Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 600 The Stone Gate Opens

Chapter 600 The Stone Gate Opens

In the Hell Devil's Cave, the surroundings are pitch black, the air is humid, and even the surrounding stone walls have been dyed black. The only feeling for the few people now is that they seem to be locked in a small dark room, and it is not an ordinary small room. black house.

"Finally here, hurry up, take out the seal grinding disc!"

The three people in the Qi Realm were very excited. To strengthen the dark seal of the prehistoric age, this is their main purpose for coming to hell this time, and it can even be said to be the only purpose. Now they are about to complete the last step. Of course they are extremely excited, even if they are old antiques. I can't help but be happy.

One of them took out a sealed millstone, on which a faint white divine light emerged, and the fog was vast. This is a treasure that the celestial beings in the air world have spent millions of years sacrificially refining. Just for this moment, the three of them People read the moving secret mantra, preparing to revive it and let it show the real seal.

"and many more!"

Just when the sealing mill was about to be completely revived, Tianfan took a step forward, a piece of divine splendor flashed in his palm, and fell down, suppressing the sealing mill emitting white light, the white light shot inward, and the aura of the seal disappeared It's spotless.

"Young man, what's the matter with you? Why stop us." Although the three people in the air world had some doubts about his actions, they believed him.

"Yeah, boy, what's the matter with you, let them seal it quickly, we still have important things to do." The Son of the Demon Palace said.

Tianfan shook his head. He turned his head and looked at the stone gate in front. There was clearly a picture of five elements and eight trigrams on it, but others didn't notice it. A strange feeling arose in his heart. It's weird, it doesn't seem that simple, and it has a close relationship with him.

To this day, his cultivation has reached the peak of the heavenly immortals, and in the dark, there will always be some heavenly and human inductions. This kind of induction is more reliable than divine consciousness and the so-called spiritual perception, because his cultivation base has reached his level. The situation, and sometimes some feelings generated, may be some omens of the future.

"Forget it, seal it up." He shook his head and stepped back, but there was essence flowing in his eyes, staring at the strange portal in front of him.

The three people from the Qi Realm stepped forward, and together they sacrificed the dark stone plate before, with many ancient marks on it, like a key.

At this moment, the three of them sent divine power into it at the same time, and mysterious ancient characters surged out one by one, and floated towards the center along a specific route. In a moment, the sealing millstone floated by itself, and the white light bloomed again, with a kind of righteousness Spreading out, various patterns emerged one by one on the dark millstone, like little dragons crawling out slowly.

"This aura is really not so powerful!"

The Holy Son of the Demon Palace and the dragon horse stood at the back. They were a little surprised at the moment. At the center of the millstone, a big seal emerged, shining with a crystal light. White divine light enveloped the surroundings.

The three people in the air realm looked solemn, each holding a mysterious seal, and reciting the mysterious ancient scriptures in their mouths. On the dark millstone, the brilliance became more blazing, and slowly, a circle of broken shells fell off and fell to the ground. There is only one letter that is shining with divine light, linked with strands of divine light, like a divine chain of order.

"Those old fellows from the Qi Realm really invested a lot of money!" Lian Longma was a little surprised.

They could see that there was a huge amount of energy contained in this seal, and if it was fully released, it would be comparable to the presence of a supreme powerhouse, even almost comparable to an ancient saint.

But they were relieved when they thought about it. This was made by those celestial-level elders in the air world who spent millions of years cultivating it. After such a long time, how much divine power has been injected is simply unknown. , but it is conceivable that it is absolutely thrilling. If it does not have this power, it would be really strange.

"seal up!"

The three shouted in deep voices at the same time, and the letter shone with multicolored splendor, and it was slowly printed towards the top altar.

At this moment, the faces of the three people also showed a look of joy. As long as the seal is safely placed on the stone gate, then even if their seal is completed this time, the power of darkness will be sealed for at least a million years, unless someone The ancient sage came personally, otherwise no one would be able to open it.

They believe that, except for the Nether Spring Realm, no one will know where the seal of the power of darkness is, even the saints will not know, because this is a secret of the prehistoric era, and only the old antiques of the Qi Realm and the Nether Spring Realm know it. Of course, the two saints of the human race also knew that this was what they sealed back then, but they obviously wouldn't say it.

The means of the brother and sister back then were absolutely against the sky. As long as there is enough energy to support the dark seal, even the real ancient saints may not be able to break it. This is when they came here, the elders of their clan I said it myself.


The seal flashed with colorful divine splendor, and it landed on the altar above without any accident. With a flicker of light, the sacred aura bloomed and spread across the fields, and then it was absorbed in. The ancient and simple stone gate exudes circles of ancient mysterious lines , the surrounding dark atmosphere quickly melted away.

"All right!"

The three people in the air world said in surprise, they could feel that the dark atmosphere around them had completely disappeared, and that depressing feeling was no longer there. A kind of anger, like an ancient god awakened from a deep sleep.

"That's the end?" Long Ma was a little surprised, and said, "Isn't this too simple?"

"This seal is the last page of mentality combined with the awe-inspiring righteousness of our world and the endless power of God as a source of energy, so this process will not last long. As long as the seal is fused with Shimen, the brothers and sisters will be left behind." The seal will naturally be activated again, and it will be as strong as before, and the saint may not be able to break it." A person from the air world explained.

"Okay, then we'll take this."

Zi Ying opened her mouth, flicked her right hand, and a purple-gold divine pattern emerged. This is the five-element magic circle. The little girl has teleported to a very high level of practice. With her cultivation base, she only needs to step up two small steps to reach the supreme level. Domain, you can move across the world.

The few people were naturally shocked. This kind of method is definitely not something that ordinary hands can achieve. The three people in the air world looked a little surprised. They naturally knew about this kind of magic. In the world, although it has not reached the supreme realm, there are few people who can match it. Once the Five Elements Sacred Law comes out, all the powerful will retreat.

They turned around one after another, and walked towards the divine pattern light array, but at this moment, Tianfan shuddered and stopped.

"What's wrong with you, Xiao Tiantian?" Zi Ying asked curiously.

Tian Fan frowned. At this moment, the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams in his body vibrated spontaneously. Although he tried his best to suppress it, this trend did not weaken. It continued to increase, and the vibration frequency of the Divine Map became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, with him as the center, the origins of the eight worlds, the holy power of the five heavens and the earth, the primordial chaos, and various auras emerged at the same time.

"Boy, what are you doing?" The Demon Palace Saint Son exclaimed.

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" Even the little guy asked, lying on Ziying's shoulder, looking at Tianfan curiously.


At the same time, the Shimen behind him was shining brightly, and in the very center, the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams shone with mysterious brilliance, and the divine map in Tian Fan's body vibrated more violently. At this moment, Tian Fan could no longer suppress it, and the divine map appeared spontaneously on top of its head.


Several people were surprised. At this time, they finally saw clearly the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams diagram on the ancient stone gate. They compared it back and forth, and it was exactly the same as the divine diagram above Tian Fan's head. Even the patterns on the top were exactly the same. carved out of a mold.

"How could this be? Why is there a picture of the five elements and eight trigrams on the stone gate, which is exactly the same as his, even the breath is the same, how is this possible!"

The Holy Son of the Demon Palace exclaimed, he knew very well that the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams Diagram is Tianfan's original supernatural power, and it is impossible for others to understand it. It's just in shape, and it doesn't have the breath of a divine figure at all.

"'s going on!"

The faces of the three people in the air world are not very good-looking. If something happens at this time, all previous efforts will be wasted. If something happens to the dark seal and the power of darkness is broken, it will not be something they can bear.


A moment later, there was a crisp sound, and the faces of the three people in the Qi Realm suddenly turned pale, and Zi Ying and the others were also shocked. The quaint stone gate in front of them opened a gap slowly at this moment. As time went by, this gap became wider and wider, and it was about to be completely opened.

(End of this chapter)

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