Chapter 41

No matter how reluctant he was, there was nothing he could do, because he had already dragged her into a restaurant.

Fu Jiu'er sneaked up and took a look, thinking: It's over, this restaurant is so luxurious, the things must be very expensive!
"Jiu'er, I've inquired about it a long time ago. Although this restaurant mainly serves western food, the ice cream is also top-notch." Yin Tianyang told her happily.

"Oh." Fu Jiuer was sullen.Look, she knew that it must be very expensive, and the ones that sell western food can be cheaper!

Yin Tianyang snapped his fingers to invite the waiter.

"Excuse me, sir, what would you like to order?" the waiter said respectfully.

"Jiu'er, look, these kinds of ice cream are very good, and they are all strawberry flavored!" Yin Tianyang opened the menu and put it in front of her.

Fu Jiu'er didn't dare to read the menu carefully, she was afraid that she would not be able to bear the price on it, so she only glanced at it twice.

Just by looking at these two eyes, she has already seen almost everything, and because of this, she almost swallowed her own tongue.Oh my god, it's not enough, isn't it just a small cup of ice cream, does it cost so much money?She sees it very clearly, the cheapest above is also in three figures, how can she get so much money to pay!

"That... I don't know if it's good or not..." She really wanted to say that if it's expensive, it doesn't necessarily taste good, but she didn't say it in the end.

"Miss, don't worry, our ice cream tastes absolutely pure, and many customers are repeat customers!" The waiter said responsibly.

"Oh, then... just this one!" Fu Jiuer carefully stretched out her right index finger, confirmed and checked the cheapest one, "Two copies!"

"How about that? Or this one, Italian natural strawberry!" Yin Tianyang seemed to ignore her helplessness.

"Okay! What else do you want?" The waiter tried his best to get more business for the restaurant.

"Two more secret steaks and a bottle of red wine, thank you!"

"Please wait a moment, both of you!" The waiter went down with a smile on his face.

Fu Jiu'er really wanted to strangle the person across from him to death, could he finish eating, ordering so much?What kind of secret steak, you can tell it's not cheap just by hearing the name; and red wine, she has never seen red wine worth tens of dollars in any high-end restaurant.

"Jiu'er, you seem unhappy, what's wrong?"

"'s nothing!" Fu Jiu'er was not convinced after thinking about it, she ordered everything, why not have a good meal, anyway, she will not be the only one who will be unlucky, "I'm worried You don't have enough to eat!" She really wanted to cut off her tongue, and if she had no money, she "slapped her face swollen to pretend to be fat", she really wanted to save face and suffer!

"It's not enough..."

Not enough?Fu Jiu'er got angry when she heard this: he couldn't order more, could he?Why eat so much if you have nothing to do, don’t you know I have no money?

On second thought, he really didn't know that she had no money!So bit the bullet and said to him with a smile: "Then... you can order some more!"

Seeing that he really picked up the menu, Fu Jiuer turned his head to the side and put his palms together to pray: The merciful and compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva, the Tathagata Buddha, the almighty Jade Emperor, the Jesus who saves suffering and the suffering, the true God Allah who saves the common people, Jiuer begs you , don't let brother Tianyang order again!Please!

"How about another Paris lobster?" Yin Tianyang asked regardless of pain.

"Okay... ah..." Fu Jiu'er replied weakly, with no hope left in her heart.

lobster?Maybe they will turn into lobsters after eating them! (Because I have no money to pay the bill, so I have to clean the floor of the restaurant to pay off the debt. That action is quite like a lobster! Hehe, isn’t it always shown on TV!)
Order it, it doesn’t matter if it’s a little more, anyway, there’s no money to eat a portion, and there’s no money to eat too much, so it’s better to be a “satiated ghost”!Besides, it will take strength to work and pay off the debt later!Just let her lose face once and have a "overlord's meal", so that this life is not in vain!

(End of this chapter)

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