my dream forest

Chapter 204

Chapter 204
Chapter 203 The channel is smooth

Li Jie's office is a full seventy to eighty square meters.The full set of mahogany furniture in the room looks simple, elegant and full of agility.

As soon as Feng Tiance entered, he praised: "Manager Li, your office is really impressive! "

"Hehe, we are in the wood industry, of course we use the best wood to decorate the facade. Drink tea? Or coffee?"

Li Jie made a joke, and then went to boil a pot of water.

Feng Tiance sat casually on the mahogany sofa, took out a bag of tea from his bag, and put it on the coffee table. "I have some tea brought from my hometown here, Manager Li, would you like to try it?"

"Oh? The things you brought out are definitely high-quality goods. Then I'll be impolite, let's make a pot."

In fact, Li Jie has always been very curious about Feng Tiance, but he is a friend of the boss, so it is not good for him to get too close to Feng Tiance.But he knew one thing, the young man in front of him had a lot of good things in his hands!
"Tsk tsk, what a good tea! Mr. Feng, what kind of tea is this? I've never drank it before."

A cup of comfort, two cups of bosom, after three cups, articulate and fragrant.Li Jie couldn't help admiring loudly, but he really didn't know what kind of tea it was.

"Hehe, this is the wild tea from the mountain in my hometown, which is obtained by grafting with Jinhuacha, so it has no name. If you like it, you can call it Jinhuacha. Here, the tea bag on the coffee table is for you Yes, I hope you don't dislike it."

The tea leaves that Feng Tiance drank himself were cultivated with the dilution of magical well water.Not only does it taste great, but it also has many benefits for the human body.

"Haha, thank you so much! Then I will have the audacity to accept it."

How could Li Jie let go of the opportunity in front of him, he said polite words, and his hands were not slow.Immediately, he grabbed the bag of tea leaves on the coffee table and put it in the drawer of his desk.

"Ahem, I'm talking about Manager Li, that's not enough! When you run out of tea, call me and I'll bring you some more." Feng Tiance looked at Li Jie's demeanor, and couldn't help joking. . "I'm here this time, and I still have something to trouble your company. I have some bodhisattva agarwood in my hand, and I want to go through the customs declaration procedures through your company. Is it convenient?"

"Small matter! It doesn't matter how much agarwood you want to go to the country, I'm not bragging, you just want to transport rare wood, I can handle it for you."

Due to domestic and international pressure, Cambodia has also begun to restrict the export of some species of timber in recent years.However, the actual situation in this country is like this. As long as you have connections and are willing to spend money, there is nothing you cannot do.

"Hehe, that's good! Let's talk about the timber. Let's discuss the customs declaration, invoicing and payment of Chenxiang first."

In fact, Feng Tiance didn't really need the transportation channels of Liang's Wood Industry, he only needed the other party to provide a full set of import and export procedures and invoices.

"Anyway, you have to declare customs and pay taxes, and you can send all the goods you need back for you. Of course, you can also use your own transportation channels, but our company will issue an invoice for you, and taxes must be paid."

Liang's Wood Industry has its own set of management rules. It is fine to help, but it is difficult to subsidize taxes and other fees.

"Don't worry about this, I have a measure. Then tomorrow I will buy a batch of agarwood, and then Manager Li will send it away for me."

At present, the agarwood on the cardamom mountain range has not yet reached the harvest time, and large quantities of Bodhisattva agarwood can only be purchased in the market.

After the two talked about all the details of this matter, Feng Tiance took out a pack of medicinal materials from his bag.

"Here is a wild Panax notoginseng, two hundred-year-old wild ginseng, and a wild Polygonum multiflorum. Please turn it over to Director Liang, and say that I can only find these for the time being."

Before Feng Tiance set off, he harvested ginseng and Polygonum multiflorum in the medicine field.Leaving aside the wild Panax notoginseng, he bought it from someone else.Let’s just talk about ginseng and Polygonum multiflorum. The medicinal effects contained in them are more than a hundred years old?This was specially cultivated by him for Liang Hongbo.

"Mr. Feng, why don't you just pack such precious medicinal materials in plastic bags? Tsk tsk, you're really used to seeing good things."

Li Jie stood up from the sofa in a jerk, walked over to open the bag and took a look, his eyes were full of distress.It's just that he couldn't speak too much, and the last sentence just took a big turn.

"Hehe, it's okay, it will definitely not affect the efficacy of the medicine. Well, you are still busy at night, so I will leave. I will contact you tomorrow."

Li Jie is Liang Hongbo's confidant, so he is very relieved to give things to him.Seeing the constipated expression on his face, Feng Tiance suppressed a smile, got up and walked towards the door.

"Don't wait for me, I'll take you out."

Li Jie was afraid that he would be rude, so he hurried over.

"They're all my own people, so don't talk about these empty etiquettes, I'll just go out by myself."

Feng Tiance stopped him, and went downstairs on his own.Then I found a restaurant that looked pretty good, had dinner, and then went back to the hotel room.

After taking a shower, he considered whether to go around the street.Li Jie also said before that this area is the most prosperous area in Phnom Penh, and the security is not bad.

But before he could make up his mind, the phone rang.

"Tiance, why haven't you contacted us recently? What are you busy with?"

Fang Lulu was on the other end of the phone. This young lady hadn't called Feng Tiance since the incident with the Yuan family.Of course, he himself has been busy in the Cardamom Mountains recently, and he also hasn't contacted anyone.

"Sister Lulu, I originally wanted to get together with everyone on New Year's Day. Didn't I buy a forest in Cambodia? I've been staying here almost recently. I have no choice but to start from scratch again. I have to keep an eye on myself. .”

Feng Tiance smiled a little embarrassedly. In fact, the grievances between him and the Yuan family really couldn't be related to Fang Lulu.Therefore, he smoothed things over on the phone and eliminated a little embarrassment between each other by the way.

"Let me tell you, I called you a few days ago and they didn't get through. Did you receive the money I transferred to you? This batch of incense sticks is said to be of high quality, but I don't know the market, so I just I paid you at the price of 100 yuan per gram, a total of 3000 million yuan. Later, someone told me that this kind of incense could not be bought at [-] yuan per gram, so I realized that the price I gave you was too low. .”

Fang Lulu babbled on the phone, still an old habit, and never gave Feng Tiance a chance to speak.

"Ahem, we are all friends, so what is there to care about on the price? But, well, I've been busy recently, and I haven't paid much attention to the changes in the bank balance. I'll take a look later."

He really didn't notice Fang Lulu's transfer, and he couldn't talk nonsense, so he had to take it over.

(End of this chapter)

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