Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 172 The Messenger of Condensed Light

Chapter 172 The Messenger of Condensed Light

After eating the popsicles, Yula smelled the smell of sweat on her body. Although she was used to this smell when she was a guerrilla knight, it was different now. With Lin Yan around, she had to let herself keep On the perfect side, at least you can't have this stink on your body.

So she planned to take a bath. Of course, eating these popsicles would not fill her stomach, so she had to cook later, but it was fine to leave this kind of thing to Lin Yan. After all, although his cooking skills were not as good as her own, he was It's not bad, at least he likes the few dishes he can cook.

However, just when she stood up, Lin Yan suddenly hugged her from behind. This kind of sudden attack would happen almost every day or two, so she was a little used to it.

"If you want to be intimate, let's wait until I take a shower. You can't smell the smell of sweat on my body, right?"

Hearing this, Lin Yan sniffed the smell on Yula's body, and then said with a puzzled face: "There's no smell of sweat, why is all I smell is fragrance?"

"Stop being so glib, let go quickly, or I'll be rude to you." Although the tone of the speech sounded a little uncomfortable, Lin Yan didn't feel any anger from Yula at all.

So, his habit of being cheap began to flare up: "Okay, okay, take a bath, it happens that I am also very dirty, why don't we wash it together?"

The moment he finished speaking, Lin Yan suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen. It was an elbow from Yula, and she would do it every time he said such a cheap thing.

Immediately, he let go of the hands that were holding Yula, and Lin Yan covered the part of his abdomen that was hit, and groaned a few times.

"If you are not afraid of death, you can come and try." He said to Lin Yan in a threatening tone, but soon, a shy blush appeared on Yula's face, "However, if you can be more honest , I can reward you for sleeping with me tonight."

Since buying this house, the two of them never slept in the same room, only occasionally when Yula was in a good mood, or when Lin Yan did something that touched her, she would reward him for sleeping with her.

"Okay! I will be honest." This kind of reward is very hard-won. Of course, Lin Yan will not let go of such a good opportunity. Moreover, although he said that he will be honest, but at night , he must be doing something.

Uh. Of course, he dare not do things that are too extreme. So far, the most Yula can bear is to let him sleep with her in his arms.

But this is enough for Lin Yan. After all, he knows what is called step by step. This time, he can only guarantee Yula to sleep. Next time, the two of them may face each other naked?So now, he has to learn to be patient.

The time came to the next day very quickly, yesterday I slept on the same bed as Yula, Lin Yan was indeed honest, at least in his opinion, he did not do anything out of line.

Today's weather is very good, the sky is clear, and the hot summer is over, the early autumn is here, and the weather is not as hot as before, so Lin Yan plans to go out with Yula for a stroll, just to relax.

I heard that there is a commercial street in Liyue Port, they plan to go there to have a look, buy clothes and decorations, and taste Liyue's local snacks, all of which are good relaxing activities.

Yula didn't want to go at first, but she still couldn't persuade Lin Yan, so she had to agree.

Although Xiaobai can also go with him, it is a pity that he can't show his face. After all, with Lin Yan's current reputation, he has not yet reached the level where he can walk the street with monsters.

Only after Xiaoyu's report was approved and he got the chance to meet Liyue Qixing, could he ask the other party to make an announcement allowing him to take Xiaobai on the street.

The plan had already been made, the two of them dressed up meticulously, and when they were about to go out, there was a knock on the door.

The knock on the door caught Lin Yan a little off guard, because he had no idea who would come looking for him at such a time.

So, he walked over and opened the door, and the person standing outside the door also made him stunned.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Lin Yan's home?"

Standing outside the door was a woman who didn't know if she was hurting a girl.

The other party has long blue hair, which is gathered into a ponytail at the back of the head and hangs down naturally.There is a dull hair on the top of the head, and two small black and red horns grow on both sides of the head.

She wears a golden cowbell on her collar, and an ice-attribute God's Eye on a Chinese knot at her waist. She is wearing a short white cheongsam with gold patterns, a one-piece halter top, and black silk pants The socks are wrapped in it, and there are gold patterns on the rings.

Her hands are covered with white sleeves, the cuffs are double-layered, and the gradient blue inner layer is flared outwards.The hands are wearing long black gloves, and the color of the forearm is a gradient blue.

Gan Yu, the five-star ice-type bow and arrow character that appeared in the game, and Mandrill and Hu Tao are called [Liyue 3C], and they are the three with the highest damage among all Liyue's characters so far.And Gan Yu is the best in the ice system.

Her identity is also very special. She is a hybrid of a human and a unicorn. She is a half-immortal body, no different from a real immortal. Therefore, she has a very high lifespan. It is said that she also participated in the Demon God War.But at that time, she was still very fat, and she seemed to have choked a demon god to death, which is indeed a bit funny.

In addition, in the name of the rock god Morax, she became the secretary of the Liyue Seven Stars after the Demon God War, assisting the Liyue Seven Stars from generation to generation, and she is not the secretary of any of the Seven Stars, but Seven Star's shared secretary.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Lin Yan's home?" Seeing that Lin Yan was stunned and did not speak, Gan Yu asked what he had said just now, and then woke Lin Yan up.

"Yes, I'm Lin Yan, may I ask who you are?" Although Lin Yan knew Gan Yu, he didn't know the reason of the other party, so he had to pretend that he didn't know her.

"I am the secretary of Liyue Qixing, and my name is Gan Yu. This time, as the envoy of Lord Tianquan Ningguang, I specially invite you to Qunyu Pavilion." The purpose is also stated.

Lin Yan was quite surprised after hearing this. Although he knew that the request submitted to Qixing would definitely be approved, he never expected it to be so fast. He only reported it to Xiaoyu yesterday, and it was approved directly today.

Logically speaking, even if Qixing agreed to his request to meet with them, it would not be possible to set it on the same day or the next day after the approval, it must be given two days to prepare.

Unless Ningguang has made plans with herself from the beginning, and what Gan Yu said just now, she is the messenger of Ningguang, [please] come to Qunyu Pavilion by herself.Just the two words [Please] and [Xu] can tell the reason for the attention: it wasn't that Ningguang agreed to his request, but that Ningguang wanted to see him.

But no matter what considerations there are, as long as he can meet with Qixing, that would be a good thing. Unfortunately, his plan to go out to relax today may be ruined.

(End of this chapter)

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