Chapter 146 Mutual Computation
The accident happened so suddenly that even Lin Yan didn't respond.The life and death of Xiaobai who was hit by the missile head-on was uncertain, and the thick smoke made it impossible for Lin Yan to see what it looked like now.'s been blasted into a puddle of slime by a missile.

At this time, there was a slight vibration on the ground, and he looked around. A relic guard and a relic hunter floating in the air appeared from the shadows on both sides.

Among them, there is still a trace of heat on the body of the relic guard, and it seems that those missiles were launched from it just now.

At this moment, an extreme anger rose from Lin Yan's heart. Just as he was about to deal with the relic guards and relic hunters desperately, the thick smoke in front of him suddenly dissipated at this moment.

In the same place, Xiaobai's body has become as small as it was at the beginning, but his appearance is still the same as that of a rock slime, except that the rock helmet on his head has been blown to pieces by the previous missile at this moment, and the fragments fall on the ground. Beside Xiaobai, while Xiaobai closed his eyes tightly, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Obviously, those missiles just now gave it a big jump, and even it thought that it was bound to die.

However, it didn't feel any pain and slowly opened its eyes. After realizing that it was still alive, it jumped up on the spot like a frightened grass slime, and then quickly hid behind Lin Yan.

Lin Yan was overjoyed to see Xiao Bai still alive, but now is not the time to pay attention to these things.If the rock dragon lizard just now is a monster that is difficult for ordinary people to resist, then the relic guards and relic hunters that appear now are existences that ordinary people cannot resist.

Their physical defense is extremely high, and ordinary weapons have no way to penetrate their iron skins. Even if they hit their weak points, they will only be paralyzed for a short time.Trying to deal with them without God's Eye is a bit like a dream.

Ge Mu and the others knew this very well, so after seeing the appearance of the relic guard and the relic hunter, his two men trembled with fright, and even had the idea of ​​fleeing.

However, facing the treasure that is close at hand, Ge Mu does not seem to intend to give up just like this.

"Damn, don't you show some strength, do you really think I'm easy to bully?" The attitude was completely different from when he was talking to Lin Yan. After Ge Mu cursed angrily, he took out an ornament inlaid with blue gemstones from his body.

If you look carefully, you will find that the blue gem has the mark of water element.

This is the eye of God, and it is also the eye of God with water attributes.

"It turns out that he was also wary of us. I thought he was serious." Seeing the God's Eye in Ge Mu's hand, Lin Yan immediately understood.It seems that he is not the only one who is scheming Ge Mu, Ge Mu is also planning his own little calculations in his heart.

At this moment, Yula walked up to him, and Gemu took out the God's Eye, and the situation on the field changed drastically.After all, if they are as incapable of using elemental power as they seem on the surface, Gomu with the God's Eye can keep them here forever.

The difference between the holder of the Eye of God and ordinary people may only be known by comparing the two, because the gap between them is so large that it cannot be crossed.

"What should we do now?" Seeing Ge Mu who decided to fight to the death, Yula asked Lin Yan about his next plan.

"Continue to show weakness. After all, it is not yet an absolute critical moment. Although it is a bit risky to do so, the fruits we reap afterwards will affect our economic trend in the next few years, or even decades." Lin Yan took it easy. said slowly.

He asked Yula to take Xiaobai to a safe place. After all, if there was any danger, the emergency defense system of the magic armor would keep him safe, but they couldn't.

"Brother Chen Yan, it's a bit difficult to say. I want you to hold back the relic hunter. After I finish solving the relic guard, I will immediately support you."

Ge Mu turned his head and shouted at Lin Yan, but Lin Yan deliberately put on a hesitant expression.

"Brother Chen Yan, if you are willing to do me this favor, after that, you will get [-]% more of the treasure!"

He made an extremely attractive condition, and Lin Yan immediately agreed to his request after listening to it, although all of this was just a pretense.

Holding a spear, he ran towards the Ruins Hunter, while Yura, who was standing on the sidelines watching from a distance, had a worried expression on his face.

He didn't know that Lin Yan's magic armor had an emergency defense system, so in her opinion, Lin Yan was fighting with his life.

She didn't know why Lin Yan worked so hard for the so-called treasure. She didn't want any treasure, but only hoped that Lin Yan would be safe.It's just that her worries are unnecessary in Lin Yan's opinion, because everything is progressing according to his plan, so he is very confident that he will be the last laugher.

The Relic Hunter is much more flexible than the Relic Guardian, and it flies in the sky. Unless it lands by itself, it can't even be touched without a bow weapon.

The relic hunter in reality is different from the relic hunter in the game. It does not fly at low altitude, but at high altitude, so Lin Yan can't hit it at all. I don't know if it is as powerful as in the game. It would be even more troublesome if he had the skill of firing missiles.

The arm suddenly turned into an electromagnetic drill, and after seeing Lin Yan running towards him, the relic hunter rushed towards him without hesitation.

Lin Yan, who reacted quickly, jumped out to the side and escaped the fatal blow.

It can also be seen from this that the attack method of the relic guard seems to be the same as in the game.

On the other side, Ge Mu, who took out the Eye of God, no longer had the intention of being afraid of the relic guards. He slapped the ground with his palm, and a turbulent water column rose from the ground, trapping the relic guards directly.

Ge Mu seems to want to drown the relic guard, but the relic guard is a machine, and it is also waterproof. Such an idea is obviously unrealistic.

However, those who are careful will find that while the water column traps the ruin guard, there are also flashes of water blades making scratches on his body one after another.Although the physical defense of the relic guard is very high, the elemental defense is very average.

However, although such an attack achieved good results, it was obviously impossible to defeat the guard of the ruins in this way.After all, summoning the water column for a long time will greatly consume Gemu's elemental power, and it will not be able to cause fatal damage to the relic guards.

So, Ge Mu yelled at the two subordinates beside him: "You two, help me trigger the elemental reaction!"

They woke up in an instant, and the two hurriedly took out a bottle of potion from their pockets. After fumbling for a while, the elements of fire and thunder rose from the mouths of the two bottles of potion.

Throw the potion vigorously towards the ruin guard, and after it is broken, it reacts with the water column to vaporize and electrocute.If the attack of the water column cannot cause substantial damage to the guardian of the ruins, then this elemental reaction is fatal.

Especially shocking, the relic guard is an unmanned machine, and its internal structure is mechanical. Once it comes into contact with the thunder element, it will temporarily paralyze it, or even be scrapped directly.

Although this is not shown in the game, it is true in reality.

(End of this chapter)

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