Chapter 157 Goodbye Ying and Paimon
Opening the larger wooden box, Lin Yan found that it was full of coins with a face value of [-] moras, about a thousand in number.

The small wooden box was also filled with coins with a face value of [-] moras, but the number was less than that of the large wooden box.

There are a total of 7000 coins in the two wooden boxes, and when multiplied by [-], it is exactly [-] million.

After confirming that there was no problem with the number of Mora, Lin Yan stacked the two wooden boxes together and said, "If this is the case, then we won't stay for long."

After speaking, the two planned to leave.

"I'll send you two off." The head of the family offered to send them off, but Lin Yan did not refuse this request.

He didn't send them to the gate of the chamber of commerce. After the head took them for a while, he actually sent them out through the back door.

"Then send it here. If possible, I hope you two can take care of the business of our Feiyun Chamber of Commerce." Sending the two of them to the back door, the master turned and walked into the house after saying this.

Holding a slightly heavy wooden box in their hands, Lin Yan and Yula had just taken two steps when they felt someone following them.

"Oh, it's exactly what I thought. Fortunately, I put on a mask, otherwise it would be troublesome if the other party remembers my appearance." Sighing lightly, the two looked at each other, and then accelerated their pace.

Until the end, when those guys followed them to a gloomy alley, they saw the two of them disappear in place out of thin air.

Confused, they checked around, but they still couldn't find any trace of the two of them.

Perhaps they didn't know that Lin Yan and Yula had already returned to the hotel with their fruits.

That night, when Lin Yan and Yula were having dinner downstairs, they saw a figure walking into the hotel.

At first I thought it was just a guest of the house, so Lin Yan didn't care much, and didn't even look at it.

"Lin Yan!" It was not until a familiar voice sounded that it caught his attention.

Turning his head and looking, standing at the door of the hotel was Ying and Paimon, whom he hadn't seen for nearly a month.

And the one who called his name was Paimon who was very talkative on weekdays.

"Lin Yan Lin Yan, what delicious food are you eating, hurry up and give me a taste." Seeing the two of them having dinner, Paimeng actually flew over and unceremoniously participated in it.

"Really, why did you come here now? It's been a tough time for both of us." Paimon said while stuffing food into his mouth, "I didn't expect Liyue's daily consumption to be so scary. When we were in Germany, we didn’t need many moras for a month, but when we got here, we spent more than [-] moras in a few days.”

"Don't go on like this, our wallets are almost overwhelmed. Fortunately, you are here, so let's borrow some money and use it."

The corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching. Lin Yan really couldn't think of the reason why Paimon spoke in such a natural way. He just asked to borrow money. Before crossing, he hated this kind of person the most.

But now. He is not short of money, and his relationship with Ying and the others is really good, so it doesn't matter if he borrows a little bit.

"No, I lent you these, it's up to you whether you want to pay them back or not." Taking out more than ten coins from his pocket, Lin Yan handed them to Ying who just sat down.

Although there are only a dozen coins, each coin has a face value of 100, so there are more than [-] million moras in total, which is already a lot for Ying and the others.

"That's so much!" As expected, when Paimon saw the face value of those coins, he immediately showed great shock, and even almost lost the food in his hand.

"Lin Yan, how did you become so rich? Did you rob Grandpa Di Luke's winery or the treasury of the Zephyr Knights?"

Lin Yan's face turned black when he heard this: "Are you kidding me? The money is all my own, okay? It's not as dirty as you think."

Obviously, Paimon couldn't accept the fact that Lin Yan became a rich man for a while, so he said such infuriating words.

"Really, you are so lavish just now that you have money, I really don't know if you are the housekeeper or the prodigal." Yula said at this moment with her face propped up on one hand.

Lin Yan, who was complained about, couldn't help but chuckled: "Hey, friends, it's right to help each other, although... she hasn't helped me much yet."

"Thank you." Ying took the coin that Lin Yan put on the table and said softly.

This money is a great help to her, because she didn't expect Liyue's consumption to be so terrifying, so now, the Mora in her wallet is almost bottomed out, and she has to complete the adventurer's association every day. The Mora earned from the entrustment is not enough at all, who made Paimon so edible.

"Speaking of which, Xiaobai? Why didn't you see Xiaobai? Didn't you bring it?" Paimon couldn't help asking when he suddenly found that Xiaobai was missing.

"Xiaobai, it's in the upstairs room, because it's a monster, so it can't appear in the public's field of vision for the time being, otherwise it's very likely to be caught by the Qianyan army, and if it's serious, it will even be wiped out in the street Drop it." After explaining why Xiaobai is not here, Lin Yan wiped his oily mouth with a handkerchief after eating the last bite of rice in the bowl.

"That's right. After all, you are [the hero who saved Mond], so you can take Xiaobai on the streets of Mond City, but not in Liyue." Nodding, Paimon looked as if I can understand Lin Yan's words.

"Speaking of which, what is your next plan in Liyue? If not, then come and help us. We are currently preparing the [Send the Immortal Ceremony]. Zhongli said that as long as you participate in the [Send the Immortal Ceremony], Only then can we see the dead God of Rock, and we don’t know if it’s true or not.”

"However, in order to help Ying find her elder brother, I think I can give it a try. After this day, I always feel that Zhongli is a little unreliable. It's not that his ability is not good, but his concept of money seems to be different from ordinary people. , will always make unexpected moves.”

"Fortunately, the young master paid the bill for us, otherwise our wallets really couldn't stand his toss."

While talking, Paimon stuffed food into his mouth, as if expressing his dissatisfaction.

But it is true, because Mora was created by Morax, so it is no exaggeration to say that Zhongli himself is an inexhaustible Mora, so his concept of money is different from others.

Or maybe. He just didn't want to admit that he was a poor man.

Fortunately, because of his outstanding knowledge, someone often pays for him. The Hall of Rebirth and Beiguo Bank have already spent a lot of money for him, but the head of the Hall of Rebirth and Young Master himself have no dissatisfaction with this.

Because Lin Yan and the others have been found, Ying and Paimon also stayed in this hotel. It is always good to have someone to rely on, and they are very clear about this, especially in such an unfamiliar place.

Lin Yan refused to prepare [Send Xian Dian Yi] together with them, because it was not necessary, and now that he has made a fortune, he wants to experience the life of a rich man.

(End of this chapter)

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