Chapter 154
The storyteller's question made the man not know how to answer.

"In terms of general rationality, it is indeed as you said. However, now that the God of Rock has passed away, you have to find new ways to stabilize the development of Liyue. I don't completely agree with your statement, in my opinion Come on, people can always find a new way out in adversity."

"If we can survive this period of time successfully, Liyue will enter the [Era of Human Rule] from the thousands of years [The Age of God]. I am looking forward to seeing Liyue like that, so , let us wait and see."

Standing up from his seat, the man seemed to be planning to leave.

"Very good talk, but it's a pity that I don't have Mora with me. If possible, I hope that some of you can pay for me this time. If you must let me pay it back. You can send the bill to Xiangshengtang or Beiguo Bank."

After speaking, he turned to leave.

Lin Yan, who was not far away, had been watching this side all the time, looking at the man in front of him who was going to run away without paying, he suddenly walked towards him thoughtfully.

"You know him?" Yula asked after seeing Lin Yan's plan at a glance.

"I heard that he has a lot of prestige in Liyue. Even the Seven Stars of Liyue wanted to win him over, but unfortunately they didn't succeed." Lin Yan replied.

When he finished speaking, he had already walked in front of the other party, and the other party also noticed him at this moment.

"You" glanced at Lin Yan, and he immediately felt a familiar aura from the other person, "You smell like wind, rocks and lightning. It's just the smell of lightning that is different from mine. The ones I know are different."

For his words, Yura felt very baffled, because she couldn't understand what it meant.But Lin Yan's expression didn't seem to have any waves, he just said to the other party with a smile on his face: "I have admired your name for a long time, Mr. Zhongli."

"Old man?" Yula was even more puzzled when she heard Lin Yan addressing him.The other party looks like he is only about 30 years old at most, but why do you call him old man?
The reason why Lin Yan called the other party the old man was because of the habit he developed in the game.

Zhongli, the spear character of the five-star rock system in the game, is the most famous guest official in the Hall of Rebirth. Because of his extensive knowledge, even Liyue Qixing wants to win him over.

Besides, the most unexpected thing about Zhongli is that his real identity is Morax, the rock god who has guarded Liyue for thousands of years.

In the game plot, Morax may be tired of guarding Liyue for a long time; it may also be planning a new future for Liyue.Anyway, the assassination and death of the emperor that happened at [Qing Xian Dian Yi] at that time was just his personal performance.

And the reason he did this was to let Liyue enter the [Era of Rule by Man], that is, like Mond, become a country without gods.

However, his idea is very good, but it is obviously unrealistic for the people of Liyue to accept a [Liyue without the existence of the Rock King] so easily, otherwise he would not have had an opinion with the storyteller just now differences.

Of course, now that Emperor Yan has [Falled], Liyue will definitely enter the [Era of Human Rule] successfully, but this process may be very difficult, and it may even affect the economic development of Liyue as a whole.

However, this is not what Zhongli should care about. After all, he is no longer the god who rules Liyue, but lives in this land as a [member of Liyue] like everyone else.

But now, when Zhong Li heard Lin Yan calling himself "Old Man", he knew that the other party had recognized his identity.

Just like when Lin Yan recognized Wendy as Fengshen back then, Zhongli didn't show much surprise, but said after a moment of silence: "So that's it, are you the person [Feng] said? Sure enough, you are the same person as [Feng]?" Very similar."

Now, it was Lin Yan's turn to be puzzled. He could understand what Zhong Li said about "wind". He should be referring to the wind god Barbatos, but Lin Yan didn't know who "they" were referring to.

"Mr. Zhong is really leisurely. He either enjoys the flowers and walks the birds, or listens to people's stories. He has never considered the consequences of his sudden departure. But anyway, nothing can live forever, even the gods. Sooner or later, Liyue will face this. For a moment, it's just that you let him advance."

"This is a treasure I found in Cuijuepo, it's considered a meeting gift." As he spoke, Lin Yan took out the ring he found from Cuijuepo from his pocket, and handed it to Zhongli.

After Zhongli took the treasures, he began to look carefully at them. To be honest, Liyue might not have any treasures that he didn't know the origin of. After all, he existed in the world before Liyue was born.

"I see, there is a nostalgic smell on this ring." Sure enough, after observing for a while, Zhong Li recognized the origin of this ring, "Since you said it was a meeting gift, then I will accept it. If you need any help in the future, you can go to Xiangshengtang to find me."

"Now, if you have nothing else to do, please let me leave. The Hall of Rebirth has received a few orders recently, and Hall Tang wants me to handle it with her personally, so I can't stay here for a long time."

After finishing speaking, Zhongli planned to leave, but Lin Yan didn't stop him. After all, he didn't expect to meet Zhongli here from the beginning, so he didn't prepare anything in advance.

However, just when Zhongli was about to leave, a voice from a distance stopped him suddenly.

"Mr. Zhongli, how are you doing these days?"

Attracted by that voice, Lin Yan and Yula turned their eyes and found that the person speaking was a man with short brown hair, a handsome appearance, and a red mask on the left side of his head.

The No. 11 seat of the fool's executive officer——【Young Master】Dadalia.

I don't know whether it's good luck or bad luck, first I met Zhongli, and now I met 【Young Master】.Ever since [Ms.] snatched Wendy's God's Heart last time, Lin Yan's disgust towards fools has reached its peak.

However, because he is more familiar with [Young Master], Lin Yan can't hate him.

But if he dared to do something to the people around him, then he would definitely not be polite to them.

"Why are you looking for me?" Zhong Li didn't seem to expect the young master to appear, and he couldn't think of the purpose of the other party coming to him for a while.

"It's nothing serious." The young master said, "It's just that I met a traveler from a foreign land recently. She wanted to find Morax, so I would like to ask you to help me with this."

In Liyue, the name of the God of Rock is a big taboo, probably only people from other places like Young Master dare to call Morax directly.

"The Rock God has already fallen, and you should be aware of this. Although I am knowledgeable, I can't bring the dead back to life, let alone the other party is a god?" Zhongli replied in a flat tone.

(End of this chapter)

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