Chapter 152

Time passed gradually, and the sky began to darken after a while.

The two walked around the street for a while, and finally found a hotel.

"You two, do you want a room?" Seeing the two people walking into the hotel, the shopkeeper immediately greeted them with a smile.

Although many people have come to Liyue recently intending to check whether the news of the God of Rock's fall is true, but most of those who had such thoughts were eventually stopped at the entrance of Liyue Port, unable to enter the port.

The locals in Liyue Port don't need to stay in hotels, so in the past half month, the hotel business has been extremely bleak.If this continues for a few more months, it is estimated that they will face the danger of bankruptcy.

So after seeing finally a customer came, the shopkeeper was naturally extremely excited.

"Well, let's open two rooms, and prepare some dinner for us by the way." His stomach was already rumbling with hunger. After opening two rooms, Lin Yan asked the shopkeeper to prepare some food for them to satisfy their hunger.

"One room is enough." However, Yula said unexpectedly at this time.

Looking at Yula with a surprised face, Lin Yan saw that she was turning her head to one side with a touch of blush on her face. It seemed that she was not joking.

"Then open one!" Changing his previous decision, Lin Yan rubbed his palms together in overjoy, but the face of the shopkeeper changed a little at this moment.

Damn, the business is not good recently, you open two rooms now and one room, are you kidding me?
"Guest officers, here is the key to the room. Please go upstairs and take a rest. I will notify you when dinner is ready." Suppressing the dissatisfaction in his heart, the shopkeeper handed over the key to the two of them. After that, they asked the chef to prepare dinner for them.

When they came to the second floor of the hotel and found the room corresponding to the key, the two opened the door and closed the door tightly after walking in.

Xiao Bai, who was stuffed in Lin Yan's pocket for a long time, poked his head out the moment the door was closed, and jumped to the ground when he found that there was no one else around except Lin Yan and Yula.After wriggling its body a few times, its size returned to its original size.

Xiaobai looked at the room curiously, while Lin Yan and Yula sat on the chairs.

"You can't let me sleep on the floor again tonight." Lin Yan poured a cup of tea for himself and Yula respectively, and said to each other while swinging the teacup.

"Last time I planned to let you sleep on the bed with me. Who knew that you proposed to sleep on the floor, so I don't bother to refuse you." As if venting her dissatisfaction last time, Yula's tone sounded a little unhappy, " Although you can sleep on the same bed as me, if you dare to do anything wrong with me, don't blame me for being rough."

"Okay, okay, definitely." Although he agreed, Lin Yan was already imagining what would happen tonight.

Not long after, the kitchen's dinner was ready, and the shopkeeper came up to inform them in person.Because they only had one meal in the morning today, their stomachs are almost starving now.

Xiaobai originally planned to go down with them, but Lin Yan stayed on it.Because it can't appear in the public's field of vision yet, otherwise it will definitely be eliminated as a monster.

Lin Yan doesn't have any prestige in Liyue now, so if something happens, he will have no way to keep the other party, unless he uses force.

"Ying and the others will probably have more than half a month to come to Liyue, so let's look for them then." Thinking this way in his heart, he then went downstairs to have dinner with Yula.

After eating, he specially left some to bring up, after all, if Xiao Bai was hungry, it might cause some trouble.

In the evening, the two took turns taking a bath, and Lin Yan took Xiaobai with him when he took a bath. It seemed that he hadn't bathed for several days.Although his body didn't look particularly dirty, Lin Yan still took a bath with it.

After taking a bath, it was getting late, and the originally noisy sound outside became smaller and smaller until it finally disappeared completely.

Yula changed into a light pajamas, and she covered the quilt after lying on the bed early, and turned her face to the wall, leaving a large sleeping place for Lin Yan.

"Xiaobai, don't sleep on my stomach tonight. If you are obedient, I will take you to Wanmin hall for a big meal tomorrow." In order to prevent Xiaobai from ruining this excellent opportunity, Lin Yan also Tell it not to disturb them before going to bed.

After making all the preparations, he blew out the oil lamp, and then slowly climbed onto the bed.

After snatching half of the quilt from Yula, Lin Yan kept some distance from her at first.But if you look carefully, you will find that he is slowly approaching Yura.

He didn't stop until his fingertips touched the opponent's back.

After a period of time without any movement, Lin Yan quietly raised one hand, and passed the other hand through Yula's waist.

Sensing Lin Yan's actions, Yula didn't resist immediately, but bit her lips tightly, as if acquiescing to the other party's behavior.

Gently hugging Yula's abdomen with both hands, while Lin Yan felt a very soft touch, he also felt her body temperature was slightly higher than usual.

It stayed like this for a while, seeing that Yula didn't have any intention of resisting, Lin Yan put his mouth against the back of the other's neck, and blew lightly.

The moment she felt the other party's breath, Yura's body trembled like an electric shock.Seeing that she still didn't respond, Lin Yan's evil hands began to move towards the upper part of the opponent's abdomen.

Seeing that she was about to touch the unknown territory that had never been touched before, Yula was already extremely ashamed and angry at this moment.

Turning around suddenly, she kicked Lin Yan out of the bed without saying a word. Before the other party realized what was going on, his head fell to the ground.

"If you dare to touch me again, you will roll to sleep on the street!" Shouted sharply, and Yula's shout even woke up Xiaobai who was lying on the ground, with a disconcerted expression on her face. He looked at the scene in front of him in relief.

Although I don't know exactly what happened, but my intuition tells it that if it provokes Yura now, it will definitely be hacked to death by the opponent with a big sword.So it just lay there quietly, motionless.

On the other side, Lin Yan, who fell to the ground and was hit hard on the abdomen and the back of the head, was moaning while clutching the painful area.

After a while, he got up from the ground with a look of bewilderment, only to see that Yula had already lay back, facing the wall, she seemed very angry at the moment.

Lin Yan didn't intend to coax her, so Lin Yan crawled back to the bed. The other party was so angry now, the more he coaxed her, the more it would be counterproductive, so he could only wait until tomorrow morning, when Yula's anger improved a little, before apologizing.

"Damn it, I would have taken it if I had known it earlier." Half covered with the quilt, Lin Yan had a face full of tears.

Because he had learned the lesson just now, he didn't dare to approach Yula again, and he behaved very honestly throughout the second half of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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