Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 602 Refining Darkness

Chapter 602 Refining Darkness
The three people in the air world suddenly activated the mysterious magic seal, which shocked the Holy Son of the Demon Palace, because this breath was much stronger than the combat power they had manifested before, and it was not the same at all.

"Oh dog sellers, what are they doing!"

Fierce golden lights bloomed in this world, and the three of them each occupied a position. Using the golden armor on their bodies as a guide, they pinched the mysterious magic seal in their hands, and the surrounding void was turbulent. The aura is extremely powerful, making the little guy from the Dou Zhan Saint Clan murmur a little.

"Don't do it..."

Tianfan's voice came, and at this moment he still turned his back to everyone, but there was a mysterious force vibrating around him. This was the power of nothingness. The white divine light flashed in the void like lightning. The San Ju seal was suppressed on the spot, the divine splendor dissipated, and the slightly pale faces of the three of them gradually turned rosy.

"Damn it, is it true that my uncle's memory is confused? Isn't that the three seals?"

The Son of the Demon Palace opened his mouth, and he found it inconceivable that the Sanju Seal could be suppressed so easily. In his impression, the three of them working together to cast this magical technique would definitely be enough to trap the powerful existence of the Heavenly Immortal the next day. No matter how powerful Tian Fan was, he was still only at the peak of the Celestial Immortal. How could he disintegrate that mysterious seal like this.

"Don't waste your vitality needlessly. Things are not as bad as you think. Don't worry, just watch quietly."

His left eye was pitch-black, but his right eye was as clear as water. The two diametrically opposed temperaments converged on one person at the same time, which seemed so weird, but now it happened for real. It was unacceptable, but it was unacceptable. do not accept.


The three people in the air world looked horrified, looking ahead, their faces were full of astonishment and shock. The three seals are a magic law in their world. In the eyes of the celestial beings, the law that can be called a magic spell is enough to show its power and terror However, this moment was so easily destroyed by the other party.

Thinking back for a while, they felt even more horrified. The power just now was too mysterious, even more astonishing than the original energy.


In front of him, Tian Fan's hands moved again, his left eye was still pitch black, and occasionally there would be a flash of lightning, every time his hands moved, the void would tremble slightly, rippling mysterious waves like water ripples Spread out.

In front of it, the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams map above the void rotates slightly. Although the momentum is not very grand, it gives people an illusion, as if there is not a map, but a piece of the original world, a piece of the original world that has existed since ancient times. world.

"That picture, it... it moved, and it floated towards Tianfan boy." The vertical slit between Longma's eyebrows was still open, and he said in surprise: "Could it be to plot against him?"

As soon as it finished speaking, a pink fist swung over, so the poor Ryoma had a black eye, looked at Ziying slightly wronged, and said, "We were just joking... "

"It's not funny at all..." Xiaolong said, leaning on Ziying's left shoulder.

Ryoma: "I..."

Ahead, the image of the five elements and eight trigrams sliding down from the stone gate is like a full moon, and it is also like a divine light wheel. Leaving the stone gate at this moment, it slowly flies towards the top of Tian Fan's head. Wherever it passes, the space is like The water patterns moved away, like water curtains.

Tianfan seemed very calm, the trajectories of his hands remained unchanged, but became smoother and smoother, and at the end, the vibrations of the empty space became more intense. At this moment, everyone clearly felt the mysterious energy fluctuation.


Finally, the two five-element and eight-diagram diagrams collided together, bursting out with a dazzling divine light. Everyone closed their eyes subconsciously. When they opened their eyes again, they all widened their pupils. Above Tianfan's head, the five elements The eight trigrams map has been enlarged by more than two times, and the lines on it have become very clear, like a piece of divine jade.

The aura it exudes is extremely vast. From the eyes of everyone, this divine map seems to have reached a special state. They feel like a reservoir is filled with water. At this moment, it reflects a saturated state, divine light Overflowing, endless energy, those lines are like a holy circle.

Tianfan raised his head and looked towards the top of his head. His expression was a little heavy. In his eyes, it was no longer an energy map, but more like a sky, which belonged to the human race.

"I won't lose!"

He murmured to himself, and finally lowered his head, his immortal body trembled slightly, time and space vibrated at the same time, and the sun, moon and stars were floating in his eyes.

He stared forward, moved his hands together, and formed a series of mysterious seals. It was the mysterious ancient method he had just comprehended. On top of his head, the five elements and eight trigrams diagram slowly appeared, without the slightest fluctuation of energy.

"Five elements and eight trigrams seal, open!"

On top of his head, the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams map exudes a faint divine brilliance, and with his gestures, it goes towards the stone gate. At that place, a faint curtain of divine light emerges, on which is a perfect Eight Diagrams imprint. Under Tianfan's handprint, it slowly rotated and finally disappeared into nothingness.


Just for a moment, an extremely terrifying and powerful aura erupted, broke through the stone gate, and came out in a mighty manner. This space was plunged into endless darkness in an instant, and I couldn't see my fingers. An aura that made everyone feel depressed and palpitated quickly permeated the entire space.

"What is this, could it be!"

"The power of darkness is finally born!"

The trembling voices of the three people in the Qi Realm came out, almost desperate. Their world and the Nether Spring Realm are old enemies, and they know the horror of this power best. It is definitely not groundless, it is extremely terrifying, and it is the most terrifying power. good adjective.


Ziying's expression was calm and she looked very calm. On her body, the purple divine splendor shone, and a mysterious purple shirt emerged, instantly propping up a purple barrier of light, blocking all the power of darkness outside, Everyone is sheltered in it.

The ancestor of the Phoenix once said that this is a sacred garment handed down from generation to generation, it is absolutely powerful, and Ziying's cultivation base is not weak, not to mention that in the human world, he also subdued the source of the curse, which is also a taboo power. very normal thing.

"Stupid horse, let's see what's going on outside." The Son of Demon Palace kicked Ryoma unceremoniously.

"I'll go, your grandpa, don't touch your grandpa!" Long Ma was immediately upset, but after he finished speaking, he felt that something was wrong, and no matter how he heard it, he felt a little weird.

The crack between its brows shone with a mysterious light, shooting out a beam of holy light, which penetrated the purple divine light curtain under the purple poppy cloth, and looked towards the place where Tianfan was standing. Shocked, almost sat down on the ground.

"Damn, Sema, are you crazy?"

"He...he...that kid is actually absorbing the power of darkness."

Longma tremblingly said, the vertical slit between the eyebrows doubled, turning into a divine light elf, and then, with a flick of his hoof, the guy drew a pattern of light in the purple enchantment propped up by Ziying, among which was Tianfan's figure at this moment.

"Damn it, that kid is really tough!" When the few people saw the scene in the light picture, they almost stared out their eyes.

At this moment, Tianfan was overwhelmed by the endless power of darkness, he was like a tiny leaf of floating dust in the sea, but such a tiny leaf of floating dust was unshakable, let him be violently stormed, and I would not move like a mountain.

His left eye was pitch-black and chaotic. At this moment, it was like a bottomless pit. He was madly absorbing the power of darkness around him. An energy vortex had already appeared there, and the power of darkness kept pouring into it. Cold sweat emerged on his face, but he didn't move, and his right eye slowly turned blood red.

"This, he is..."

The three people in the Qi Realm didn't know what to say at the moment, this man in white gave them too much shock.

The power of darkness around gradually became thinner, and everyone could already faintly see the scene in front of them. The endless power of darkness turned into streams of pure energy, all of which poured into Tian Fan's left eye. The process lasted for three full days.


The last sound came out, and all the power of darkness in this space disappeared without even a trace.

Above the void, Tianfan danced lightly in white, his left eye was pitch-black. Looking at that pupil, everyone trembled in unison. In that eye, they could clearly see that the universe was collapsing, the stars were exploding, and everything was falling apart. It returns to zero and turns into chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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