Chapter 12: The Piano of the Sky
With Qin's consent, the plan quickly unfolded.

Several people were divided into two groups, one of which was Lin Yan, Ying, Paimon, and Wendy who were responsible for sneaking into the Mond Cathedral to steal the Qin of the Sky, and the remaining group was responsible for receiving the Qin of everyone. The location was set at Angel's Gift.

"I really didn't expect that Captain Qin would agree to this plan. I thought she would be furious." On the street in the middle of the night, Lin Yan and the others walked at an extremely slow speed. Mond Cathedral in the northernmost part of the city.

"Didn't she say that the one who participated in the plan this time is not [Qin] who is the head of the group, but [Qin] who is a citizen of Mond." Wendy said.

"Of course I know, but what I don't understand is, why are you dressed like this, Lin Yan?" Paimon said, turning his gaze to Lin Yan, who was wearing a black coat at this time The hood covered his head, making it impossible to see his facial features clearly. If he was spotted by the patrolling Zephyr knights, he would definitely be caught as a suspicious person.

"Of course I have deep meaning in doing this, Paimon, please don't ask me any more." Lin Yan didn't directly tell Paimon why he was dressed so exaggeratedly.

"If you don't say it, don't say it, it's really stingy."

It took several times more time than during the day, and finally they arrived at the door of Mond Cathedral. Although the door of the church was closed at this time, due to some special reasons, the door was not locked, and It is open 24 hours a day.

When I came to the inside of the church, I couldn't see anyone inside, not even the nuns who I often saw during the day. The dim lights made the originally sacred church look a bit depressing.

"Where will the harp of the sky be hidden?" Paimon flew around in the church, trying to find the harp of the sky.

Lin Yan came to the end of the corridor in the hall. Here was a wall that looked like a fire. He bent down and pushed the wall lightly. The wall actually started to rotate and made a sound of loose mechanism.

"Found it." Continue to rotate the wall, and a secret passage leading to the ground appeared in front of him.

"Wow, did you find it so quickly?" Paimon flew over and said in surprise.

Ying and Wendy also rushed over after hearing the sound, looking at this secret passage, it seems that the Qin of the Sky might be stored in it.

"Since we have found it, you should act quickly." At this moment, Wendy's sudden opening attracted several people's surprised eyes.

"What do you mean we should act quickly, is it possible that you don't plan to be with us?"

"Someone has to be on guard. If you hear commotion from above, it means you have been discovered and you can escape quickly."

"Actually, it's because you're afraid of being discovered after going down!"


The next action was: Wendy was in charge of guarding the top, while the remaining Lin Yan and the other three went to the bottom of the church.

"Security is very strict." On the ground floor of the church, several Zephyr knights were patrolling irregularly, and the zither of the sky was placed in the room at the end.

"Be careful, don't be discovered."

Cleverly avoiding the sight of all the guards, after spending a lot of time, they finally came to the end room, and the moment they entered the room, they hid behind the side wall to avoid being discovered by the guards outside.

"It can be regarded as coming." Paimon said with a long breath.

After taking a breath, several people looked towards the center of the room, where a harp was placed on the counter.

"Is this the harp of the sky? It seems that there is nothing special about the harp played by the wind god." Paimon said as he approached the harp of the sky.

However, just as she was about to touch the zither of the sky, a purple figure suddenly flashed past and snatched the zither of the sky.

"What's going on!" Paimon was startled by the sudden change. She looked towards the place where the figure flashed, and found that a woman in purple clothes had snatched the zither from the sky.

That is the Lei Ying warlock among fools.

However, just when the Lei Ying warlock thought he had succeeded and laughed, an arm suddenly grabbed her neck, and after a little force, his whole body was thrown to the ground with a loud noise.

Needless to say, it was Lin Yan who made the move, because he knew from the very beginning that a warlock Lei Ying would suddenly appear to make trouble, so he was already prepared to do it.

Because he put on a black coat and covered his head from the beginning, so although he is wearing a magic armor at this time, but in terms of appearance, his appearance will be closer to the Fools' Debt Handler of Fire .

"Who is it!" The loud noise naturally alarmed the patrolling guards outside the room. Lin Yan, who had expected this for a long time, did not hesitate, and snatched the Sky Qin from Warlock Lei Ying who had been knocked unconscious. Then he rushed out of the room at an extremely fast speed.

After being stunned for a while, Ying and Paimon also hurriedly chased them out, after all, they didn't want to be discovered.

After several people fled quickly, the guards from outside the room rushed in, and only saw Warlock Lei Ying fainted on the ground. They didn't know what happened for a while, until they saw the zither in the sky that disappeared on the counter.

"The qin of the sky is gone! Quick, send someone to chase after it!"

Wendy quickly returned to the ground from the ground, and Wendy had already been waiting for a long time.

"Have you got it yet?" Looking at the few people rushing out from the ground, Wendy hurried forward and asked.

"I have already got it, but I have been discovered. Let's go quickly. If we can escape, someone will take the blame for us." After gesturing to Wendy for the zither in his hand, several people quickly left Meng De Cathedral.

On the other side, amidst the angel's gift, Qin is sitting at the front desk of the tavern, occasionally looking up at the clock hanging on the wall, with a very anxious expression.

"I didn't expect you, the leader, to come here when the people are in such a great panic." At the front desk of the tavern, a man in a black gold dress and a pair of black trousers was wiping his wine glass. .

The red curly hair is tied into a single ponytail, and the male's fair skin is even less hesitant than Qin's. His cold expression makes him look like a girl killer.

In Mond, perhaps no one will know him, because he is the rich young man who owns the entire Chenxi Winery——Diluk, known as Grandpa Diluc, whose prestige in Mond is even comparable to being the acting head piano.

"It may be that the head of Qin is always busy with official duties, so he is a little tired. He wants to relax." Charles, the bartender, put a freshly made pizza in front of Qin.

"Thank you." After taking the pizza brought by Charles, Qin didn't choose to start it immediately, but instead focused on Diluc who was wiping the wine glass.

"Senior Di Luke, in fact, he has spent a lot of thought on this dragon disaster."

The hand wiping the wine glass suddenly paused, and Diluc snorted coldly and said, "Compared to the Zephyr Knights who are doing whatever they can to achieve their goals, my little contribution is nothing."

"Senior, you really still care about that matter."

"Don't call me senior."


(End of this chapter)

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