Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 605 Cutting off the Hope of the Holy Realm

Chapter 605 Cutting off the Hope of the Holy Realm
"I said boy, where are you going?"

Hell stretches as far as the eye can see, and there is no end in sight. At this moment, Tianfan is leading the way, flying straight in one direction. Under his leadership, there is a rare occurrence of no crisis on the way, and it is so peaceful that they all doubt that this place is here. In the end is not hell.

"Go give a big gift to the Celestials and Humans!" Although he was laughing, there was a murderous intent brewing.

The human world is now almost reduced to a piece of wasteland, and the human race is almost wiped out. All of this is caused by the heavenly human race. The picture of Ziying crying on the old ruins of Shangguan's house is still echoing in front of his eyes. He has already sworn that, He will not let her shed another tear, so this time, he will make the Celestials pay a heavy price.

"Tianren? Do you know where they are?"

A few people were a little surprised. In hell, although the consciousness can be used, it is suppressed very severely. It is incomparable with the outside world and cannot cover a large area. It is stronger than them. The space within a radius of several thousand feet is detected, and it is not very accurate.

Therefore, under such circumstances, finding a few people in such a huge and wide space is definitely an extremely difficult thing, like finding a needle in a haystack.

"I saw it..." Tianfan smiled and pointed to his own eyes.

They were stunned at the same time, and then relieved, those eyes are extraordinary, and now they have truly shown their power. With his current cultivation base, it is much easier to use them, as long as he does not use the mysterious power contained in those pupils to fight, Still not a big problem.

"Nimma, what a pair of useful eyes." Long Ma muttered, forget about the envy and hatred.

"The bad guy, what kind of gift are you going to give them? Why do you want to give them a big gift? Aren't they very bad?" Little Phoenix said innocently at this time. The little guy was puzzled from the beginning, and looked at Ziying , said: "That's right, sister Ying, the bad guy is going to give gifts to the Heavenly Human Race, why don't you stop him?"

The Son of the Demon Palace held his mouth shut, and said, "Little guy, don't you think he is a bad guy? Have you ever seen a bad guy give a big gift? Don't we have an old saying in the human race, so what, the weasel gives the chicken New Year's greetings, Not at ease."

When Tian Fan heard the words, a black line appeared on his forehead at that moment, why did these words sound so unpleasant!

This guy also seemed to feel that something was wrong with what he said, and added another sentence, saying: "Although the words are a bit harsh, they are almost the same, and they all mean the same thing."

"By the way, boy, what gift are you going to give them?" Long Ma asked, a little curious.

"Cut off their hope of sanctification!"

Tianfan smiled and spoke calmly, but it shook the whole world and shocked a few people.


The Holy Son of the Demon Palace is a little excited. Over the years, all the strong men in the starry sky know that several ancestors of the Celestial-Human Race are retreating to the death test in order to break through the holy realm. It is said that two of them have even taken half a step. , touched the mysterious field.

If they could cut off their hope of sanctification, it would definitely drive the Celestials crazy, even Ziying and the two little guys stared wide-eyed.

Tian Fan nodded, and the Heavenly Emperor's Token appeared, a mysterious black light flashed in his left eye, his right hand stretched out, tearing apart the void, enveloping everyone in it with the Heavenly Emperor's Token, hiding all auras , and at the same time the Divine Light Domain unfolded, leading everyone into the nothingness zone one step at a time.

Hell is vast, bigger than a big world, like an endless starry sky, and a person in it is really very small.

At this moment, on the northwest side of hell, it is covered with endless grayness, and it is a silent depression. There are five figures walking here. Their footsteps are very slow, but every time they take a step, they will disappear from the spot and appear several miles away. outside.

Several people are extremely vigorous, and their spirits are unattainable, especially the two hazy figures among them, like two sun god furnaces, they can be seen as peerless existences at a glance, with a majesty that compels surrender, which makes people tremble.

"Lord First Ancestor, we'll be there in three hours at most!" At this moment, someone spoke, his cultivation was at the peak of the Celestial Immortal, and he said to the two people at the front with a very respectful expression.

These five people belong to the Celestial Race. They are headed by the two ancestors, and there are also two immortals from the eighth heaven, and two immortals from the peak. The overlord, wherever he passed, everything surrendered, and everyone was terrified. Even some of the most powerful evil spirits carefully concealed their aura.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many crises in hell! This time we have suffered heavy losses!"

Another person spoke, this is the existence of the eight heavenly immortals, wearing a golden armor with eight clouds engraved on it, which is a symbol of dignity.

At this moment, his expression was a little gloomy. They originally had a lot of strong men who arrived, but most of them were killed or injured, and many of them were strong men at the level of celestial beings.

They walked towards the northwest edge of hell. The two ancestors of the celestial clan were named Shadi and Luo Zun. Their expressions were indifferent, and they didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, like fossils from the ages.

The other four people, their expressions were a bit ugly. Before the arrival of the two ancestor-level powerhouses, they encountered too many troubles, especially not long ago, the energy suddenly drawn from the void The storm was terrifying to the extreme. It destroyed a celestial being in an instant, leaving no bone fragments behind. Even if there were two ancestor-level powerhouses present, they couldn't protect it.

"Is there really an unrivaled holy ancestor of our clan here? Even more powerful than the first ancestor holy emperor?" Not long after walking forward, one of them whispered, this is another existence of the pinnacle of heaven, with a head green hair.

"To shut up!"

A strong man from the eighth level of immortality scolded, and that person immediately shut his mouth honestly. In the Celestial Race, the concept of hierarchy is very strong. , is still just an ant-like existence.


Suddenly, the void in front of him broke open, and a unparalleled fist blasted out from inside, which shattered half the sky at that time, as strong as a celestial being, even the eighth heavenly powerhouse changed color slightly. Bupo, two of the people with a slightly lower cultivation level retreated directly, with a bit shocked expression on their faces.

The person in the front was wearing a black armor, looking a little blurry, with an extremely indifferent expression, two bright rays of light shot out from his eyes, which immediately shattered that punch, and at the same time shattered the void on the other side, knocking several figures out of it. shake out.


A strong man from the eighth heaven of immortality drank coldly, looking at the front coldly, exuding an oppressive aura all over his body.

"It's you!"

Looking at the person who appeared on the opposite side, Shadi seemed a little surprised. In the last battle on the ancient battlefield, the ancestor-level strongman who fled back from the Celestial Race had already told them all the information about Tianfan and Ziying. They recognized several people at the first time, and their faces were extremely cold.

"it's me."

Tian Fan calmly said, facing the ancestor Shadi, beside him, in the Divine Light Domain, Zi Ying and the others were very calm, and at the top, the Heavenly Emperor Order suspended, it is it that cooperates with the Divine Light Domain to isolate all breaths, so that Unrivaled existences as strong as the ancestors of the heavens were not discovered in the first place.

"He... his grandfather, this kid, actually came to bump into such a peerless and ruthless person, and there are two at a time, I..."

Long Mala raised his face and his lips were trembling. Although the two of them didn't exude a strong aura, they made it tremble all over. This aura is countless times more terrifying than the Heavenly Demon of the Death Star. .

"It's you, the remnant of the human race. If you didn't hide well, you came out to die!" A strong man at the peak of the heavenly immortal shouted coldly, and his words were serious.

"The remnants? Did you decide!"

Tian Fan gave him a cold look, a powerful spiritual force burst out, soundlessly, instantly, broke through the opponent's defensive barrier, and directly hit the opponent's soul, like a knife The sharp divine sword made his body tremble at that time, and he let out a shrill scream, his face instantly became extremely pale, and his soul was cracked on the spot.

Although he abandoned the three major ancient methods, some of the special methods were not discarded, especially the divine art such as Xinyu Wuhen, which has unimaginable value and is definitely of great use to him. The mental method is just a kind of attacking holy technique, it has nothing to do with his way, and it will not conflict or hinder.

(End of this chapter)

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