Chapter 16

"What nonsense are you two talking about?" Fu Jiuer suddenly jumped out from the stairs, and she could not miss a word of their conversation just now.

Talking about people behind their backs, and being caught showing up, they should be ashamed, but the two of them are unusually calm, their expressions have not changed at all, as if they knew that a third party was present just now.

The ancients praised Jing Ke, saying: A man with blood and courage turns red in anger; a man with brave pulse turns blue in face when he is angry; a man with brave bones turns pale in anger; Jing Ke is a brave man, and his face does not change when angry.

It seems that the two members of the Yin family are not in the pool!In such a chaotic situation, maybe a child was born 8000 years earlier, and there will be two more masters in Chinese history!

"Hey, dear little sister-in-law, where are you at home? I thought you didn't manage this place!" Yin Tianfang smiled as usual.

"Hmph, you also know that I am your sister-in-law. Of course this is my home. You two bad guys, don't you have nothing to do when you are full? How dare you say that brother Tianyang is having an extramarital affair, so you won't! He It’s not as bad as you guys, it can be made. And those messy newspapers, what’s so good about them? Also, who said that my body is underdeveloped? I’m 19 years old, and everything that should be developed has been developed, why? Will it be 'incomplete'? Hmph, according to me, you have bad mouths, and you feel uncomfortable if you don't find out what is right and wrong, right? Hmph! Why do you have a little bit of 'elder brother is like father, elder sister-in-law is like mother' I don't even have the consciousness!" Fu Jiu'er scolded people in the same way, but she didn't know that there were seven or eight parts of her sister-in-law Xu Yingyu in it, and the words she used were almost the same.

Facing her "cannon" reprimand, the expressions of those two remained unchanged.

"Little sister-in-law, did you hear everything we said just now?" Yin Tiankang asked slowly.

"Of course! Are you afraid that I will wrong you?" The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. How could a brother-in-law say that about his sister-in-law. "hypoplasia"?She has always felt that her figure is pretty good, although it is not a "devil figure", but it is still "bumpy".

"You heard the part about elder brother having physical needs?" Yin Tiankang asked, as if a doctor was asking about a patient's condition, and there was no room for any ambiguity.

"Yes... yes, listen... so what if you hear it?" This is a sensitive topic, Fu Jiuer couldn't help stammering.

"No way! We just care about, as our sister-in-law, what plan do you have to maintain our elder brother's health?" Are doctors as aggressive as Yin Tiankang? That's too much to bear.

In the past, Fu Jiu'er only thought that Yin Tianfang's mouth was a little bad, but he really didn't expect that even Yin Tiankang had learned it.No, they are twins, they should all have the same mouth, right?It seems that they really underestimated their third child!

"This... what does this matter to you?" Plan?If she has any plans now, it has nothing to do with Yin Tianyang; she just wants her mouth to become more fluent, so she scolded these two bad guys until they were speechless, and then fled to go upstairs.Unfortunately, that's impossible!
Seeing that she was not far from their expected goal, the two guys had wicked smiles on their faces: Humph, dear sister-in-law, the "trap" is below, come in quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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