Chapter 141 Wangshu Inn
After leaving the tea shop, the two took Xiaobai to continue southward, and they encountered two forked roads not long after.

Among them, the road leading to the west can reach Wuwangpo and Qingcezhuang, but if you want to go to Liyue Port, you have to continue to drive along the road leading to the south.

In the afternoon after leaving Shimen, Lin Yan saw the scenery outside through the window of the carriage.It has to be said that Liyue's scenery is indeed much more beautiful than that of Mond, at least in Lin Yan's opinion.

In addition, he also felt a sense of urgency, because the Liyue in the game has the same tradition as the country in the world he is in, but the age is a bit older.

"Wait, stop in front." Suddenly seeing the statue of the Seven Heavens God of Rock in the distance, Lin Yan said, although Yula didn't know what he was going to do, she still stopped the carriage in front.

Holding the map and jumping off the car, Lin Yan looked at the surrounding environment, and then looked at the statue of the Seven Heavens standing in front of him.

"Here. It should be Dihuazhou." Looking at the map, Lin Yan recognized that they were in Dihuazhou now. This is an area where few people live, so there are more monsters around.However, because the Qianyan army came to clear them regularly, they didn't see any monsters around.

"Let's take a rest here." After confirming their current location, Lin Yan turned and said to Yula who jumped off the carriage.

Yura complied, untied the horses, and led them to a nearby river to drink and graze.

Xiao Bai was sleeping soundly in the carriage, so he didn't know that he was the only one left in the carriage.

Lin Yan walked up to the statue of the Seven Heavens and looked it over. Unlike Meng De's statue of the Seven Heavens, on Liyue's statue of the Seven Heavens was a person sitting on a stone chair with a very noble temperament and wearing a robe.Although his face could not be seen clearly with the hood on, Lin Yan could tell that this should be a man.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Yan slowly pressed his right hand on the statue of the Seven Heavens. After a while, a ray of golden light floated out from the statue of the Seven Heavens, and gradually merged into the black mark on the palm of his right hand.

This state lasted for about a few minutes, and when the last ray of golden light disappeared, Lin Yan took his hand back.When he looked at the imprint on his palm, the originally black imprint turned golden for an instant.

Feeling that the power in his body was increasing at an astonishing speed, Lin Yan didn't hesitate any longer, and the summoned magic armor instantly covered his whole body.

With a thought in his mind, in the next second, the color of the demon armor's body gradually changed from black to golden, giving people a steady aura like a rock.

By absorbing the power of the Seven Heavens God Statue, Lin Yan obtained a piece of divine power that originally belonged to the God of Rock.As for who is stronger than Wendy's divine power, in his perception, there doesn't seem to be much difference.

At the same time, in an antique shop in Liyue Port, a slender man wearing a brown robe, black hair and brown eyes, and very handsome was appreciating the antiques in the shop.

Behind him is a servant who followed him.The servant held a notebook in his hand, as if he was recording something.

Suddenly, the man frowned, and looked to the north, his pupils shone with golden light for a moment, and then immediately dimmed.

"Mr. Zhongli, what's wrong with you?" Noticing the man's strangeness, the servant who followed him couldn't help asking.

After a moment of silence, the man who was called Zhongli by the servant turned his head back, his eyes seemed to be thinking about something.

After a while, he closed his eyes and opened them again immediately: "No, it's nothing."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the row of priceless antiques in front of him, and said to the boss who was standing aside with an expectant face: "Pack them up, I want them all."

Hearing this, the boss immediately said with surprise on his face: "No problem, no problem, I'm sure you'll be satisfied. My lord, you go to the side to rest first, and I'll fix it right away."

When the servant standing behind him heard this, he took a pen and wrote another bill on the booklet, and sighed softly, "Oh, I really hope this bill can be sent to Beiguo Bank. "

Although she felt a little dissatisfied in her heart, she did not dare to speak out her true thoughts. After all, this Mr. Zhongli was a guest who even their hall master respected extremely, how dare she offend him.

As for why Zhongli buys so many antiques, it's not because he likes them, but in his opinion, since they've all come to other people's stores, they have to buy something before they can leave.The so-called consumption concept, in his view, is just pure consumption, and there is no need to care about the consequences of any extravagant spending.

Even if he wasn't the one who bought it, he wouldn't be polite in the slightest.

Dihuazhou, Lin Yan, who has gained another piece of elemental power, is extremely excited at this moment, because his power has gone up to a higher level.

When there were only two elemental powers before, he couldn't defeat Andreus without opening the Armor of Dawn, but if he were to fight with the opponent now, not to say that he could win 100%, at least he would not be suppressed so miserable.

After touching the magic armor, just as Lin Yan was about to return to the carriage, he saw Yula coming back with a well-fed horse.

"You have become stronger again." Although Lin Yan has already touched the magic armor, because he has just obtained a new power, he can't control it proficiently, which makes Yula able to feel the magic armor scattered on him. out of breath.

"It's okay to become stronger, I can protect you better when I become stronger." After finishing speaking, without the other party's consent, Lin Yan rushed Yula into his arms and put his nose against her At the back of the neck, he crazily sucked the fragrance of the other party.

This is not the first time Lin Yan has done this. At first, Yula resisted, but after getting used to it, she acquiesced in his unreasonable behavior, because she found that she actually liked this feeling.

"Who wants your protection? I said that I will defeat you in the future. Don't think that the words that we have become lovers will be invalidated." With her face pressed against Lin Yan's chest, Yula expressed herself in a very arrogant way. Said the tone.

After laughing twice, Lin Yan knew that she was duplicity, so he didn't care about it.

After letting go of Yula's hands, he turned his eyes to the south, and in the distance, he could see a house built on a giant tree.From a distance, it gives people a great sense of visual impact.

"It should be the Wangshu Inn. Looking at the current weather, if we move forward at full speed, we should be able to arrive shortly after dark and rest there tonight."

After making a plan, the two continued on their way. Because there were no residents nearby and the terrain was open, they could move forward at full speed. However, Lin Yan, who was sitting in the carriage, felt some bumps and almost made him motion sick.

It was getting late, and the two who were advancing at full speed finally arrived at the Wangshu Inn shortly after dark.

Because it's not too late now, there are still many customers sitting around and chatting outside. Judging from their clothes, they don't seem to be locals of Liyue. They should be the same as the people I met at the tea shop. It is said that Liyue came to Liyue only after the fall of Morax, the god of rocks.

(End of this chapter)

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