Chapter 110 Fierce Battle (For Subscription)
"What should I do if a monster suddenly appears and attacks the crowd behind?" Pushing her glasses, Qin didn't know how to refute Simon's words, "You are the acting head of the Knights, and you are the pillar of the crowd. If you What would the masses think if something happened to the front line?"

"If even you fall down, who can help us survive this disaster? Will the masses fall into deeper despair because of this?"

"What you have to do now is not to go to the front to fight those monsters, but to stay behind and calm the uneasy hearts of the masses. In this way, the soldiers on the front can fight without any worries."

After finishing speaking, Simon paused for a while as if thinking about it, and then continued.

"In terms of manpower, the Adventurer's Association should send people to support, so you don't have to worry about it. Call a few West Wind knights to stay behind with you to protect the people in the church. This is the most important thing you should do now."

Simon's words made Qin feel very dissatisfied, but she didn't open her mouth to refute.Although there are certain flaws in the other party's words, there is nothing wrong with them.

"Yes, my lord, I understand."

Finally, Jean sighed and agreed to Simon's proposal.

At the gate of Mond City, Lin Yan, who was wearing a magic armor and turned on the wind element form, rushed into the group of monsters. The second stage of the elemental explosion was released, instantly blowing away all the monsters tens of meters around.

The middle of the battlefield suddenly became empty, and Lin Yan wiped out an unknown number of monsters with this blow.

Yula, Ying, and Kaia were fighting with a relic guard respectively.Not long ago, Amber brought several West Wind knights into the battlefield, and she became the only one on the field who could pose a threat to the Gale Core in the sky.

So at this moment, Amber is aiming at the gale core in the sky and shooting bows and arrows non-stop.

The monster's offensive was much more violent than it was at the beginning, and their battle lines were forced back again and again.

The city gate is already showing a tendency to fall. While fighting monsters, they must always pay attention to whether they will be attacked from behind.

"It's really endless!" Paimeng was being watched by several Qiuqiu people. She had no fighting ability and could only dodge constantly. Lin Yan and the others had no time to support her now.

The number of wounded continued to increase. Barbara was healing the wounded less than 20 meters away from them, and there were two Zephyr knights protecting her from being attacked by monsters.

At this time, a night owl suddenly passed through the air and let out a piercing scream.

Everyone's eyes were attracted at the same time, and in the next second, a figure in a black and gold dress suddenly appeared.

"Here, the sentence is pronounced!"

The big sword in his hand was covered with surging fire elements, and as the man swung a huge flaming bird, he burned to death a large number of monsters, including the few Qiuqiu people who were staring at Paimon.


"It's Grandpa Di Luke!" Seeing Di Luke's appearance, Paimon immediately flew to his side, and shouted at several people in an excited tone.

After finally defeating the relic guard in front of him, Kaia turned his gaze to this side after hearing Paimon's shout.

With a relieved smile on his face, Kaiya said softly, "It's really timely."

"Although I don't know exactly what happened, but in this situation, I probably don't have the time to delve into it." Di Luke glanced at the situation on the field and said after glancing at Kaya.

He was not in Mond City today, and he didn't know that a monster attacked the city.It wasn't until Charles sent an urgent letter to him at Chenxi Winery that he finally understood the current situation, so he rushed over without stopping.

Looking at it now, the situation seemed to be worse than he had imagined. Not only ordinary monsters such as Qiuqiu and slimes, but even the relic guards and the core of the wind.

Looking up at the night owl in the sky, the other party screamed continuously, as if telling him something.

"There are also monsters attacking the side door. I will leave the door to you. I have to go over there to have a look." After speaking, Di Luke ignored the situation here and turned towards the side door of Mond City without looking back. Direction rushed.

If the side door is breached, the monsters can go directly to the Mond Cathedral behind.So compared to the main entrance, defending the side entrance should be more important now.

If there is Di Luke at the side door, then there should be no need to worry. Now, Lin Yan and the others only need to focus all their attention here.

I don't know how long this battle will last.

The battle is still going on, because the monsters are coming in a steady stream, so Lin Yan and the others can only take turns with other West Wind knights, and need to rest for a while to recover their strength every once in a while.

The seven relic guards in the first wave had all been wiped out, but more appeared later, so every time Lin Yan would be the first to deal with the most troublesome ones, otherwise those West Wind knights would be untenable.

"Benny's adventure group, let's go!" A white-haired boy suddenly appeared on the battlefield, holding a one-handed sword, and after a loud shout, the monsters began to fight.

The fire element kept spreading in the air, the young man was like a god of war, and his fighting power was even stronger than those of the well-trained West Wind knights.

Bennett, a member of the Adventurers Association, the leader of the Benny Adventure Group, although he is the only one in the Benny Adventure Group.

In addition to him, the Adventurers Association also sent many people to support, not only the main entrance, but also adventurers at the side entrance to help.

A missile suddenly flew from a distance. Seeing this, Bennett was about to turn sideways to dodge, but he accidentally stepped on a raised stone, slipped on the sole of his foot and fell directly to the ground.

As for the missile, it landed at his feet with precision and exploded, and then instantly sent him flying.

Bennett, who was thrown into the air, immediately lost consciousness. After rolling twice on the ground, he unexpectedly rolled right beside several Qiuqiu people.

The Qiuqiu people poked the UFO with the weapons in their hands, and just as they were about to deal with it, several arrows with thunder elements attached suddenly flew from a distance.

Every arrow hit their heads accurately, and they died on the spot as expected after being hit hard.

"Living the heaven and the earth and the universe, Eden, the fragrance paradise, the son of misfortune spurned by the world, thank the convict princess Fichel for her kindness." The one who rescued Bennett was a girl with blond hair and twin ponytails. There is an eye patch on the left eye, and there is a crow with purple light all over its body.

"That unlucky guy, no one reminded him not to act alone?"

The investigator of the Adventurer's Association - Fischer, and her partner - Thunderbird Ozzy.

Instantly killing the two cheating flowers in front of him, Lin Yan held a long spear, and his fierce offensive has not weakened from the beginning to the present.

He no longer knows how many monsters have been eliminated, the wind element of the magic armor is almost exhausted, but the number of monsters still does not decrease.

Looking around the battlefield, Lin Yan didn't find Yula's figure.

Because he has been fighting monsters, he has no time to pay attention to other people. Now that he reacted, he actually panicked.

He kept calling Yula's name, but Lin Yan didn't even notice that there were already several Qiuqiu thugs surrounding him.

At this moment, Yula suddenly appeared, and she danced a gorgeous dance with a big sword in hand, and at the same time wiped out all the Qiuqiu thugs who surrounded Chao Linyan.

"What's wrong? Are you worried about me?" Just after hearing someone calling her name, Yula followed the voice to find it, but she didn't expect it to be Lin Yan.

"I'm not as weak as you imagined. I just went to help others, and you thought something happened to me? Be careful, I'll make a note for you." Although he said so, seeing Lin Hiko was so worried about herself, Yura still felt a little warmth in her heart.

After seeing that Yula was fine, Lin Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Unknowingly, more and more people have been sent to support them, and the tide-like offensive of the monsters has gradually weakened. Although the battle will continue for a while, judging from the current situation, it should be their This side has the advantage.

"It's Senior Glory Knight! And Senior Splash Knight!" At this moment, Lin Yan suddenly heard a somewhat familiar voice, and looked in the direction of the sound, and it turned out that Noelle was running towards this side.

Running in front of Lin Yan, Noelle said out of breath, "I'm really sorry, I've been helping Ms. Lisa in the library to investigate the information just now, so I'm late."

The main members of the Zephyr Knights, apart from Qin who was left at the rear, and Kaia who was fighting the monsters at the front, only the librarian Lisa has not yet appeared.

In fact, Lisa didn't do nothing. At the moment, she was investigating materials in the library, trying to find the cause of the disaster.

Because monsters cannot attack the city for no reason, there must be someone or something attracting them.

At the beginning, Lisa kept Noelle by her side to assist her in the investigation, but after seeing the impatient look on the other side's face, Lisa agreed to let her go to the front line.

"I will help everyone repel the monsters, please rest assured, seniors!" Summoning the great sword in his hand, Noelle looked at the monsters that were rushing towards them.

"I will pay attention to the demeanor of the knight!"

The great sword was covered by rock elements, and after a while, the length of the sword extended several times!
Noelle swung the strengthened sword, directly cutting down all the monsters in the front row.

"Noelle, go and eliminate those relic guards. If there is no accident, after this incident, Captain Qin will promote you as an official West Wind Knight." Seeing a few relic guards in the distance Continuously firing missiles into the city, Lin Yan hurriedly gave instructions to Noelle.

And Noelle heard that after this incident, she would be promoted by Qin to be an official West Wind Knight, and she rushed forward as if she had been beaten with chicken blood, and the monsters that blocked her along the way were cut down almost instantly, without any harm. No room for resistance.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yan couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. With Noelle's current morale, it should only be a matter of time before the few relic guards are wiped out by her.

"It's really capable." Lin Yan couldn't help but let out a sigh. Lin Yan, who had recovered some physical strength, was planning to continue fighting, but suddenly a slime on the ground not far away attracted his attention.

Generally speaking, the body color of a slime will determine its elemental attributes: for example, the body color of a fire slime is flame orange, the body color of a water slime is blue sea water, and the body color of a rock slime is The color is earth brown.

But the slime that attracted Lin Yan's attention was actually white, and it was pure white. It is not an exaggeration to describe it with the word boundless.

Of course, it can attract Lin Yan's attention not only because of its body color, but more importantly because of its performance in melee.

Other monsters, whether they were Chuqiu or slimes, would rush towards the enemy like a lunatic, even if they knew that they were not opponents, they would not choose to retreat.

But that slime is different. It seems to know that it has no fighting power, so it keeps avoiding the attack, and moves forward slowly step by step. It seems that it wants to go to the Mond Cathedral behind.

In addition, it knows to be afraid. If an attack happens to pass by it, it will curl up and hide in a corner, as if it is afraid of being affected.

Although it sounds cowardly, as a slime, it is very rare to have such intelligence.

Especially at this time, when all the other monsters are paying the price of their lives for their goals, this special existence will always be extremely conspicuous.

Feeling a little interested in it, Lin Yan walked up to it and was about to grab it, but when the other party saw him, he moved desperately to escape.

Obviously, it knew that it was not Lin Yan's opponent, and thought that the opponent would kill itself, so it wanted to escape instinctively.

But the slime moves at such a speed that even a child can't run.Lin Yan followed behind it unhurriedly, and then grabbed it with one hand.

The caught slime tried hard to break free from Lin Yan's palm, but no matter how hard it struggled, it was useless.

In the end, it chose to give up resistance, and turned to look at Lin Yan, with extremely terrified eyes as if asking Lin Yan to spare its life.

Lin Yan was amused by its appearance, and his pitiful appearance also made him feel pity.

But soon he realized that now is not the time to play, the siege of the monsters is still over, and as the main combat force, he can't continue like this.

So, after throwing the slime to Barbara who was treating the wounded behind, Lin Yan joined in the fight with the monster again.

Although Barbara didn't know why Lin Yan asked her to help take care of a slime, but since she had already agreed to the other party, she could only do it.

"Kaya, are you alright?"

Kaiya was injured by a sneak attack by an abyss mage. Seeing this scene, Amber quickly wiped out all the monsters around the opponent, and ran to greet her with a worried face.

"It's just a small injury." Kaiya looked at the wound on her arm, and smiled while resisting the severe pain.

At this time, there was a sudden violent sound in the distance, and the two looked along. It turned out that Noelle was holding a big sword and forcibly chopped the body of a ruin guard in half.

And looking at her expression, it seems that the battle is getting more intense, and she has no intention of resting at all.And this relic guard was no longer the first one she eliminated.

"That kid is still so capable." Seeing this scene, Kaiya couldn't help wiping the cold sweat off his forehead. He worked so hard until now, only to eliminate three relic guards, and was even injured by a surprise attack by an abyss mage.

What about Noelle?Not only did she kill more enemies than herself, she was covered with a rock element shield around her body, and she didn't even have the slightest sign of injury.

Amber also looked at Noelle with a somewhat surprised expression. She didn't know it before, but now she knows that the other party is so strong.

As a senior, she didn't know whether to be happy or frustrated when she saw that the younger generation had a vague tendency to surpass her.

Perhaps judging from the current situation, it is right to be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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