Abduct a boss to be your husband

Chapter 14 Received a Telegram from a Stranger

Chapter 14 Received a Call from a Stranger
After Lu Wanwan came out of Lu's house, he went to the Internet cafe to play games, and he didn't come out of the Internet cafe until evening.After touching her stomach, she felt dry and uncomfortable, so she went to buy puffs and mineral water.

She loves desserts, and desserts with whipped cream are a must.Every time she went to a cake shop or bakery, she would take a look first to see if there were any puffs or cream cakes.

Since she was lucky and found puffs this time, of course she would choose to buy puffs.

Lu Wanwan was quite exaggerated, a puff was just stuffed into his mouth, as if the mouth was made bigger just for the puff.Otherwise, how could such a big puff be stuffed in one bite at a time.

But the puffs are big, and the cream inside is naturally more.When she stuffed the puffs into her mouth, the cream in the puffs flowed into her mouth in large quantities from the squeezed hole as if it was bursting.

The sweet, greasy and soft cream flows in the mouth instantly, and the sweet taste is really indescribable.

After eating the puffs, the corners of her mouth were covered with a lot of cream, and her stomach and chest were satisfied.What happened to Lei Hanfeng seemed to have never happened, and my stomach is full, so I can skip dinner today!

When Lu Wanwan wiped the cream from the corner of his mouth with a paper towel, he suddenly thought of the gentleness of cleaning the house.Has Wen Ya already finished school and arrived home now?

She doesn't have the key to the house, so she shouldn't be able to get in!
But the more she thought about it, the more worried she became. If Wen Ya had the key in her hand, wouldn't it be like entering a no-man's land in her own home?

"No, no, no, I have to go back quickly. A man like Lei Hanfeng cannot be provoked, so go back immediately."

She rushed to the side of the road and called the taxi on the opposite side.When the taxi stopped, she got into it.

The taxi driver glanced back at Luwanwan. The driver was very young, so when he saw such a generous and beautiful woman getting on the bus, he couldn't help but take a second look.

"Miss, where are you going?"

"I'm going to xx..."

Only after Lu Wanwan told the driver the address, the driver turned around and drove.Her cell phone rang at this moment, and it was very urgent.She finally found the phone.

When she saw that it was Dasha's phone call, she felt faintly uneasy. There seemed to be a voice in her heart saying that something might have happened to Dasha, and he might have been caught by Lei Hanfeng's people.

Could it be that Lei Hanfeng really found it, could it be that he really wanted to confess himself!
Thinking of this possibility, Lu Wanwan immediately connected the phone. "Hello, it's me."

"You are Tian Xin's friend! If you are Tian Xin's friend, go to the place I asked you to come now. I want to see you. And prepare a settlement fee of 20 yuan, otherwise his life will be lost. Did you hear that?"

"Who are you? Why do you say that, you want a settlement fee, what happened between Dasha and you, why do you want a settlement fee?"

Lu Wanwan's words made the man laugh. The man said the address with a bad attitude and hung up the phone.Lu Wanwan really felt that this matter was too strange and he had to go there.

If Dasha had an accident because of himself, then he would lose this friend.I don't want to lose this friend, not at all.

"Master, I won't go to that place just now. I'm going to another place. Please take a detour."

Lu Wanwan told the taxi driver the address of the diversion. Since that place was the direction he came from just now, the driver had to find a place to turn back.

(End of this chapter)

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