Chapter 30

Holding the wine glass, Liu Xiaorou walked briskly to the next table, sat down on an empty seat, and said to them with a smile: "It's your turn!"

The bachelors looked at each other in bewilderment, and finally their eyes fell on Liu Xiaorou. They were all well-informed, but they couldn't predict the woman's drunken madness.

"You drink yours, don't worry about us bachelors!" Liu Xiaorou saw that Fu Jiu'er and the others were still looking at her, so she said to them "heroically", with the meaning of "breaking the pot", and staring at them until they stopped looking at her. Own.

"Have you ever had a blind date?" She asked the six bachelors present with great interest.

"I have to ask our Second Brother Fu about this, he is the one among us who has the most blind dates!" Yin Tianfang reminded her kindly, and winked at the others.

Everyone immediately agreed with understanding, "Yes, yes!"

The wine glass in front of Liu Xiaorou was never empty for a moment. She seemed to be really in high spirits, and kept drinking it for herself. She thought it was plain water, "Really? Brother Fu, the blind date scene is What does it look like? Are two people sitting face to face, not talking, but peeking at each other from time to time?" She asked with great interest.

"It's much more interesting than you imagined! Although we didn't know each other before, we still have a lot to talk about." Fu Tianci's expression was exaggerated, as if telling her that a blind date is really interesting.

"Really! I want to go on a blind date too! I'll tell my mom when I get home!" Liu Xiaorou's eyes lit up again, just like when she said "challenging is only when it's difficult".

"Huh?" The bachelors were at a loss again.They originally wanted to change the topic and make her forget what happened just now, but it seemed that they brought her into another possible "sad zone".

"I think you are drunk! You are so beautiful and so young, why do you need a blind date?" Yin Tiankang really hoped that she was drunk now, so that they would not have to act anymore.Maybe she will forget everything when she wakes up tomorrow, so it will be much easier!
"Nonsense! I'm not drunk! Come on, drink again!" Liu Xiaorou had the demeanor of a child of the ancient world, drinking, chatting, and eating meat carelessly, but the wine bottle she raised was already empty!No way?She drank it all?That is, apart from her, no one else can touch a wine bottle.

"Hehe, it's gone!" Liu Xiaorou's smile was unnatural, a little silly, her face was already red up to her ears.

It's strange to say that she was talking and laughing like a normal person, but why did she slam her head on the table the next second when she saw that the wine bottle was empty, and licked it endlessly? He licked the remaining wine on his lips, and murmured dreamily: "Lady...get off with his mother...lady! This lady... hates...being a lady...Fu beggar... Ghost, let me tell you, is it a lady...not...important, it...a virgin..."

The bachelors almost put their ears to her mouth, and only then did they fully hear her drunken words, and all of them looked at Fu Tiangu with strange expressions.

Fu Tiangu, who was happy and quiet all the time, naturally heard it too.The strange thing is that this time he didn't ignore it like usual and didn't change his face; this time, he reacted very much, really big, his face——it turned red!
(End of this chapter)

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