Chapter 626
At this moment, Tian Fan stood above the void, pinched the mysterious seal with his left hand, and the mysterious method obtained from the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams diagram in the Dark Demon Cave unfolded. He clenched his fist with his right hand, combined with the power of various supernatural powers, and smashed the old Taoist priest out with a bang.

Above the void, the five-colored divine jade bead bloomed with soft rays of light, floating in front of Tian Fan like that. He slowly stretched out his hand and spread his palms flat, as if feeling some kind of induction, the five-colored divine jade bead flew towards his palm autonomously , staying there, Tianfan suddenly felt a gentle energy pouring into his body.

"This is……"

He was a little dazed, and after a few seconds of stupefaction, he finally raised his head, glanced at the ancient cave behind him, was a little surprised, then looked towards the misty place ahead, frowned slightly, and finally relaxed slowly. Already, it seems to have figured out something.

He turned his head and looked down at the old Taoist priest. His expression was very calm, his left eye was as black as ink, like a black hole in time and space, and his right eye was blood red as fire. pressure.

The next moment, his pupils slowly recovered, and became as clear as water. It has been too long. Using those pupils for a long time made it difficult for him to support him, but he was not worried, everything was under control , even without those eyes, he still has the means to suppress the old Taoist priests.

"God body, you give me back my god thing!"

Seeing Tianfan's weird eyes disappear, the old Taoist roared, his pair of pupils were extremely dark, very similar to Tianfan's previous left eye, but only similar in shape, and his expression at this moment was ferocious, very crazy .

He was really aggrieved in this battle. He obviously had an overwhelming advantage in cultivation and combat power, but Tian Fan could control the holy formation here. He had no power to fight back. With those eyes that made him extremely afraid, he believed that he would not lose.

However, he was wrong, because he had just rushed forward three steps, only three steps, a huge golden magic hand descended from the sky, knocked him out with a bang, and flew out like a scarecrow, killing the people behind him. Several mountains were smashed to pieces.

"You! You! How dare you fight this king with your real strength!" The old Taoist roared, urging Tianfan to fight.

"Who are you? What qualifications do you have to fight me?"

In this regard, Tianfan made a direct move. Although the others did not move, holding the five-colored divine jade beads, they evolved a holy-level ancient formation in their hearts, merged with the golden magic formation, and almost melted into one. High above the sky, suppressing the old Taoist priests below.


Pressed down by the golden divine light, it was like a divine fist breaking through time and space, without any warning, and the speed was unimaginable. Although the old Taoist priest is very powerful, he is only in the realm of the celestial beings. How can he compete with the ancient holy formation?He was blown away by this force on the spot.

"This kid..."

Mogong Shengzi and the others were a little dazed, thinking that Tianfan was like a beast at the moment, but they thought about it, damn, when he was fighting, he didn't look like a beast.

In the end, they could only mourn in silence for the old Taoist priest, because it was really tragic, meeting the monstrous Tianfan, and being able to control the ancient holy formation in this area, probably something he never dreamed of.

At this moment, Tianfan activated the holy pattern with his thoughts, and the old Taoist flew out on the spot, and his body was smashed into pieces for the second time. The figure like a god behind him became even fainter and almost disappeared. It is obvious that the aura of the old Taoist priest has dropped a lot, and even the aura of death is no longer as strong as before.

This is an absolute suppression!

"Give it back to the king!"

The old Taoist yelled, his ghostly aura was soaring to the sky, the evil aura on his body suddenly became stronger again, his two pitch-black pupils flickered with madness, and he rushed towards Tianfan above the void, but he was destined not to succeed, because he was only Just two steps up, it was overwhelmed by the golden divine light.

"Do you think that the person who left you had no defense at all? Prove it with a dead body, since they dared to do this, do you think they didn't restrict your backhand? Do you really think you are invincible in this space? " Tianfan said indifferently, making the old Taoist tremble all over.

"What is that kid talking about?" The devil's son was a little puzzled.

"You... what are you talking about..." The old Taoist seemed a little frightened and dodged, but it was obvious that he understood what Tianfan meant, very well.

"Since you pretend not to understand, I will let you understand!"

Tianfan snorted coldly, and slowly raised his right hand. Not only the old Taoist priest, but also the Saint Son of the Demon Palace looked there, and saw a bloodstain that was neither long nor short on his right wrist. With his cultivation level, one can tell at a glance that this scar has just appeared not long ago, and it is definitely not the one when he sacrificed blood for the ancestor god Fuxi in the dark magic cave.

"If it wasn't at that time, then when did it stay? Was it just now, but he shouldn't have been injured just now."

Longma became puzzled. They had been paying attention to Tianfan since the beginning of the battle. Except for the first fist with the old Taoist priest, they have not been approached by the opponent since then. It is impossible for them to be injured in the battle.

Only the old Taoist showed a panicked look, as if he remembered something, he looked behind Tianfan, at the ancient cave where he had practiced before, and said tremblingly: " saw..."

"You also know that now, my blood is flowing on this piece of ancient veins, and now this piece of world, I have the final say!" Tian Fan looked at him and said indifferently.

Hearing Tianfan's words, they all looked towards the ground. After a while, they were shocked. Under the golden brilliance, there were indeed faint bloodstains flowing. It was golden blood, because there were golden blood. It's covered by the divine light, and it's really hard to find if you don't pay attention. This is undoubtedly Tianfan's divine blood. In the whole world, only his blood is golden.

He took a step forward and said: "You are the guard left by our human ancestor god to guard the bottom of this valley. The conditions and ancient methods for your practice were provided by my human saint, but you have betrayed the ancestor god's wishes. , actually wanted to seize the ancient relics they left behind!"

There is Tianfan's golden holy blood flowing in the holy circle, which is connected with his heart and will. This is a step left by the human race's supreme god. The Divine Body of Absolute Beginning who came here can suppress it. In this world, the Divine Body of Absolute Beginning is truly invincible. Unless a saint comes personally, no one can do anything to him.

This is left by the human saints who worked hard at the beginning. Only the blood of the divine body in the early days can be opened. This is a kind of introduction. With his blood, the ancient array will be transformed into a living Taoist god chain, and it will be transformed into a living god of war. Integrating with Tianfan's will, every blow is filled with the divine power of the universe, making it irresistible.

What Tianfan is controlling at this moment is the perfect ancient holy formation, and it is far stronger than ordinary holy formations. He can feel that this is left by the brother and sister back then, and its power is naturally extraordinary.As strong as an old Taoist priest, he reached the peak of the eighth heaven of immortals, but he was still defeated in the end. The so-called saint and immortal are too different.

"I don't believe it, I'm not willing, I'm going to prove the Tao soon, give it back to me!" The old Taoist roared, his face was ferocious, and his body was full of death, the phantom of the god and demon grew stronger again, and merged with the old Taoist Together, they rushed towards Tianfan.

"I have already said that this is my battlefield!"

Tianfan shook his head, but just stretched out his right hand, and the bright golden light immediately enveloped the whole world. Although the old Taoist priest merged with the phantom of gods and demons, he was still unstoppable, because at this moment, his divine blood had already flowed through. The entire ancient land of holy patterns was destroyed.

Of course, this does not mean that his blood covered the entire holy pattern, but a kind of divine power, special induction, the power of his blood penetrated the entire ancient formation.


The old Taoist roared, he rushed over and over again, even at the cost of burning his source, but he was still invincible, his momentum was obviously weakening, and he would be exhausted in the long run, even if Tianfan didn't kill him, will surely die.


In the end, he even let out a beast-like roar, which was extremely miserable, as if he was crazy, but as Tian Fan said, this is his battlefield, and even if the half saint came, he would only end up being suppressed.

"I didn't want to kill you, but you didn't have the heart to protect my human race, so staying here will definitely become a big problem..."

Tianfan shook his head indifferently, slowly raised his right hand, and then slowly pressed it down, as if driving the power of the whole world, without any surprises or doubts, the ancient holy pattern pierced the sky, and the old Taoist priest was finally wiped out in the In this region, life is born from death, and eventually dies.

(End of this chapter)

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