Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 174 Conversation with Ningguang

Chapter 174 Conversation with Ningguang (Two in One)

Yula also realized something, so before answering her question, she said, "Is there someone from Wangshu Inn?"

Before going to Cuijuepo, she and Lin Yan had only been to Shimen and Wangshu Inn, excluding the possibility that Ningguang had been paying attention to them since Shimen, it was only Wangshu Inn.

"In fact, the entire Wangshu Inn is mine." Ningguang's answer was expected by Lin Yan, but Yula was very surprised by it, "Because many foreigners have come to Liyue recently and want to To confirm whether it is true that the Emperor was assassinated and fell, I specially arranged staff at the Wangshu Inn, just to find people who had plots against Liyue."

"In addition, I have sent people to move all the treasures you left in Cuijuepo to Liyue Port. Since you already know about this, I will send people to send them to your home later. "

This sentence was a bit unexpected for Lin Yan, but it's not surprising after thinking about it. They left so many treasures on Cuijuepo. Since Ning Guang sent someone to follow them, he must know about it.Who would leave a lot of treasure unattended?If it weren't for the conditions at the time, Lin Yan would have liked to take all the treasures away.

"No need, those treasures are ownerless things. Since you got it, Mr. Ningguang, then keep it." Although Ningguang said that he would return those treasures to himself, Lin Yan agreed directly.

Ning Guang was born as a businessman, and what he valued most was Mo La, so he gave him such a large amount of Mo La in vain, and he knew it was a polite way to test him.

"In that case, I'd rather be respectful than obedient." Seeing Lin Yan's refusal, Ning Guang had no intention of returning those treasures to him, and she didn't know whether she really wanted to return them or just pretended.

But no matter what kind it is, Lin Yan just needs to reject her. After all, this can be regarded as making her owe him a favor. If there is any need for help in the future, he can ask her for help.

"Both, it's windy outside, let's go inside and talk."

After finishing the polite words with each other, Ningguang brought the two of them inside Qunyu Pavilion.

When he came to Qunyu Pavilion, Lin Yan found that it was completely different from what he had imagined.

Obviously from the outside, this is just a very ordinary attic, but the furnishings inside are as luxurious as royal nobles, and if you put anything in it in the shops of Liyue Port, it is a treasure worth thousands of gold, just Almost gilded the walls.

"Both, please sit down." He greeted the two of them to a room, and Ningguang brought tea.

"We have already finished talking about the redundant words, so I will get straight to the point. Presumably you two should be very confused, why should I invite you to the Qunyu Pavilion? In fact, I want to meet another [Saved Mond] Besides [hero], there is one more thing I want to ask you."

From Ning Guang's words, it's not difficult to hear that she had already met Ying and the others before meeting Lin Yan.

"But it doesn't matter." Lin Yan took a sip of the tea in his hand, and then signaled Ningguang to speak. After all, if you ask others for help, you have to get the consent of the other party before you can speak, at least in the eyes of a very educated businessman like Ningguang. It seems so.

"Presumably the two of you already knew about the assassination and death of Emperor Yan Wang at the [Invitation to the Immortals]. As witnesses at that time, we, Liyue Qixing, chose to hide the body of the emperor afterwards. However, the consequences of doing so are It’s giving us a lot of headaches.”

"First of all, there are fools. They were already preparing various small actions before the [Invitation to the Immortal Ceremony] started. Although we have noticed it, we have no conclusive evidence to accuse them. After the emperor's fall, The fools even took advantage of the death of the emperor to secretly conduct too many secret operations that exceeded the bottom line of diplomacy."

"As [Tianquan] who is responsible for Liyue, I don't care about graceful posture when confronting. So we approved the preparation of [Please Immortal Ceremony] and provided the venue for the ceremony, in order to fully take over Liyue , to confuse the fools and buy some buffer time."

"Actually, apart from the fools, there is another group that makes us even more troublesome, and that is the immortals who live in seclusion among the clouds. They don't believe that the emperor has fallen, and they insist on asking us to hand over the emperor's body, and we Of course they refused repeatedly, but they didn’t accept it, and they even had the idea of ​​coming to Liyue Port to question the teacher.”

"So... what I want to ask you to do is, when the immortals come to Liyue Port to ask questions, you can resist them for us, if you really want to use force at that time."

Lin Yan finally understood that Ningguang wanted to deal with those immortals in Jueyunjian by himself.

She has been paying attention to Lin Yan all the time, and the matter of Wuwangpo is probably the reason why she deliberately let him go to test Lin Yan's ability, otherwise why he was invited to Qunyu Pavilion the next day after he came back.

But Lin Yan was very curious. Ying had already met her, but why didn't she ask Ying to help Qixing resist the immortals?

It may be because Ying has already had contact with the immortals, so Ningguang was afraid that she would be on the side of the immortals, so she asked her to look at this incident as a neutral person instead of drawing her over.

As for Lin Yan, he has never had any contact with the immortal, so Ningguang chose to win him over and ask him to help stop the immortal in Jueyunjian at that time. If he does not agree, she will also ask him to remain a neutral person identity.Anyway, no matter what, Qixing will not suffer.

But Lin Yan has his own views on this.

"It's not that I can't agree to your request, but in my opinion, you should be able to handle the matter of Emperor Yan's assassination and death better."

"The purpose of the fools is to obtain the supernatural power of the Emperor Yanwang, but the Emperor Yanwang is dead, and you have hidden his body. It's no wonder they don't do something big. In fact, in their opinion, Emperor Yan Wang didn't really die, so they even chose to use extreme methods to lure him out."

"Presumably you already know that the Fools are mass-producing the Bai Wu Taboo Talisman. Although I don't know what they are going to do, what is certain is that they want to use the Bai Wu Taboo Talisman to attract the appearance of the King of the Rock. The way of showing up may cause Liyue to experience a disaster similar to Mond."

"So you can hand over the remains of Emperor Yanwang to the immortals in Jueyunjian. In this way, although they will think that your Seven Stars are useless, at least the suspicion of [Seven Stars usurping the throne] will be ruled out. And I am sure, There's absolutely nothing useful they can investigate."

"As for the fools, although they are very troublesome, but the body of the Emperor Yanwang is no longer in your hands, and they will definitely not have the idea of ​​embarrassing you anymore, but will turn their targets to the immortals."

"Let the fools fight the immortals, and you Seven Stars can just watch from the sidelines as a third party. When necessary, lend a helping hand to the immortals to express your loyalty to the Emperor Yanwang. Isn't the problem solved?"

"But according to what you said, the fools can't even deal with us Seven Stars, so how can we deal with the immortals?" Ning Guang questioned Lin Yan's point of view.

In fact, at the very beginning, the immortal had nothing to do with the Emperor Yanwang, but after he established Liyue Port, it was convenient for the immortals who lived deep in the mountains to sign a contract and guard Liyue Port together.

During the Demon God War, the immortals also made great contributions and made great contributions to the unification of Liyue territory.It can be said that without those immortals, it may not be so smooth for the rock king to become the rock god.

Therefore, the immortals have more powerful power than ordinary people, or even ordinary God's Eye holders, so that they are comparable to the eleven executive officers of the Fools, so they want to get the Rock King Emperor from them. remains, that is not an easy task.

"If it is impossible to deal with the immortals, and the emperor is not dead as you guessed, wouldn't they use the same method to create disasters and use this to lure the emperor to show up?"

What Ning Guang said was right, if the Fools find that they can't deal with those immortals, they will use the same method to create disasters and lure the King of Rocks to show up.

"So disasters are unavoidable," Lin Yan said, "The most important thing you should do now is not to fight with fools, or be prepared to deal with immortals at all times. Instead, you should be in the same camp as immortals, Even if they have doubts about you, let them feel that you Seven Stars are on the same front as them."

"In this way, even if you are not in harmony now, when the disaster strikes, you will be able to deal with it together. Otherwise, do you think that the Seven Stars and Qianyan Army alone can resist the coming disaster? The disaster in Mond is the same It was caused by fools, and you should know the extent of the loss in the end."

Lin Yan's words made Ningguang fall into silence. Originally, she planned to win Lin Yan over and stop the immortal coming from Jueyunjian when necessary, but she unexpectedly let him give him a lesson.

But if you think about it carefully, Lin Yan is actually right. If a disaster on the same scale as Mond really happens, it will be difficult for them to resist with their seven-star abilities.And the immortals all have the experience of fighting demon gods. If they help, the overall strength to resist the disaster will be greatly improved.

But the question now is, when will the plan of the fools be implemented? If the immortals can't bear it anymore and come to Liyue Port to ask for their sins before them, it will be troublesome.Even if the Fools are smarter and wait until the two of them have lost both sides in the fight before implementing the plan, then Li Yue will fall into the quagmire of despair.

At that time, it may really be necessary for the Emperor Yanwang to show up, but if he is unlucky and the Emperor Yanwang really has fallen on the [Please Immortal Code], then Liyue's history may stop here up.

In fact, Ningguang didn't intend to turn against the immortals from the beginning, but they didn't, which doesn't mean the immortals didn't.The immortals are loyal to the Emperor Yanwang, coupled with their solidified thoughts, they will never give up if they don't see the hidden body of the Emperor Yanwang, this point is very clear to Ningguang.

So now we can only wait until the immortals come to Liyuegang to inquire about their crimes, and then implement the delayed plan, as long as it can be delayed. As long as the fools can delay the implementation of the plan, they can join hands with the immortals to fight against the enemy.

She won't order to arrest all the fools in Liyue Port, because she doesn't have that reason, and even if she has, she can't arrest all the fools in Liyue Port.

Because she knew that one of the executive officers of the Fools was in Liyue territory, and she also knew that the executives of the Fools all possessed the divine power of the Ice God, and their strength was far stronger than ordinary humans like them.If she ordered all members of the Fools to be arrested, maybe the other party would jump over the wall in a hurry and implement the plan in advance before the immortals arrived.

Judging from the current situation, the best way for her is to wait and see what happens, and always pay attention to the movements of the fools and immortals. Once there is turmoil, she will decide whether to take action based on the situation at that time.

"So that's the case, what your Excellency said really made me suddenly enlightened." Ning Guang said after a long silence, "In this case, then I will take back my previous request. Now I want to ask you that if the time comes, it will be as you said. A disaster happened as said, I hope you can help us resist together."

"Of course." Lin Yan agreed without even thinking about it. This was originally his plan at the beginning. Now that he promises to make Ningguang owe him a favor, why not do it?

"However, I also have one thing I want to ask Lord Ningguang."

As he spoke, Lin Yan took out Xiaobai, whose body had shrunk from his pocket, and placed it in front of Ningguang.

Seeing that he was finally able to come out to breathe, Xiaobai immediately squirmed his body, restored his body to its original size, and looked around curiously.

Finally, its eyes fell on Ning Guang, and the two sides looked at each other in a daze for a few seconds.

In fact, the moment she saw Xiaobai just now, Ningguang's first reaction was to destroy him, but she quickly dismissed this idea because she knew that Lin Yan had a slime pet, and there would be that kind of slime pet. The idea is just a conditioned reflex after killing too many monsters.

"Master Ningguang should know that I have a slime pet. It won't hurt people, and it won't fight back even if it is attacked by others. But because it is a monster, it is inconvenient for me to walk on the street with it."

"So I want you to ask the Department of General Affairs to issue an announcement, that is, to allow me to take it on the streets of Liyue Port."

After discovering that Xiaobai really didn't know how to attack people, Ningguang poked its head with his hand with great interest, and looked at it like that, as if he wanted to buy Xiaobai back.

"Of course I can agree to your request." Ning Guang said, "According to Liyue's law, as long as it is a creature that does not attack people, it can be taken on the street as a pet, so I immediately let people Notify General Services and have them issue a bulletin that lets you walk down the street with it."

"Then thank you, Mr. Ningguang." Seeing that Ningguang agreed, Lin Yan immediately stood up from his seat, "If there is nothing else, then the two of us will leave first. We planned to go out to relax for a day today. In the end, you were invited to Qunyu Pavilion to narrate, if you don’t hurry back, it will be too late.”

Hearing this, Ning Guang also stood up from his seat, and said: "So that's the case, if this is the case, then you should go back quickly, but don't delay."

After finishing speaking, the three of them left the room, Ning Guang sent Lin Yan and Yula outside the Qunyu Pavilion, and watched them leave before turning back to the Qunyu Pavilion.

After Lin Yan and his wife left Qunyu Pavilion, they rushed back home non-stop. When they were ready, they took Xiaobai out together.

 Thanks to book friend Wan Jianqiu for the reward of 1500 book coins, to book friend He Xie No. 404 for the reward of 1500 book coins, to book friend Keer Titi for the reward of 1100 book coins, and to book friend Shen Yuan for the reward of 300 Book currency, thanks to Bing_Luoyue for the reward of 100 book coins, thanks to Rasual——Qingming for the reward of 200 book coins, thanks to book friend Yanling for the reward of 100 book coins, and thanks to book friend Lei Jueyi for the reward of 100 Book coins, and monthly tickets to thank all book friends
  Thank you for your support, I will continue to work hard in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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