Chapter 181 Zhongli's Contract

Several people looked at Lin Yan in a daze for a while, and Lin Yan was the first to speak.

"Zhongli, why did you give the God's Heart to the God of Ice?" Panting, he stepped forward and asked Zhongli in a questioning tone.

"Yes, I also want to know, if it is defined by the rules of [contract], then there should be nothing in this world whose value can compare with the heart of God?" Paimon and Lin Yan had the same doubts , but soon she realized something, "Eh?! Does Lin Yan know that Zhongli is the Emperor Yan?"

Indeed, from the very beginning, Lin Yan did not prepare [Invite Xian Dianyi] with them, so he probably didn't know Zhongli's identity, even she and Ying just found out.

Zhongli handed over the heart of God to the lady and asked her to take it back to the Queen of Ice. Ying and the others were also extremely surprised by this.When I was in Mond last time, the lady directly robbed Wendy’s God’s Heart in order to get it, but when it came to Liyue, Zhong Li actually gave her the God’s Heart for free, and said that it was the relationship between him and Bing. A [contract] signed by God.

Lin Yan couldn't understand why Zhongli would do this. The last time Wendy's God's Heart was taken away because of his negligence, this time, he would definitely not let Zhongli's God's Heart be taken away, unless Zhongli himself must to give.

"As I said before, that is the agreement between me and the Queen of Ice. The contract has been completed. As the god of the contract, I must not violate the rules I have set." Tone replied.

It is worth mentioning that although Zhongli had already handed over the heart of God to the lady, before that, the young master who was also the executive officer of the Fools knew nothing about it.If he had known that Zhongli was Morakes from the beginning, there would be no need to spend so much effort to find Fashui the Immortal Ancestor.

Not to mention that he didn't succeed, he also had a fight with Lin Yan, and ended up being defeated miserably, and also used up the divine power bestowed on him by the Queen of Ice.

The executive officers have been carrying out various dangerous missions all year round. The divine power bestowed by the Queen of Ice Goddess is their last resort. When encountering no inferior opponents, as long as they are not the other six gods who are also in charge of the Seventh World, they will definitely be able to defeat them all. retreat.

The young master has used up the divine power bestowed by the Ice Queen this time, so he can only wait until the day he returns to Solstice Winter to let the Ice Queen replenish his divine power.

But what made him most angry was Zhong Li, who had put in so much effort even though Morax was by his side, and didn't succeed in the end.He was even stupid enough to ask Zhongli to find a way to help him find Morax, which felt like riding on the back of a donkey to find a donkey.

This might be a world where only Dadalia was injured.

"I don't understand what the God of Ice said to you to make you willingly give her the heart of God." Lin Yan was very puzzled by Zhongli's answer, although he could guess that it should have something to do with Bing. It is related to God's plan to rebel against the law of heaven, but it is still somewhat unacceptable.

"Based on universal rationality, there is indeed nothing in this world that is more precious than the heart of a god. But I am the god of [contracts], and I have made thousands of [contracts] through my hands for thousands of years. If the transaction is not profitable, I will never sell it lightly."

"The deal with the God of Ice is the [Contract to End All Contracts] I signed at the last moment as the God of Rock. As for the other end of the balance, what kind of bargaining chip does the God of Ice place? The answer to this question , in your future journey, it is up to you to answer it yourself.”

With almost the same answer as in the game, Zhongli did not tell Lin Yan the truth about them, but chose to conceal it.This makes Lin Yan a little annoyed, because there is not much time left for him to continue to act as he pleases.

After Liyue, he will go to Dao's Wife, but he doesn't know the plot of Dao's Wife, so he must be careful when the time comes, the God of Thunder doesn't seem to be as easy to talk to as Wendy and Zhongli, she issued an eye hunting order, it seems to be Recover all the God's Eyes in Daozuma's territory and embed them into her statues.

As for what the purpose of her doing this is, Lin Yan is not clear, maybe she will only know when she goes to Dao's wife.

Damn, if it weren't for the slow progress of Mihayou's plot. Dawei, I would kill you**
"Forget it, I won't ask what kind of contract you signed with the God of Ice, but can you tell me what is the law of heaven?" Unable to learn the specific plan of the God of Ice from Zhongli, Lin Yan only Can ask another question that only Zhongli knows.

What is Tianli and who is she?On the bright side, Tianli is the absolute ruler of this world, and even the seven rulers of the world were born after being empowered by her.If the Seven Gods are the gods in the eyes of the world, Tianli is the god in the eyes of the Seven Gods, powerful and unattainable.

This is Lin Yan's understanding of Tianli so far, but if that is the case, why did Tianli personally come and destroy the former kingdom of Kanria?If Tianli really cannot be defeated, then why is there still an abyss, and why does the God of Ice dare to resist her will?
Although the plot of the game has only progressed less than one-third, various plots have begun to imply that Sky Island is not the absolute master of this world.

For example, the Deep Spiral, which used to be the peak of the sharp hat peak, the highest mountain in the Tivat continent, has now become a small island in the border sea area of ​​​​Mond, where there is a passage with twelve floors that leads directly to bottom of the world.

In the Genshin Version 1.1 event [Unreturned Star], the great adventurer Leonard tried to climb the Peak of the Sharp Hat, but ended in failure.Hundreds of years later, the fragments of the Seat of Destiny in the starry sky, carrying Leonard's will, came to the Tivat continent, which caused a lot of commotion at that time.

At the end of the plot, a sentence from the sixth seat of the executive officer of the Fools - [Scattered Soldiers] is thought-provoking.

[The starry sky itself is a huge lie].

Literally, this sentence means that the starry sky above the head is a false existence, but it is a coincidence that the background of the last layer of the deep spiral happens to be the starry sky.

There is a false starry sky above the head, but there is a real starry sky under the feet. Although this conclusion has not yet been established, it has a basis.

In addition, there are various unknown secrets in this world, and the deep spiral is only the one that Lin Yan is most impressed with.And he is like a frog living at the bottom of a well, he knows nothing about the world outside the well, only after seeing it himself, he will know how wonderful it is.

As for now, Lin Yan wants to get some useful information from Zhongli. If he is willing to say something, that would be great.If he doesn't want to say it, he can only explore it by himself.

"Sorry, this is also part of the [contract], so I can't say it." When Zhong Li heard Lin Yan say the word [Tianli], there was an extremely difficult change in his expression, but his answer But it still did not exceed Lin Yan's expectations, that is, he was unwilling to answer his question.

Lin Yan also asked Wendy before. Although Wendy said a lot of things, there was very little that could be regarded as useful information. When Zhongli came here, he didn't say a word, and he didn't intend to waste any words with you. kind of.

"It's the same sentence, when you reach the end of the journey, you will be able to reveal all the truths of this world. Although I have existed in the world for more than six thousand years, but before these six thousand years, the world What was it like? No one knows what the world was like before the birth of the first demon god."

"Similarly, no one knows how the world was born. You can't, I can't, not even the laws of heaven. This is the only thing I can tell you. It would be great if you can understand the meaning. If you understand If not, let’s savor it in combination with future experiences.”

A very profound sentence, indeed as he said, Lin Yan did not understand the meaning.But it seemed that he was unable to get any useful information out of Zhongli's mouth.

For this result, he was not disappointed. He just wanted to give it a try. Since he really couldn't ask anything, there was nothing he could do.

Originally, he wanted to stop the lady from taking the God's Heart away, but if he stopped her, Zhongli would probably be unhappy, after all, this was the contract he signed with the God of Ice.

In the end, Lin Yan turned his head and left Beiguo Bank. After calling Yula who was confronting Nadia at the door, he returned home.

Xiaobai was still sleeping at home, so he didn't go out with the two just now, and he didn't even know what happened.

The disaster has been resolved, and next, the Seven Stars of Liyue will start preparing for the [Ceremony of Sending Immortals] in a few days. Once the [Ceremony of Sending Immortals] is over, they will be considered to have completely taken over Liyue from Morax. As for the immortals, they returned to the Absolute Clouds to live in seclusion, and agreed to allow Liyue to enter the [Era of Human Rule].

This is also what Liyue Seven Stars wanted to see. After all, they wanted to take full control of Liyue a long time ago, but the King of Yan was alive before, so they didn't dare to take any action.Now that Emperor Yanwang has fallen, and the immortals have allowed their actions, they will of course choose to take over Liyue immediately.

As a result, in addition to Mond, which symbolizes freedom, in the Seven Kingdoms of Tivat, there is another [country ruled by gods].

Lin Yan is not interested in [Please Xiandianyi], but Ningguang said that he would agree to a request, so he will go there when the time comes.

Now, the only thing that makes him happy is that his reputation in Liyue has reached its peak. Although most of the residents in Liyue Port don't know him yet, on the way back just now, he heard that many people were Discuss things about yourself.

Some children even regarded him as a hero who "defeated the big monster".Although he had already had a similar experience in Monde, Lin Yan still felt a sense of accomplishment. I don’t know if it will be the same when he goes to Daozuma in the future.

"What happened to you inside?" After returning home, Yula couldn't help asking Lin Yan.

"It's nothing, I just chatted with them, but unfortunately I didn't get the information I wanted." The tone seemed a bit regretful, and Lin Yan slumped directly on the bench in the living room.

"By the way, are you hungry? If so, I'll go and make you something to eat." Lin Yan stood up and said after a while.After speaking, he stood up from the bench and walked towards the kitchen, intending to cook for himself.

Yula didn't say that he was hungry, but Lin Yan would still cook, because he was very hungry now, and he hadn't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon, and he hadn't slept well, so he had to go back to sleep after eating.

However, before he took two steps, Yura grabbed his sleeve from behind.

"Let me come."

In terms of cooking skills, although Lin Yan is not bad, it is definitely not as good as Yula, who was forced by her family to learn cooking skills since she was a child.Since she said so herself, of course Lin Yan would not refuse, and agreed directly. After all, he hadn't eaten Yula's cooking for a while.

I heard that Yula has also learned a few dishes of Liyue recently, and he just wants to try them. As for politeness, the two of them don't need it at all.

After working in the kitchen for a while, Yula brought a few plates of hot dishes to the table, showing the demeanor of a good wife.

Liyue's most common dish is three dishes and one soup, but because there are only two of them, there is more than three dishes and one soup, so there are only two dishes and one soup here.Anyway, no matter what, Liyue people absolutely must drink soup when they eat.

The soup that Yula made was not that kind of thick soup, but a clear soup, and the vegetables that had settled in it could be clearly seen, after all, she didn't like to drink thick soup.And those two dishes are a plate of unpretentious roasted pork with green vegetables and almond tofu.

The last time I went to Wanmintang for dinner, Yula seemed to see that Lin Yan 10 Minutes loves almond tofu, so I specially learned how to make it. Now it is the first time to serve it, and I don’t know if he will like it.

In fact, even if she didn't make it delicious, Lin Yan would still say it was delicious and bite the bullet and finish it.

But, Yula's cooking skills will definitely not disappoint. Although it is not as good as the taste of a top restaurant like [Xin Yue Xuan], it is still very delicious.

It is also worth mentioning that because the Mond people seldom use chopsticks, the biggest problem Yura faces when eating in Liyue is chopsticks. Even after learning for so long, she still can't master the knack of using chopsticks.

For example, now, she wanted to pick up a piece of almond tofu, but because of too much force, the tofu broke in two before it was picked up.

After trying a few more times, the almond tofu that was broken in half was almost turned into bean curd by her.

A blush of embarrassment appeared on her face, and Yula puffed her mouth. Although she hadn't spoken yet, Lin Yan already understood what she meant.

Picking up the chopsticks, Lin Yan put two pieces of almond tofu into her bowl. A similar scene happened almost every time I ate, and it was a bit of a cute contrast.

After eating, the two of them were dirty because of the battle with Oser last night. After taking turns to take a bath, Lin Yan went back to the room to sleep.

It was normal at first, but the heat after taking a bath made him unable to fall asleep immediately.

Suddenly, there was the sound of the door being pushed open behind him, Lin Yan looked up, Xiao Bai was still sleeping on his stomach on the cabinet next to the bed, who opened the door?

Excluding the person who came to assassinate him, it can only be Yura.

Sure enough, not long after, Lin Yan felt that someone got into his quilt, turned around and saw that it was really Yula.

Because Yula just took a shower, her hair is still a little wet, and she is wearing some thin pajamas. Even if she is covered with a quilt, Lin Yan can still see her perfect body curve.

Her face was a little red, and when she saw Lin Yan turned around, Yula turned her gaze to one side, not daring to look into the other's eyes.Because it was the first time she took the initiative to get into Lin Yan's bed, and she was the one who rewarded Lin Yan to sleep in her own bed before.

(End of this chapter)

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