Chapter 196 Xiaobai Will Die?

"I don't know who that person is, because he is as mysterious as you, and my astrology can't spy on him at all, but what is certain is that he is from the Hall of Death and knows you. You can Guess who he is based on this information, anyway, I can't help you."

Although Mona didn't say who that person was, Lin Yan already knew.

Zhongli is probably the only person in Xiangshengtang who can solve the disaster that brought Liyue to the brink of destruction.Although he had already abandoned Morax's identity, if any danger really happened, he would definitely not sit idly by.

"I understand." After confirming that the person was Zhongli, Lin Yan said to Mona, "Do you have anything to add?"

Mona shook her head: "No, that's all. But if you have any questions you want to know, you can ask me now. If I can predict it with astrology, I will tell you the truth."

"No need." Lin Yan rejected Mona without thinking, "If you have nothing else to do, then I'll go back first."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yan turned around and walked out of the cave, showing that he didn't want to stay here any longer.

"Hey! You're waiting for me!" Mona froze for a while, then immediately ran to follow behind Lin Yan.

It is night now, and because there is no clock, I don't know what time it is.The two left from Tianqiu Valley, avoiding the sight of nearby monsters and returning the same way, and finally returned to Liyue Port the next morning.

The two parted at the entrance of Liyue Port. Since the goals of both parties have been achieved, there is no need to act together. Besides, Lin Yan also wants to go home early now, because what Mona said is so embarrassing to him. I care about it.

After returning home, Lin Yan saw Yula and Xiaobai eating breakfast in the living room. The breakfast was very simple, a bowl of porridge and an egg, because Yula didn't like to eat those things with strong taste in the morning.

But Xiaobai suffered a bit. Although she is hardly picky eater, these things are definitely not enough for her to eat. Even if Yula gave her two eggs, it is useless, because her stomach is not so easy to eat. able to be filled.

"Huh? The master is back." Lin Yan pushed open the door and walked into the house, immediately attracting the attention of the two of them.

Yula's expression looked a little surprised, because she didn't expect Lin Yan to come back so soon, she thought it would take two or three days to go out this time, but she came back the next morning.

Because of this, Yula didn't prepare breakfast for Lin Yan. If he wanted to eat, he could only go out to buy it or make it himself.

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Yan stretched a lot. He didn't sleep all day. He is not so tired now.

"It's time to eat." Walking to the dining table, Lin Yan sat next to Yula.

"What did you do? Why did you come back so soon this time?" Yula put down the spoon and looked at Lin Yan at the same time.

Although Lin Yan left a note for them before he left, the note did not specify where he went or what he did.

"I didn't do anything, I just went on an adventure with a friend, because the place where I went to take the adventure is not far away, so I came back soon." Lin Yan said in a very brisk tone.

Picking up the egg on the table, Lin Yan took a bite without hesitation after peeling off the shell, chewed it a few times in his mouth, and then swallowed it.

"This is my egg, I haven't eaten it yet." Seeing Lin Yan eating what should have been her own egg, Yula cast a dissatisfied look at him.

Hearing this, Lin Yan directly handed the remaining half of the egg to Yula's mouth. After Yula snorted lightly, she ate the remaining half of the egg into her mouth.

"Are you hungry? If that's the case, I'll go and make you something to eat." After eating the eggs in her mouth, Yula said to Lin Yan.

Lin Yan shook his head: "No, I'll go out to eat later, and take Xiaobai with me by the way. Is it always allowed to take her to have a meal together? Or you can go together if you want."

"No need." Yula said, "You can take her with you, but wait for her to finish the porridge in the bowl first."

Hearing this, Xiao Bai immediately started to gobble up the porridge in the bowl, and in less than a while, she finished most of the porridge that was left in the bowl.

"Xiaobai, let's go."

Now that Xiaobai has finished the porridge in the bowl, Lin Yan can take her out for dinner.Before leaving, Lin Yan did not forget to kiss Yula on the cheek, but Yula was already used to it.

"Master, where should we go for delicious food?" Xiao Bai asked Lin Yan curiously while walking on the street.

There were a lot of pedestrians in Feiyunpo in the morning, Lin Yan grabbed Xiaobai's wrist so that she would not be separated from him.

"Go to Wanmin Hall." Lin Yan answered Xiaobai's question, thinking of what Mona had said to him before, he couldn't help but look at Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai was more than a head shorter than herself, so that she had to raise her head to see her own face.On the contrary, if Lin Yan wanted to see Xiao Bai's face, he had to lower his head.

It may be due to the height difference, so Lin Yan and Xiao Bai now look a bit like an old father taking his daughter to the market together.

After passing through the streets full of pedestrians, the two finally came to Wanmintang. To their surprise, the number of customers in Wanmintang in the morning was not that many. Lin Yan thought it would be full.

But since it wasn't full, that's great.

After finding a place to sit down, Lin Yan picked up the menu, and after glancing at Xiao Bai, he handed the menu to her.

"If you want to eat, order it yourself." Lin Yan gave Xiaobai the choice of ordering, because he didn't care what he ate. He said that he came out to eat by himself, but in fact he just wanted to bring Xiaobai.

Xiaobai picked up the menu and looked at it for a while, his expression seemed hesitant.

In the end, she put down the menu and said to Lin Yan: "Although I really want to order everything on the menu, but the mistress said that if I eat too much, I will bring the owner It’s bothering me, so it’s up to you, Master, to have some, Xiaobai, I don’t care what I eat.”

An extremely innocent smile appeared on his face, and at a certain moment, Lin Yan was really moved.He wanted to rush over to hug Xiaobai, but the promise he made to Yula didn't allow him to do so.

"Then... order all the dishes on the menu." Lin Yan took the menu again, and then ordered all the dishes on the menu.

This move will cause him to directly consume hundreds of thousands of Mora, but this time it doesn't matter, no matter how much Xiaobai eats, he will have no objection.

Today, Xiangling is in charge of Wanmintang. As plate after plate of food is served, Lin Yan will only eat a small part of it, while Xiao Bai eats most of the rest.

The other customers cast surprised glances here, because as time went by, the height of the plates stacked on the table even surpassed that of Lin Yan, but there were still many dishes that had not yet been served.

(End of this chapter)

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