged woman, graceful and luxurious, with extraordinary temperament, and more importantly, beside her, the power of the avenue between heaven and earth gathers like a stream, surrounding her in the center.

" turned out to be you! Damn Phoenix Patriarch, you are here!" The ground below shook violently, and the evil master roared angrily, as if he had a great hatred with Phoenix Patriarch, saying: "You came here again, do you think you can kill me! Back then, in your heyday, you could only seal the deity. Now, do you think that you can get the deity with a few ants as helpers? "

Such words came from the mouth of a saint, and the angry tone shocked Tianfan and others. This person was actually sealed by the ancestor of Phoenix himself.

"She...she sealed a saint?"

"It really is an ancestor-level character, even a saint can be sealed, it's too powerful!"

Everyone was shocked. The Phoenix Patriarch was indeed powerful. He was worthy of being the guardian totem god of the human race. The legendary supreme existence even sealed the saints. You must know that it is almost difficult to distinguish between existences of that level. Negative, and they can obviously feel the power of the evil master, and I am afraid that even among the saints, they also have a certain power.

The little phoenix's eyes glowed even more, the ancestor of their clan was so powerful, the little guy was naturally very happy.

"You are too arrogant. You must know that the sky is vast and boundless, and there are so many forces that can restrain you. Even if you are not holy, you can still have the ability to threaten you." The tone of the Phoenix Patriarch gradually became majestic, with a wave of A powerful aura spread out from her body, and she said indifferently: "Do you think I really can't kill you?"

Anyone can see that although the ancestor of Phoenix is ​​no longer in its heyday, this aura is powerful and makes people tremble. This natural breath is enough to make people feel horrified.

At this time, she deliberately exuded a strong coercion, and pressed towards the seal below, causing the so-called evil master below to groan on the spot.

"I didn't kill you back then, of course I had my reasons!"

At this moment, she stared at the Xie Zun below who was attacking the power of the seal, her words seemed indifferent, without the slightest emotion, the space shook violently, since Tianfan and others saw the ancestor of Phoenix, this It was the first time she exuded such a powerful coercion, and the holy level waves rolled down, as if she wanted to refine the evil master in it.

"Deliberately sealed? Why?"

Everyone was a little surprised. They didn't know why Ancestor Fenghuang didn't kill this demon in the past, but just as Ancestor Fenghuang himself said, Tian Fan and others also believed that if Ancestor Fenghuang did not kill the evil spirit back then, there must be her reason.

However, the ancestor Phoenix did not answer everyone's questions. Her eyes were extremely deep, as if she had pierced through that layer of fire element seal. She stared at the evil master below, and talked about another matter that had been buried forever.

"In the past, the great world of the Dao of Heaven was so powerful. There were so many supreme beings, and there were countless saints. They stood at the peak of the six realms, maintaining the peace and stability of the entire sky..." the ancestor of the Phoenix said, with some longing, some nostalgia , said: "The world where the human race lived in the past was the most powerful world except the great world of heaven. Even the emperor of heaven was deeply in awe, and was considered by the saints to be the cradle of the strong."

"It was a peaceful world, a glorious age!"

The ancestor of Phoenix was originally a saint, and he was the best among the saints. He was unparalleled in strength, and it goes without saying that he had a high state of mind. But at this moment, that luxurious body was a little heaving, his words contained murderous intent, and his eyes were extremely cold. : "But now, that era is called the ancient times, ancient times, ancient times by later generations, what an ironic and ridiculous name!"

"Old Ancestor, what's wrong with you?" Little Phoenix flew over despite being a little scared.

Tianfan and the others were silent and didn't speak. They just looked ahead and waited for the next words from the guardian totem god of the human race. The most secret that can only be known in the realm above the supreme.

The Phoenix Patriarch calmed down, patted Little Phoenix, and then spoke again: "The era back then would have lasted forever, but it came to an end in the hands of a few moths. They were ambitious and wanted to Controlling reincarnation in the hands of myself and others, it is those few people who colluded with the evil saints of the other world, and caused trouble during the sacrifice of the Heavenly Dao Holy Sword, which led to the end of the Heavenly Dao Great World."

"That was the catastrophe of all the immortals and gods. A generation of peak saint kings, the master of the world of heaven and the world disappeared, and the glorious ancient era came to an end at that moment!"

This is the sorrow of all the gods and gods at the beginning, the six paths of reincarnation, because the great world of heaven was destroyed, the six paths seemed to collapse an Optimus Prime, and the reincarnation in the dark fell into dead silence at that time, like a water wheel The rotation stopped, and the other four big worlds were successively captured.

" old fellow, how could you know these things!" Xie Zun didn't hit the seal anymore, he seemed a little surprised, but then he sneered and said: "Haven't you already entered hell! How could you still Will you know what's going on outside?!"

In fact, not only him, but also Tianfan and others seemed puzzled. Before the ancestor of Phoenix entered hell, the Emperor of Heaven was still alive. Once the eternal seal is closed, he will not know all the information of the outside world. Even saints are no exception. Did Zu ever get out of hell?This is almost impossible, even a saint cannot break the space barrier of hell.

"Hmph!" The ancestor of Phoenix snorted coldly, and said: "You don't need to talk to me, don't think you are so strong, in my eyes, it is really nothing, didn't I say that today will be yours Doomsday, when I sealed you up and didn't kill you on the spot, there is naturally a reason for me."

"You, don't blow your breath!" Xie Zun was obviously very unconvinced, but at the next moment, he screamed.

The Phoenix Patriarch raised his right hand, and shot down a beam of fire, which actually directly penetrated the power of the seal, severely wounding the evil spirit within, causing Tianfan and the others to stare wide-eyed. This turned out to be a one-way mysterious seal , the energy outside the seal can be injected into it, but the energy inside cannot be released. This is a mysterious magic circle that is far more powerful than the five-element seal.

"Today, the legendary son of prophecy appeared. Some things were meant to be told to them. It doesn't matter if you hear them. You will hardly leave alive. You are destined to become fertilizer and their nourishment!" Phoenix Patriarch glanced at Tian Fan, Turning around, the voice was indifferent, and said: "At the beginning, you dispatched three saints to collude with the emperor's personal guard team to attack, but so what, even though the emperor was seriously injured, he still killed all three of them! "

Tian Fan nodded, remembering something. When he was in the Bronze Palace, there were quite a few dead bones next to that stalwart corpse. Even though it had been gone for millions of years, some of them still exuded overwhelming coercion. If he hadn't been protected by the sword spirit of the holy sword of heaven, he would have been shattered by that force. Today, after listening to the words of the ancestor of Phoenix, he finally understood that it turned out to be the bones of three saints.

"When the Emperor of Heaven was sitting, he sent the key of the eternal seal to the human world, and one of his thoughts was sent to hell!" The ancestor of Phoenix snorted coldly, and in her palm, a round of faint formations emerged, red The light flickered, and hundreds of ancient characters lingered around, making it difficult to understand.

Tian Fan was startled immediately, because at this moment, the undead scroll on his body reacted, vibrated autonomously, and flew out of his arms with a shimmering light.

"This is!"

Everyone was extremely surprised, because they found that the array map in the hands of the ancestor of Phoenix was exactly the same as the mysterious pattern on the scroll of the undead, and it was another key that could open the eternal seal!

(End of this chapter)

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