Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 615 Inside the Dead Mountain

Chapter 615 Inside the Dead Mountain
In the black ancient peak, a few people walked slowly, unhurriedly and very carefully. Around them, gray mist filled the surrounding air. Looking up, the whole sky was covered with clouds, which made people feel extremely depressing. a feeling of.

"The breath of death here is too strong, and it is not at the same level as what we have encountered before." The devil's son said.

In the human world, he has been to the dark abyss, killed blood demons in the world of no desire, broke through the evil secrets under the holy religion, and killed many evil spirits. The ghost's dilapidated dead island has long been accustomed to the breath of death, but compared with this place, those places are so far away that they cannot be compared.

"This is the place where the power of death is sealed. It is different from the general breath of death, so it cannot be generalized." Tian Fan said.

He has been to the forgotten Great World of Heaven and Dao. Outside the Bronze Immortal Palace, the boundless breath of death is like waves. There is almost no place that can compare there, not even the ghost town of the capital of the undead. , It's much worse, but the death breath in such a place can't be compared with that here, it's not at the same level.

"Yes, the breath of death here is less disgusting and obviously purer."

The Son of the Demon Palace nodded. He majored in killing, so he naturally had a great understanding of the breath of death, and he himself could exude the breath of death, but compared with this place, it was obviously not at the same level.

The power of death here is much higher. It can be said that they have undergone a qualitative change, far stronger than the general death breath.

"The so-called taboo power, darkness, curse, and death, these three powers can all be regarded as a kind of original force, which is different from the death breath produced by decaying corpses and killing. Although they are all death breaths, but what they contain The level of standing is quite different." Longma also spoke, it has stayed in the Death Star for a full 30 years, and it still has a little understanding of the way in it.

They walked towards the depths of the ancient peak, and there was a lot of gray mist along the way. They probably knew that these were bits of breath leaked from the death seal, which made the entire black ancient peak appear in such a state, Walking among these ancient peaks, even someone as strong as them can feel a kind of coldness.

"Who cut off this kind of mountain in the past? It's simply too terrifying. What a terrifying method is needed!"

They couldn't help feeling that this mountain was too big to imagine, but half of it was chopped off by life.

Destroying half of the main peak was not the reason for their shock. The main reason for their shock was because the gap in the section was extremely smooth, as if it had been polished with water and stones. If there were no shocking means, it would be impossible to do this step.

Tian Fan deeply felt this way. When he was in the Great World of Heavenly Dao, half of the mysterious stele was cut off by a sword, which was exactly the same as this ancient peak. severed.

You must know that the holy sword at that time had been enchanted, and it was the most peak existence, comparable to the peak saint, or even stronger. The cross section of this mountain was exactly the same as the stone tablet at that time. How terrible is the person who cut off this ancient seal, with extraordinary means, at least he is also a super ancient sage.

"Wouldn't it be the saint of your human race who cut it off?" Ryoma was puzzled.

"It's not impossible, but these are not things we can get involved in." The Son of the Demon Palace said.

They walked all the way, Tianfan would stop from time to time, seeing through the emptiness with his divine eyes, his eyes sparkled, and then moved forward again. They walked nearly a mile. This stone peak may not seem big, but It seems that there is a big world in it, very wide.

"You've been looking at it for a long time, what's weird about it?"

Longma asked Tianfan, this place is not a good place at first glance, there is silence within a radius of several thousand meters, not even a single reptile, quiet and evil, it is definitely a restricted area, even evil spirits dare not set foot on weekdays here.

"There are many residual lines, and... not very attractive things." Tian Fan said.

"Things that are not very attractive, I am dizzy, Master Ma knew there would be such things." Long Ma wailed.

"Boy, are you sure that the power of death is also sealed by the saints of the human race?"

The Son of the Demon Palace is a little worried, the atmosphere here is very unusual, if there is no other 'thing', he wants to practice here forever, it will definitely greatly improve his cultivation.But, how could this kind of place be really peaceful all the time? Even if Tianfan didn't say anything, they could still think with their toes that there must be many "aboriginal people" here, and they would definitely not welcome their arrival .

They dared to come in because they thought it might be the territory left by the saints of the human race, otherwise, they would confess it here in all likelihood, and sometimes, even an ancient pattern could make their entire army Annihilation, not to mention so many accidents, in short, this is not a good place.

"Don't worry, my feeling is not wrong, and even if this is not the seal left by my human saint, with the Heaven Extinguishing Sword, we can still break through. If the saint does not come out, no one can keep us." Tianfandao.

"Yes, I will protect you!" Zi Ying patted her chest confidently.

Everyone was also relieved. Indeed, it was not the first time that they had seen Zi Ying's supreme holy power when she was in control of the Mie Tian Sword. It was really hard for anyone to resist, even for a semi-holy existence. do it.With the cultivation base of the seventh heaven of immortals, if he controls a peak holy sword, if he can't beat the supreme powerhouse, then this peak holy weapon will be called for nothing.


Not long after they moved forward, they came to a barrier similar to a cliff. There was a black ancient tree in front of them. Several black crows stood on the branches, full of death, flapping their wings on the top of the branches, making a piercing sound. The cry was full of coolness, which made people's hearts unbearable.


A long howl of the demon ape came out, almost shrill and mournful, echoing between the black ancient peaks, a strange wind blew up around, blowing away the gray mist in the air, several people followed the reputation, there Where is the magic ape?It was clearly a person, to be exact, a ghost.

Its eyes are blood red, its head is full of green hair, and its eye sockets are sunken. It looks like two black holes, like a mummy. Its face is covered with scales. Most importantly, it has a thick hair. dead air.

At this moment, it was hugging a bone that didn't know what it was, and its teeth were about to fall out, but it kept biting there, and a foul-smelling yellow liquid flowed out.


It let out a roar that made people's scalp numb. It grabbed the bone with its right hand. Outside its body, there was a black devilish energy, and it rushed towards them.

"Damn, this old guy really has no eyes, why don't we just come for a tour, no one will grab your bones, crawl to the side and gnaw!"

The Son of the Demon Palace said, exerting force on his feet, a stream of light emerged from the soles of his feet, and flew along the ground pulse, knocking the human ghost out, and fell into a pile of rocks, without any movement.

(End of this chapter)

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