Chapter 136

When he was ready, Andreus planned to implant his divine power into Xiaobai's body.

Lin Yan grabbed Xiaobai with both hands, and Xiaobai himself glanced curiously at the milky white ball of light standing in front of him, as if wanting to eat it.

With Andreus's thought, the milky white light cluster containing its divine power began to approach Xiaobai and gradually merged into its body.

Because he didn't feel any malice from the light ball, Xiaobai didn't resist it approaching him. Even after it merged into his body, he didn't feel any obvious discomfort in his body.

It's just that a vague sense of comfort began to spread to its whole body, which made it start to wriggle its body uncontrollably.

It seemed that there was no obvious change, which surprised Lin Yan.Originally thought that after the fusion of the light group and Xiaobai's body, there would be some symbolic signs, but now it seems that he thought too much.

"In this way, the fusion will be considered successful." Seeing Xiaobai who kept wriggling his body, Andreus knew that the fusion of the other party's divine power and his own was very smooth, and there was no mutual exclusion.

"Okay, the trial has passed, and the rewards have been taken away, you guys leave quickly, I don't like humans coming here." Suddenly issued an order to evict guests, Andreus glanced at the messy arena, " If you don't leave, I will hold you accountable for destroying my territory."

Lin Yan knew from the very beginning that Andreus didn't like humans, and the only condition for allowing humans to enter the wolf-running collar was that the opponent must be a warrior who participated in its trials.

"If this is the case, then I will leave, Wolf King. If there is a chance in the future, I will find a way to revive you, instead of turning you into a lone soul who can only wander within the scope of the wolf-running collar like now. Wild ghosts." They didn't plan to stay here any longer, because Yula and the others should have already cleaned up the monsters outside the Wolf's Territory by counting the time.

After greeting Lei Ze who was standing outside the arena, Lin Yan ran towards the outside of Benlang.

Looking at Lin Yan's back gradually going away, Andreus looked as if he was thinking about something.

"Hmph, resurrect me. I haven't found a way to resurrect myself for thousands of years. How can you be a mere human being?" Go deep into the arena.

The closer he got to the stone wall in the depths, the more illusory Andreus' body would become until he finally disappeared.

Already leaving the depths of the wolf-running collar, although Lin Yan encountered wolves along the way, the other party seemed to be able to smell a trace of Andreus's scent from Xiaobai, so he did not choose to stop them.

In this way, he came to the outside of the Benlang collar unimpeded, Lin Yan checked the time, Yula and the others should have cleaned up the monsters outside the Benlang collar, and were waiting for him at the agreed rendezvous place.

Arriving at the agreed meeting place, Yura and the others were indeed waiting for him, and it seemed that they had been waiting for a while.

"Why are you so slow?" Yula couldn't help asking after seeing Lin Yan appearing.Logically speaking, with Lin Yan's strength, even if he was alone, he would be able to clean up those monsters faster than all of them combined.But now he was the last one to arrive, and he made them wait for a long time.

"I encountered some troubles, so I delayed for some time." Lin Yan said with a hint of apology, Lin Yan would not let them know that he went to the depths of the wolf collar to participate in the trial of Andreus, "but it has been resolved .I'm so sorry to keep you waiting."

"It doesn't matter much. Anyway, we need to take a break after cleaning up the monsters. Now that we have enough rest, you just came, so go back directly." I don't know if it's because of selfishness or telling the truth, but Yula chose to forgive Lin Yan.

You must know that Yula is very strict when performing tasks, even if someone in the team makes a small mistake, they will be severely punished.Although it may be just for show, but after a long time, no one dares to make mistakes.This is why the guerrilla squad can scare man-made organizations like the Treasure Bandit Group.

But to be honest, as Yula's lover, it's not strange for Lin Yan to cover him up a little bit.Although it is still a bit unacceptable.

After the episode, everyone left the place and planned to return to Mond City.

Xiao Bai lay on Lin Yan's head, and would glance at the butterflies flying across the sky from time to time.Feeling a little bored, it actually fell asleep directly on Lin Yan's head.

After returning to Mond City, Lin Yan felt a little tired now because of the battle with Andreus.

So, after saying hello to Yula, he returned to the dormitory, threw Xiaobai who hadn't woken up into the nest he had prepared for it, and fell asleep on the bed.

Not long after Lin Yan fell asleep, Xiao Bai suddenly woke up and found that Lin Yan was lying on the bed sleeping soundly. It jumped onto the opponent's stomach and fell asleep again after a while.

The next day, after washing up, Lin Yan came to the street as usual, but he did not participate in the urban reconstruction work, but came to the deer hunter, waiting for someone while having breakfast.

Not long after, a familiar figure appeared, which was his lover Yula.

"Is there anything that can't be finished yesterday, and I have to wait until today?" When we separated from Lin Yan yesterday, the other party told her to go to the deer hunter to find him the next morning, saying that he had something to say to her.

Although her tone of voice seemed a little impatient, but Yula was well-dressed today, and from this she could see her true thoughts.

Lin Yan did not answer her question, but invited her to have breakfast together.

Yula naturally did not refuse, after all, she rarely had the opportunity to have breakfast with Lin Yan.

After breakfast, Lin Yan said to Yula unhurriedly: "Today, the reason why I invited you here is because I plan to go out with you for a day."

"Play?" Yula seemed a little surprised by Lin Yan's words, "Why do you choose this kind of time, can't you play after the reconstruction is over? And where are we going to play?"

As if he had expected his reaction long ago, Lin Yan explained: "Don't worry, I have already reported to Captain Qin about our going out to play, and she agreed. As for where to play, you are more concerned Don't worry because I'm all set."

After finishing speaking, he also took out a map of Mond, pointed to the area on it and said: "After breakfast, let's go to Yingxiang Beach. In terms of time, it should be noon when we get there, so we take Some ingredients for lunch, just for you to taste my cooking skills."

"After dinner, we can sit on the beach and enjoy the sea breeze to relax. If I remember correctly, you seem to like it very much. After that, we will go west, and we can have some fun on the way, such as cleaning up monsters, catching Wind Crystal Butterfly and the like. The final destination is the Wind Dragon Ruins, where we can find a higher place to watch the sunset, and we can come back after watching it.”

(End of this chapter)

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