Chapter 590
The sky is blue, the air is fresh, and in the dark cave, a piece of pure land unexpectedly appeared here. It is an extremely peaceful world, which is beyond everyone's surprise.

The aura here is extremely strong, almost turning into a liquid state. All kinds of alien creatures that have been extinct in the prehistoric era pass by, their pupils are very bright. In this world, even the originally ferocious beasts have lost what they should have. cruelty.

The world is shrouded in mist, and the pleasant air comes oncoming, making people feel peaceful. Sometimes you can see colorful rainbow lights, and you have a feeling that you are about to fall into the realm of enlightenment.

"This mountain is really extraordinary. It really... looks like a giant..." In this world, a towering black mountain stands on the horizon, with a majestic and vast aura coming towards you. It was surprising that even the three people in the Qi Realm spoke, and they had to be shocked.

"If this is really an incarnation of a person, what a terrifying cultivation it should be!" They walked a big circle around the black mountain and conducted a comprehensive inspection, but no matter from which aspect Look, this great mountain looks like an ancient giant.

"Is this the legendary Dark Emperor? Was it sealed here?" Long Ma said suddenly.

As soon as its words came out, several people were shocked, but they ruled out this possibility after thinking about it for a while. If the Dark Emperor was sealed in this place, it is impossible for this place to have such a peaceful atmosphere. Dirty and uneasy, because the Dark Emperor itself is evil, and because of this, the power of darkness is called the taboo power of evil.

The ancestor of Phoenix once said that there has never been any evil power in this world, only evil people, who use it for righteousness will lead to righteousness, and use it for evil to bring about evil.

Tian Fan was deeply touched by the words of this old ancestor. Although it seemed ordinary, it contained many truths.

"This can never be the seal of the Dark Emperor. Our world has detailed records of that battle. At the beginning, the Dark Emperor colluded with the Celestial Human Race to invade the human world, and was beaten to death by the brother and sister of the Human Race. There was no body left at all. Next, it is impossible to be sealed here." Among the three people in the air world, someone stood up and gave an affirmative answer.

"After taking a closer look, I always feel that there is a very strange atmosphere here."

They all stepped forward, and Tian Fan stretched out his hand, but the moment he touched the black mountain, colorful rays of light flashed out, and the blood in his body seemed to have a soul, and it boiled like the Yellow River. The sound of wind and thunder made him quickly retract his palm in shock, his eyes flickered a little, and he looked forward in disbelief.

"Boy, what are you doing? You don't really think that this is the land sealed by the Dark Emperor, and you want to destroy this stone mountain?" The devil's son asked in surprise, and the others also looked at Tian Fan curiously, because just now, they all He heard the sound of blood in his body, and even saw the silver-white lightning flickering on his body surface.

The three people in the Qi Realm felt differently. They looked at Tian Fan in shock. The blood flow alone could cause such a change. It was hard for them to imagine how powerful the blood power of the white-clothed man in front of him was.

Zi Ying, Xiao Long, and Xiao Fenghuang looked over one after another with doubts on their faces.

"It's not like this..." Tianfan shook his head, his expression was a little weird, and he said in a deep voice: "I don't know why, just now, when my hand touched the mountain, it seemed that something was echoing, the blood in my body was like It burned up in an instant, and it was beyond my control."

"Evil interference?"

"Going crazy?"

Long Ma and Sheng Zi of the Demon Palace spoke one after another, and Tian Fan immediately had the urge to beat them up.

But after that, both of them became serious. They knew very well how powerful Tianfan's blood was, and it was impossible for him to fluctuate so easily. Moreover, his blood itself was the nemesis of all evil things, so it was impossible for Ken to have anything. Can interfere with his blood, unless the strength is far beyond his existence.

"I'll try it out."

The Son of the Demon Palace said in a deep voice, and slowly stretched out his hand. He took a deep breath, and then suddenly stamped his right hand on the black stone mountain.

Several people looked at him, waiting for the result of his temptation this time, without blinking their eyes.


Just for a moment, he trembled all over, and retracted his palm as if he had been electrocuted, his face was a little surprised, just like before Tianfan, he looked at his right hand, and looked at the black stone mountain ahead, full of inconceivable expressions, like It was like seeing a ghost.

"You country bumpkin, are you playing tricks?" Long Ma pursed his lips.

The Son of the Demon Palace didn't react like Tianfan just now, but suddenly his body trembled, and there was no abnormal movement, and no abnormal phenomenon occurred.

"This..." The Son of the Demon Palace was still in a daze, and he recovered after a while, and said: "Just now, my blood seemed to be scorched on top of a raging fire, and the flow speed has increased dozens of times compared to normal !"

"Fuck! Are you cheating?" Long Ma didn't believe it.

"I'm not joking with you!" The devil's son looked very serious.

Long Ma muttered a bit, but still said: "Master Ma doesn't believe it, I'll try it too."

It stretched out its face-sized hooves, imprinted on the black rocky mountain in front of it, and after a while, it twitched all over, shocking everyone, but only for a moment, this guy withdrew his claws, Looking up at the Holy Son of the Demon Palace and Tian Fan, he said, "Are you two crazy? Why is there nothing wrong with Master Ma?"

"Is it okay?" Everyone was puzzled, and said, "It's okay, why are you shaking?"

"I just had a cramp..."

Hearing this, everyone's foreheads were filled with black lines, and even the three people in the Qi Realm were speechless for a while, wanting to kick this guy hard, how can a majestic celestial being have cramps?

"Hey..." Ryoma stared at the Son of the Demon Palace strangely.

Everyone also looked over, and an old antique in the air world even touched his chin in a very unremarkable manner. The appearance was self-evident. Tianfan was born because of a vision, and everyone heard it, but the devil's son No.

"I swear by my personality, I never lied!" The Son of the Demon Palace swore to the sky.

"You...have personality?" Xiaolong asked curiously.

Son of the Demon Palace: "I..."

"I really didn't lie, what I said is absolutely true." The Son of the Demon Palace was very serious.

"Well, let me try too..."

"I want to come to play too."

Little dragon and little phoenix stepped forward one after another, one stuck its little paws on top, and the other put its little wings on top. After a while, the two little guys shook their heads, returned to Ziying's shoulders, and looked at the sky curiously. Fan and the Son of the Demon Palace.

"You bumpkin, are you sure you're not lying?" Ryoma asked again.

"You want to talk nonsense, I will kick you to death!" A black line suddenly appeared on the forehead of the devil's son.

Afterwards, the three people from the Qi Realm also stepped forward and stretched out their palms one after another, but they all shook their heads without any response. Some of them even sacrificed their divine power, but they fell into the sea like mud pellets, without the slightest reaction, and did not receive any effect.

They stared at Shishan for a long time, and then stared at Tianfan and Mogong Shengzi for a long time. The two little guys even flew around them, making them feel uncomfortable for a while. As if you are a commodity, you are accepting other people's choices.

"Then what... Ziying, you can try it too..." Tian Fan said.

"Me?" Zi Ying was stunned for a moment, pointed to herself, and said, "Oh, okay."

At this time, several people's eyes widened, and they looked at Ziying without blinking, but the little girl was startled, and she suddenly became dissatisfied, pouted her nose slightly, and said: "You don't allow this, it's terrible!" Everyone is getting nervous!"

"Everyone back, everyone back, don't disturb Xiao Yingying!" The two little guys acted immediately, urging everyone to back, like a bodyguard.


The space vibrated, golden lotuses bloomed on the earth, and auspicious streams of auspiciousness fell from the nine heavens. All kinds of rays of light transpired, a piece of sacredness, and instantly submerged the entire world in front of it.

"This this……"

The three people in the Qi Realm trembled again, even Tianfan was a little dazed, the little girl just stretched out a finger and stuck it on it, unexpectedly created such a huge momentum, stronger than him, it was beyond the surprise of all of them .

"Oh, I'm scared to death, damn it." Ziying exclaimed, and quickly jumped away, and then seemed to remember something, looked at her fingers in disbelief, and whispered to herself: "It's really strange. , I actually heard the sound of my own blood flowing just now."

(End of this chapter)

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