Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 194 Killing the Ancient Rock Dragon Lizard

Chapter 194 Killing the Ancient Rock Dragon Lizard
The elemental burst in the form of rock element is similar to Lei Ze's elemental burst, they both summon an elemental spirit to help him fight.Moreover, the appearance of this spirit of the rock element is very similar to the stone statue of Morax on the statue of the Seven Heavens, and Lin Yan doesn't know if he did it on purpose.

But these are not important, since he has used the elemental explosion, it can make the battle end sooner.

Mona still stood watching from a distance. It wasn't that she didn't do anything, but she was looking for an opportunity, an opportunity to cooperate with Lin Yan to kill the ancient rock dragon lizard.Because her ability is the same as in the game, with extremely terrifying damage-increasing attributes.

On the other side, when Lin Yan was about to walk in front of the ancient rock dragon lizard, he suddenly swung his spear at the air. At the same time, the rock elemental spirit behind him also copied his movement, and the huge rock spear in his hand directly It was stabbing at the ancient rock dragon lizard.

Seeing this, the ancient rock dragon lizard immediately stretched out its claws to grab the tip of the rock spear, but what surprised it was that the rock elemental spirit was actually stronger than itself.

So not long after, it loosened its claws holding the tip of the rock spear due to its lack of strength, and the rock spear, which lost its hindrance, directly ruthlessly pierced into the ancient rock dragon lizard's body.

Blood immediately flowed out from the wound, and the Ancient Rock Dragon Lizard, who felt the great pain, let out a painful roar.

After that, Lin Yan controlled the spirit of the rock element to pull out the rock spear from the ancient rock dragon lizard's body. This pulling out directly caused secondary damage to the opponent.

In just a few breaths, the blood of the ancient rock dragon lizard had already stained the ground around it red, and it was completely enraged, and it also entered a berserk state.

The ancient rock dragon lizard in a berserk state launched continuous attacks on Lin Yan, but these attacks were easily resolved by Lin Yan, who controlled the spirit of the rock element. The dragon lizard was forced to the corner of the cave.

This is not good news. Once he is forced into a corner, it will be very difficult for him to resist the tide-like attack of the ancient rock dragon lizard.

He wanted to fight back, but found that the ancient rock dragon lizard in a berserk state had forgotten the pain. Even if Lin Yan's attack scratched his body with a wound as long as one meter, it would continue to attack as if it was unscathed.

But in this way, the ancient rock dragon lizard showed a flaw, and Mona, who had been watching from a distance, caught this flaw that was enough to kill it.

In the next second, Mona, who was holding the Codex, suddenly dived into the ground and turned into an extremely fast stream of water.

Gradually approaching the ancient rock dragon lizard, because the other party only has Lin Yan in his eyes now, so he has completely forgotten about her.

In this way, she came behind the ancient rock dragon lizard smoothly, and Mona got out from the ground, and then looked at Lin Yan in front of her.

Lin Yan quickly understood what the other party meant, and he didn't take the initiative to fight back, but waited for Mona to strike first.

After brewing on the spot for a while, an astrological compass suddenly appeared in Mona's hand. The water element in her body poured into the compass frantically at this moment, and finally formed a huge water mirror with sparkling water on the ground in front of Mona.

"Destiny is set!"

The water mirror reflected the illusory starry sky. At the same time, the ancient rock dragon lizard was attached with water elements, and a strange bubble also emerged from the water mirror, and then carved on the ancient rock dragon lizard's skin.

These bubbles also have a confinement effect. Although they cannot confine the ancient rock dragon lizard, they still have some influence on its actions.

Lin Yan seized this opportunity, and with quick eyes and quick hands, he began to mobilize his whole body.Controlling the huge spirit of the rock element, Lin Yan gathered all the remaining power of the rock element into its rock spear, which even caused the surrounding air to shatter because it couldn't bear the pressure, and then Recover immediately.

While the ancient rock dragon lizard was still restrained by the rising bubbles in the water mirror, Lin Yan made the final blow, and the rock spear, which contained a destructive offensive, fell straight towards the opponent, and it seemed to be frozen over time. In an instant, in the next second, the turbulent tide of rock elements spread wildly around, and Mona was even blown away by the storm because of her petite body.

Seeing that Mona, whose head was facing forward, was about to hit the ground, she sneaked into the ground again at a critical moment, using this alternative method to save her life.

In fact, even if she didn't do this, Lin Yan would rush over to catch her.

It seemed that the screams of the ancient rock dragon lizard could be heard in the storm. Mona lurked underground for a long time, and she finally emerged from the ground after the storm completely dissipated.

At the first glance from the ground, Mona saw the fallen ancient rock dragon lizard. Beside it was Lin Yan who had exhausted the power of the rock element and whose magic armor had returned to normal state.

The ancient rock dragon lizard is not dead yet, its vitality is even more terrifying than Lin Yan imagined.But now it can no longer stand up, let alone continue to fight.

After staring at Lin Yan with unwilling and angry eyes for a while, the ancient rock dragon lizard closed its eyes forever, and could no longer feel any vitality from it.

The battle was finally over. Lin Yan let out a long sigh of relief while still sitting slumped on the ground, but because of the previous lessons, he did not remove the magic armor. Who knows if the dead ancient rock dragon lizard will suddenly get up and give it to him? He has a paw, so still have to be careful.

But this time, he was the one who worried too much, because the ancient rock dragon lizard was really dead, unless it turned into a dead body, it would not be able to get up by itself at all.

After resting on the ground for a while, after confirming that the ancient rock dragon lizard was really dead, Lin Yan lifted the magic armor.

At this time, Mona also came over. She walked to the ancient rock dragon lizard's body and waited and watched, as if she was looking for something.

Finally, she found what she was looking for, and after playing around with the ancient rock dragon for a while, she snapped off a scale from it.

But if you look closely, you will find that it is different from ordinary Lin Yan, because it does not emit light, and its shape is completely incompatible with the word scale.

This is unripe jade, a chalcedony crystal that can only be found from ancient rock dragon lizards, its value may only be understood by those professionals who understand jade treasures.It is not a dream to sell an unripe jade for several million, or even tens of millions of moras in the Liyue market.

Because the people of Liyue believe in dragons, in their eyes, dragons are the most sacred creatures that feed on the clouds in the sky, and even the image of Morax, the god of rocks, used in the [Inviting Immortal Ritual] every year is A Chinese dragon.

The ancient rock dragon lizard is a type of dragon. Although it does not have pure dragon blood, it is also a real dragon.As the chalcedony crystal obtained from it, the immature jade contained a trace of the possibility of becoming a dragon, so Li Yueren would put in all his effort to get it.

However, because the ancient rock dragon lizard has not appeared in Liyue in the past few hundred years, things like unripe jade have been gradually forgotten by people over time, but its value is still there. It is absolutely impossible that the treasures obtained from the dragon will not be sold.

(End of this chapter)

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