Chapter 148 The Last Fruit
Seeing Lin Yan's smile, Ge Mu couldn't help being stunned for a moment. At the same time, years of experience in stealing treasures made him feel a little bad at this moment.

"What are you laughing at? Could it be that you plan to snatch the treasure from me? Don't be ridiculous, I have the eyes of God." He specially took the eyes of God in his hand and showed it to Lin Yan. Ge Mu wanted to borrow it This deters the opponent.

But what he didn't expect was that in the next second, the arm holding the God's Eye was suddenly cut off by a sharp blade.

Blood gushed out from the severed arm like a fountain, and the severe pain made Ge Mu scream out in agony, and even nearly passed out.

When the two subordinates behind them reacted, they saw a big blue sword in Yula's hand, and there was a trace of blood on the blade. It seems that she was the one who chopped off Gemu's arm .

But what is puzzling is where did her weapon come from?Moreover, isn't she a weak woman who doesn't have any fighting ability at all?
It wasn't until Yula took out the God's Eye hidden in her pocket and put it back on the feather on the front shoulder cape that they realized that they had been tricked.

From the beginning, their plan was to find two unlucky guys to join them, and if they could open the stone gate at the entrance of the treasure land, their lives would be spared.If you can't open the stone gate, kill them and take all the money on them.

For this reason, Ge Mu also specially changed the costumes of their treasure robbers to make them look more like adventurers who were exploring together, and even hid the eye of God in order to make people relax their vigilance.

Originally, he thought his little plan was perfect, but what he didn't expect was that Lin Yan actually plotted against him.

You hide and I hide, it depends on who can't bear to reveal their identity first.

"Who are you?" Pointing at the two of them with his only remaining hand, Ge Mu's eyes were bloodshot from the pain, and his expression looked very ferocious.

Obviously, he already knew that the identities of Lin Yan and Lin Yan were definitely not as simple as they seemed.From the very beginning, he should have realized that taming monsters is simply impossible, unless you have very special abilities.

Yula took a step forward at this moment, and then reported her identity. After all, facing a dying person, it is still acceptable to satisfy him: "The captain of the guerrilla team of the West Wind Knights, [Spray Knight]—— Yula Lawrence."

Seeing Yula declaring her identity, Lin Yan couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "Knights of the West Wind [Knights of Glory]—Lin Yan."

"West Wind Knights!" Obviously, even though he is a member of the Treasure Thief Squad operating within Liyue, Ge Mu still knows the West Wind Knights, "Aren't you supposed to be in Mond?! Why did you appear in Liyue!"

His face gradually turned pale, and as the amount of blood loss gradually increased, if this continued, Gemu would go into shock and faint soon, and he might even die from it.

So he had to think of a way to let Lin Yan and the others let him go.

" can't kill me. I am under the Seventh Regiment Commander. If you kill me, the Seventh Regiment Commander will not let you go." In this desperate situation, Ge Mu actually tried to threaten Lin Yan If they really let him go like this, then Lin Yan would feel like a coward.

However, before he could make a move, Yula chopped off Gemu's head with a single knife.

"That's a lot of nonsense. If I'm bluffed by a little guy like you, won't I be made fun of by the rest of the team when I go back?" Yula was holding a big sword with one hand on her hip, and Gemu, whose head had been chopped off, died instantly. The body is also weak lying on the ground.

Can't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Lin Yan didn't expect Yula to kill so decisively, originally he planned to do it himself, but the other party beat him one step ahead.

But when those two subordinates saw Ge Mu being directly killed by Yula, they were frightened out of their wits and didn't know what to do for a while.Standing still, not because they didn't want to run, but because their weakened legs could not support them to escape.

Obviously, Lin Yan would not let the two of them go, so after they were dealt with neatly, they began to look at the treasures in the stone room.

If Ge Mu had divided the treasure with them fifty-fifty as agreed at the beginning, perhaps he would not have ended up like this.Now not only have they handed over all the treasures to Lin Yan and the others, but they have also lost their lives, which is simply not worth the loss.

It's a pity that he has no chance to regret it, after all, he only lives once, and that's what happens if he doesn't know how to cherish it.

However, Lin Yan was not in a hurry to count the treasures in the stone room, but walked up to Gemu's arm that was cut off by Yula, and picked up the God's Eye that was tightly held in his hand.

Because Ge Mu was dead, the God's Eye also lost its luster.The elemental power originally contained has been completely lost at this moment, and the current God's Eye has become a pure ornament without any practical function.

"What do you want this God's Eye for?" Yula was very puzzled by Lin Yan's behavior.

But Lin Yan explained: "If this eye of God is sold in Liyue Port, it should be able to sell for a good price."

After the holder of the God's Eye dies, the God's Eye will lose its original power and become an ownerless thing.But this does not mean that the Eye of God has completely lost its function, because it has become an empty shell, and there is still a chance to be activated again.

It's just that the probability of being activated is extremely small, even lower than one in ten thousand.But even so, ordinary people who don't have the Eye of God are still willing to sell everything to buy an empty shell of the Eye of God.

After all, this is an item given by the gods to mortals. If it can be reactivated, it means that it has been affirmed by the gods. Who would resist the affirmation from the gods?

"Even selling the God's Eye? You are really extravagant." Yula also knew the preciousness of the God's Eye, so when she heard that Lin Yan was going to sell the God's Eye, she immediately felt To a little incredible.

"Otherwise, what else can we do? This God's Eye doesn't have any effect on us. We can't let it stay here, right? That's a pity, so you can treat me as a waste."

After speaking, Lin Yan put the God's Eye in his pocket, and turned his gaze to the stone room.

The same is true for Yula, but looking at the moras everywhere, she realized a very serious problem: "There are so many moras, if we want to take them all, what method do we have to use?"

They don't have any tools that can be used to carry them, so there is no way to take all the treasures here, especially the Mora, which is too numerous to count.

"That's true." Lin Yan nodded, agreeing with Yula's words, but he quickly thought of a way.

"We don't need to take away all the things, just some of them. For example, these antiques that look like they have a long history. Liyue people like this kind of antiques the most, and many rich families are willing to buy them at a high price. And a An antique, at least in Liyue, can sell for hundreds of thousands of moras."

"We just need to take these. We will take the rest if we have a chance in the future. After all, few people will come to Cuijuepo, and I don't know if the treasure robbers will send people to look for them."

(End of this chapter)

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