Chapter 620
"Damn, what a fucking boring thing!"

Ryoma was a little dazed, and then very angry. His nose was spraying white smoke, because it found that the vines on its buttocks were still not removed, and they were still beating rhythmically. It can be described as... blatantly , daring!
"Wow, what are these!"

There is no doubt that in such a scene, there will be no one else who can say such a relaxed word in this tone except Ziying.

Behind them, there are groups of black ancient trees densely packed at this moment, all of them standing upright. There are two dark holes in the trunk, like two eyes, and endless vines are all around, covering the entire high sky. There was no sound when it moved, and even a peerless expert like Ziying didn't notice it.

"They were born under the ancient saint-level patterns, nourished by the breath of death, and now they are almost demons, blinding our perception." Tianfan said.

The path they took was relatively narrow, but it was the safest shortcut under the holy-level ancient pattern. The ancient trees on both sides were within the coverage of the pattern. He guessed that these things came after the ancient pattern was arranged. It just grew out, and it is precisely because of this, because of the relationship between the ancient formation, the perception of the few of them was blocked.

After all, it was something left by a saint, which made Tian Fan frown, not because his eyes couldn't see through it, but because those ancient trees were directly covered by the formation pattern, after all, it was a holy formation pattern. If so, it's impossible to find out.

Moreover, it is impossible for him to maintain those eyes all the time. Generally, after seeing clearly for a certain distance, he will remember it in the sea of ​​consciousness with his spiritual consciousness. Otherwise, his divine power and body will be too much.

"Brother Ma, what, do you want to eat it straight away, or bake it?" The Demon Palace Shengzi said seriously, then stared at a certain place, and said suspiciously: "Is there anything wrong with these guys?" Ask you? My uncle found that they seem to have been... well, flattering!"

"I'll go, bastard, you uncle, can you not urge Master Ma!" The dragon horse's nose was almost crooked, and a flame shot out from its body, shooting forward, forcing the one who was still beating its butt to retreat.


The surrounding ancient trees swayed, filled with an extremely strange atmosphere, those black vines looked like vines, there were many things like suckers on them, it looked a little disgusting, but in fact, it was indeed disgusting. People gag.

"My god, is this the legendary treant?" On Ziying's shoulders, the two little guys blinked their eyes, not only did not have a trace of fear, but looked forward to it.

"What are you talking about, I tell you to read more and eat less. What kind of tree man is this? It's clearly a tree demon who has become a climate." The devil's son pursed his lips, and continued: "Also, don't add everything. A legend, can a little demon at the level of a treant be considered a legend? That perverted horse over there can collapse to death if it farts."

"You bastard, we are familiar with each other, but when you teach the younger generation, don't compare it with Mr. Ma." Long Ma stared at the devil's son viciously, then seemed to remember something, looked at him strangely, and said: "Are you flattering?"

"I..." The Son of the Demon Palace wanted to kick this shameless narcissistic horse to death right now.


The sound of flying vines kept coming out, it was the sound of friction with the air, and in just a moment, they were trapped in the middle.

Because of the ancient holy formation, they couldn't move left and right, but these tree demons could, and were not affected by the ancient lines here. Tian Fan frowned slightly after opening his eyes, these ancient trees didn't seem to grow naturally It came out as if someone had planted it in the ground before.

"Did the saint who sealed the power of death do it? Why are you so boring?" After listening to Tian Fan's analysis, Longma held back his mouth and was the first to speak.

"Shut up dead horse, people standing at that height naturally have their own plans and goals, which are beyond the comprehension of a little cultivator like you," said the Holy Son of the Demon Palace.

Ryoma did not refute it. Today, it is already a transcendent existence at the peak of the celestial beings, and it can look down on the common people, but at a certain level, compared to the existence of the holy level, it can only be regarded as a small monk, or Not even a little monk.

"That's a lot!" Zi Ying sat on the dragon horse and opened her mouth slightly.


The ancient trees all over the ground moved, waving vines all over the sky, like a group of ghosts swaying, and the blackness turned into a pitch-black cage, covering most of the sky, pressing down on the few people, treating them as a Like a fish, you want to catch them all in one catch.

"Grandma's bear, a group of dead tree demons, so crazy!"

The Son of the Demon Palace was dissatisfied, and he slashed forward with all his might, the jet-black light of the sword tore through the void.

However, at the next moment, they all stared wide-eyed, because they were omnipotent, and the extremely sharp murderous holy dagger failed to cut off the vine, but quickly lost its luster, and finally fell with a ding, piercing into the ground without knowing it. how deep.

What surprised them even more was that the section of vine that was slashed by the Son of the Demon Palace slowly swelled up, and the sucker-like things on it were still opening and closing, as if they had eaten something delicious. , There was a creaking sound, and it seemed a little reluctant.

"Damn, what's the situation?" The guy was dumbfounded.

Tianfan frowned, as if he had thought of something, his right hand shone slightly, and he slammed in another direction without hesitation. With his current strength, even though the punch was not very strong, it was still enough to tear apart the fist. A powerful existence in the mid-term of a fairy.

However, the situation is exactly the same as that of the Holy Son of the Demon Palace. Although the punch light he blasted hit the vines there head-on, it had no effect and did not hurt those vines at all. Qi Qi swelled up like the Son of God.

Tianfan frowned, and then he punched four different directions with different strengths. In the end, he even took out the broken bronze spear from the space magic weapon, but the ending was still the same. Instead of shattering those ancient vines, it made them stronger.

"Oh dog seller, brother, I feel like you are feeding them food." Xiaolong said innocently.

"Be careful, these vines are extraordinary and can absorb divine power." Tian Fan reminded.

"How do you really know?" Ryoma was puzzled.

Tian Fan despised him, squinted at this guy, and said, "Do you think I was playing with those punches just now?"

"If you don't use divine power, don't use it. If it's a big deal, let's fight hand-to-hand. I won't believe it. These vines are stronger than the physique of a celestial being."

The Son of the Demon Palace said, he punched forward with his body, but the result surprised him, these vines were unimaginably tough, he felt like punching on a sponge, there was nowhere to focus, and it made him Jing Yi even more What's more, when his right fist came into contact with the vines, the divine power in his body suddenly lost a lot, along his arm, it sank into the suckers on the opposite side, and then, undoubtedly, the vines in that piece instantly swelled Quite a lot.


At this time, there was that gloomy laughter outside, and a strange black wind blew over. They still had the same pair of blue-red eyes, staring at the few people with a strange and vicious light, and even more so. There is more of a joke.

"Damn it! Fuck your grandpa, laugh at your uncle!"

Longma was completely upset, this black wind followed them from the very beginning, erratic, always provoking them like this, even the mud bodhisattva is a bit angry, let alone an old monster like Longma, it is absolutely impossible to endure this guy .


It stomped on the ground vigorously, circles of divine patterns spread out, its hair became brighter, and a huge horseshoe appeared in the sky, covering the entire high sky, and the divine light soared. This is the magical power of the dragon horse , even Tianfan was taken aback, it was really very powerful.


Hidden in the black strange wind, those blue-red eyes let out a vicious sneer, and then quickly disappeared into nothingness. Ryoma's magical power directly penetrated the void, stepping down on countless vines below.


The vines trembled, and countless suckers emerged, making a creaking sound, and they all went up to them, as if they were cheering, ready to welcome the most delicious food, and then when they were half a meter away from them, the huge divine light leg It dissipated into the air in a blink of an eye.

"Furthermore, you still want to take advantage of it. You are the bumpkin who is the horse master? I won't give you these evildoers if you go away." Long Ma said very proudly.

Those black vines seemed to be able to understand what it said, and they were very angry at the moment. The endless vines danced wildly, like devils one by one, and quickly pressed down on several people.

(End of this chapter)

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