Chapter 108 Monster Siege (First Order)

After Schubert left, Yura also left the office not long after.

Lin Yan sensed that she was in a bad mood, so he followed her.

Following her quietly, the two finally came to the lake outside Mond City.

Yula was sitting on the shore, and Lin Yan was sitting beside her. After lightly touching each other's hand and getting permission, the two interlocked their fingers.

"When did you come back?" Lin Yan asked after a moment of silence.

He actually didn't know that Yula was in Mond City, because she had been out on a mission for a long time, and he asked Amber last night, and Amber's answer was that she hadn't come back yet.

So when Lin Yan saw her in Qin's office just now, Lin Yan was actually quite surprised.

"I came back in the middle of the night yesterday, because it was too late, so I didn't notify you." Yula replied, at the time she rushed back to Mond City yesterday, Lin Yan probably fell asleep long ago.

Moreover, she was also very tired at that time. After returning to the dormitory, she simply took a shower and then fell asleep on the bed.

Unexpectedly, when she just woke up in the morning, she heard that her uncle had come to Qin's office to make a fuss, so she rushed over in a hurry.

Later, those things just happened, Lin Yan's mood was also affected by it.

"Your uncle... seems to be against the two of us being together." Recalling what Schubert said in his mind, Lin Yan couldn't help frowning.

Saying that he was not good enough for Yura almost didn't break his defense.

If it wasn't for Qin to stop him at that time, he would definitely make the other party feel overwhelmed.

The next time I see him again, if the other party dares to be so arrogant, then no matter who comes to stop him, it won't work.

"Don't worry about him, just ignore his words." Thinking that Lin Yan had taken Schubert's words to heart, Yula said, "I have already said that those old guys at home are extremely pedantic. It doesn't matter whether I live or die, it's really troublesome to meddle in this kind of time."

After finishing speaking, she gently leaned her head on Lin Yan's shoulder: "I won't listen to them, and you must never leave me for such absurd reasons."

Closing her eyes, Yula let Lin Yan caress her face, not intending to resist at all.

Unknowingly, the two have been lovers for more than two months. Yula didn't understand anything from the beginning, but now she can acquiesce in Lin Yan's behavior.

She occasionally writes letters to a friend of Liyue and asks her about it.

It's just that Lin Yan hasn't eaten meat yet, which should be the most regrettable point for him.

However, judging from the current situation, it is only a matter of time before he eats meat.Once Yura is mentally prepared, he can do whatever he wants then.

As the atmosphere gradually became ambiguous, Lin Yan also felt an unprecedented sense of comfort at this time.

But at this moment, they suddenly heard a scream not far away.

The ambiguous atmosphere was broken up in an instant, and the two looked at the place where the screams sounded, and found that it was the direction of the Mond Bridge.

After reacting quickly, the two immediately ran over there, and soon saw a scene that surprised them.

Timmy, who was releasing pigeons on the bridge, is now being besieged by several Qiuqiu people.Crouching in the corner, he shivered, but the pigeons not far away were still looking for food, and had no intention of rescuing him at all.

Feeling bad, Lin Yan didn't hesitate at all. After summoning the spear, he rushed directly towards Timmy.

One shot killed one of the Qiuqiu people, and the other Qiuqiu people reacted and wanted to fight back, but they were completely defeated by Yula who suddenly appeared with a sword.

It didn't take long for all the Qiuqiu people to die at the hands of the two, and only the masks that fell to the ground could prove their existence.

After eliminating all the Qiuqiu people, Lin Yan slowly walked towards Timmy who was shivering in the corner.

"It's all right." Gently stroking Timmy's head, Lin Yan tried to stabilize his emotions, but it seemed that it was not easy, because children are the most difficult to calm down after being frightened.

Seeing that Timmy's emotions showed no signs of calming down, Lin Yan could only turn his head and look at Yula, and expressed his inner doubts: "Why did the Qiuqiu people appear so close to the city? ?”

Logically speaking, Qiuqiu people would only appear in places like Whispering Forest and Longji Snow Mountain where few people go.Even if they want to camp, they will only be stationed far away from the city.

Because they know that they will be wiped out by humans if they get close to the city, so they never appear near the city rashly.

So regarding Lin Yan's question, Yula also shook her head in confusion: "I don't know, this kind of thing is left to Amber, but she should not make such a low-level mistake."

Amber is a scouting knight. Cleaning up monsters around the city is her top priority, and her scouting talent is also excellent.In the past few years, she has been relying on her alone to protect the surrounding areas of the city from monsters.

So Yula thinks that the Qiuqiu people appearing here should not be due to Amber's dereliction of duty.

But if it wasn't for Amber, she really couldn't think of what it was.

Just when the two were puzzled by this, Lin Yan turned his head to one side inadvertently, but suddenly saw a shocking scene in the distance.

Countless Qiuqiu people, slimes, Liaohua, and even some abyss mages, they seem to have been summoned by some kind, and they are frantically rushing towards the city. From a distance, they seem to be a Colorful rugs.

Although this scene gave people a great visual impact, Lin Yan quickly reacted.

With so many monsters, it's all about attacking the city!
So, without any hesitation, he picked up the Timmy watch and ran towards the city.Yura, who was behind him, didn't realize what happened, but still followed.

When he came to the city gate, Lin Yan handed Timmy to Lawrence and Swann, and said to them in an urgent tone: "Quick! Close the gate, there are monsters coming to attack the city!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yan looked at the top of the gate frame of the city gate, only to find that there was nothing there, let alone the gate.

"I'm next to the door?!" Lin Yan didn't pay much attention before, but only now did he realize that Mond City doesn't even have a door.

He may not have imagined that the reason why Mond City has no gates is that it has a great relationship with a certain cute mother he knows.

But now he didn't have time to think about these things, because as the ground began to vibrate obviously, Lin Yan knew that those monsters should be coming soon.

His mind was running fast, and he was thinking about coping strategies.

In the end, he raised his head and said to the two of Lawrence, "Go, inform Captain Qin, and ask her to mobilize all available Zephyr knights to support. Also, ask the residents of the city to take refuge, so as not to be affected by the battle."

After finishing speaking, when Lin Yan turned around, he found that the monsters had rushed up the bridge and were rushing towards this side.

Naturally, Lawrence and Swan saw the monsters, and their eyes immediately showed great shock.

After guarding the city gate all their lives, this was the first time they had seen such a formation.

So, after reacting, they obeyed Lin Yan's words and ran into the city without looking back, preparing to notify Qin and let the residents in the city take refuge.

"Why did these monsters suddenly attack the city?" Yula held a big sword and looked at the group of monsters approaching here with a puzzled expression.

Lin Yan shook his head, and said with a slightly solemn face: "How do I know, this is not the time to ask these things, we have to stop them outside before the support arrives."

He didn't intend to borrow the power of the magic armor immediately. In order to test the results of his training for more than a month, Lin Yan picked up the spear and rushed towards the monsters.

Yula also hurriedly followed, for fear that something might happen to him

At the same time, the residents of Mond City don't seem to realize that the danger has come.

"Speaking of which, since the last time we held a condolence party for Captain Qin at Grandpa Di Luke's tavern, it's been a long time since we had dinner together like this."

At the deer hunter's dining table, Ying, Paimon and Amber sat together, and the atmosphere looked very harmonious.

Paimon was still as rude as usual, picked up the grilled meat on the plate and ate it, his mouth was full of greasy food, he didn't care about his image.

"I don't know where Lin Yan is now. After waking up in the tavern last time, that guy sneaked away when we weren't paying attention. It's really annoying." Thinking that he didn't see Lin Yan after waking up in the tavern Yan, Paimon was very angry.

Because she really didn't understand why Lin Yan wanted to leave without even saying hello to them.

At this moment, in the direction of Mond Cathedral, there was a rapid ringing of the bell.

Ying and Paimon didn't know what happened yet, but Amber stood up from his seat with an unnatural expression on his face.

"This is the bell to notify the residents of the city to take emergency evacuation to Monde Cathedral." As a knight of West Wind, she certainly knew what the bell meant.

"Evacuation? Did something happen?" Paimon immediately hid behind Ying as soon as he heard the word "Evacuation".

Ying looked around and found nothing unusual.

"I don't know, this kind of bell is rarely heard, but since it rings, it means that something big must have happened."

Amber said, and the residents on the street were in a panic when they heard the bell.

The last time the Fengmolong attacked the city, this kind of bell actually sounded, but at that time because the sound of the storm was too loud, the bell was completely covered, and Ying and the others didn't hear it at all.

Amber originally wanted to see what was going on, but he gave up the idea after seeing the panicked crowd.

She is the only West Wind Knight present, so she must maintain order, otherwise the situation will become even more out of hand.

"Please go and see what's going on. I'll rush over as soon as I've calmed down the crowd." Amber turned to Ying and Paimon and said, although he couldn't go, the two of them could still go.

"Well, we got it," Paimeng nodded righteously, and then said to Ying who was beside him, "Ying, it's not too late, let's go and have a look."

Ying heard the words and nodded in agreement, and then the two left the place and ran towards the city gate.

(End of this chapter)

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