Chapter 1 Crossing
System: "Host, I've already given you the golden finger. I don't have any tasks or anything like that. If that's the case, then it's all up to you. I'll touch it first and I'll take care of the other hosts first. Otherwise, this month's performance will not be able to keep up."

Lin Yan: "Hey, don't go, what kind of stuff did you give me, but let's go after explaining how to use it."

I tried my best to keep him, but in the end I couldn't hear the system's voice anymore.

Lin Yan just walked aimlessly on the strange land, he crossed, and not long ago, he came to this land that he had never set foot on.

Like the time traveler in many novels and film and television dramas, he has a system that allows him to quickly improve his strength (referred to as opening), but this system is weird. After giving him the so-called novice gift package, he disappeared. No matter how Lin Yan yelled at it, it was useless.

As for the so-called novice gift pack, the system said it seemed to be some kind of magic armor. Lin Yan looked at the palm of his right hand, and there was a black mark on the palm. This mark appeared after he got the novice gift pack, indicating that he wanted to use that The so-called magic armor must rely on this mark.

But how to use it, Lin Yan still needs to explore by himself.

Now, Lin Yan's top priority should be to find a place where he can live in peace. Although he is now penniless, as a traveler, money is generally not something to worry about. He just needs a little help. The people of the world will do.

Continuing to walk forward, Lin Yan came to a cliff. At this moment, he suddenly saw a lake at the bottom of the cliff, a small island in the center of the lake, and a standing stone statue on the island.

"Huh? Why is that stone statue so familiar?" At first glance, he didn't notice it, but after careful observation, Lin Yan felt more and more that he had seen that stone statue somewhere.

So, he came to the small island in the center of the lake and observed the stone statue closely.

The upper part of the stone statue seems to be a teenager, but his facial features are not clear. He has a pair of wings behind his back, and holds a boulder in his hands on his chest.

"Could this be the statue of the Seven Heavens?" Lin Yan looked at the stone statue in front of him, and his memory became clearer.

"The statue of the seven heavens. The statue of the seven heavens, could it be possible that you have traveled to the Tivat continent?!" With an exclamation, Lin Yan's tone was slightly excited.

The statue of the Seven Heavens is the iconic item of an open RPG mobile game that Lin Yan is playing recently. Its function is probably fast teleportation and recovery of blood, but as far as the game settings are concerned, the statue of the Seven Heavens contains divine power.

Standing on the spot and hesitating for a while, Lin Yan stretched out his right hand, ready to touch the statue of the Seven Heavens. After all, in the game plot, the protagonist gained the power of elements after touching the statue of the Seven Heavens with his hand.

However, before his palm touched the statue, he could see all blue light threads floating out from the statue, and then slowly blending into the black mark in the palm of Lin Yan's right hand.

"Huh?" Sensing the strangeness, Lin Yan tilted his head, but he didn't act rashly. After all, he didn't feel any discomfort in his body, and he knew that it was very likely that the imprint was absorbing the elemental power in the statue of the seven heavens.

At the same time, on a city square, a young man dressed in green was playing a tune with a harp in his hand, surrounded by crowds of onlookers. kind of tune.

Suddenly, the boy's fingers trembled, which caused him to miss a beat of the note. After that, he turned his gaze to the back and looked into the distance.

"What's going on? The seven-day god statue on the other side of Xingluo Lake seems to be weakening."

On the other side, when the last cyan light thread merged into the black mark on Lin Yan's palm, the mark turned into cyan in an instant, but then changed back quickly.

"There is no obvious change." Feeling the unprecedented comfort from his limbs, Lin Yan did not feel that his body had changed much, especially in terms of strength, and it could even be said that there was no improvement.

"Forget it, it doesn't affect much anyway. Let me think about it. If you walk forward from this seven-day god statue, you should be lower than the forest. If you pass through the Whispering Forest, you will be able to see Mond City. There may be my place. first stop."

Going forward according to the memory, Lin Yan came to a forest. This is the Whispering Forest. The background setting seems to be a place full of monsters. Fortunately, he didn't meet any of them, otherwise he would be in bad luck. After all, the magic armor given by the system, we don't know if it is hung or not, even if it is hung, we will not use it.

Passing through the woods, the first thing that comes into view is a huge lake. The area of ​​this lake is dozens of times that of the lake that Lin Yan has just seen, and in the center of the lake stands a huge island. Above, is a magnificent city, in which the windmill that moves with the wind is the most conspicuous.

This is Mond City, a city-state that symbolizes wind and poetry, wine and freedom.

A bridge connecting the avenue and the island is the only road leading to Mond City. Lin Yan walked on the bridge, but saw a little boy not far away.

The little boy stood by the bridge, and in front of him, there were more than a dozen white pigeons that were looking for food.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yan subconsciously shouted, "Don't try to run away!"

After that, there should be poultry scattered all over the place and scolding from some hard-working boy.

"If you just walk over like this, those pigeons will be scared away, right? Forget it, let's be more careful." Thinking in his heart, Lin Yan walked forward step by step against the bridge, carefully crossing the bridge. After the group of pigeons, he gradually accelerated the pace of progress.

Soon, Lin Yan saw the gate of Mond City, and on both sides of the gate stood two men in armor. If nothing else, they should be the two West Wind knights guarding the gate of Mond City—Lawrence with Swann.

As they got closer and closer to the city gate, the two of them seemed to have spotted Lin Yan, so Lawrence took a few steps forward, and after looking around for a while to make sure he hadn't seen Lin Yan, he put his hands on his chest and acted like a standard knight. Li: "May the wind god protect you, stranger, you should not be a citizen of Mond. If so, please explain your reason for coming."

Lin Yan, who was suddenly asked, stood there for a while, and then said: "I am a traveler from other places, and I happened to pass by here. Is this Mond City? It's really impressive."

"Is it a foreign traveler?" Lawrence and Swan glanced at each other. "Since this is the case, we need to register your information. After that, I will take you to visit Mond City."

(End of this chapter)

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