Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 20 The aftermath of the action

Chapter 20 The aftermath of the action

After resting for a while, the three of them came to the front desk to pay the bill. As for the bill, after several refusals, it was sent to the West Wind Knights as it should be.

"I'm so full, I really want to sleep quickly." Paimon flew slowly in the air, standing beside Lin Yan and Ying.

"If you sleep when you are full, you will become a cow." Lin Yan couldn't help but teased.

"Eh? Really?!" Paimon said with a look of surprise, as if he took Lin Yan's joke seriously.

It is worth mentioning that Ying is the same as in the game, she seldom speaks on her own initiative, because many of the things that should have been said by her are said by Paimeng first. I thought that the dumb brothers and sisters in the game were just teasing, but it turned out to be true. This is actually the case.

"Lin Yan, what are you going to do next? Grandpa Di Luke said to let us wait for a while before we get news. The poet who sings does not know where he went."

Lin Yan thought for a while and said: "What I want to do now is definitely go to the hotel to have a good sleep first, and then, before I get news, I will find some things to do in the city, such as helping the Adventurers Association handle some adventure commissions , or take an adventure in the secret realm, anyway, I won’t be idle.”

"That's right, then we should be similar to you. After all, there are not many things we can do. We can't just eat and drink like we did just now. If that's the case, we will be too sorry for Captain Qin and the others. I've been painstaking."

"Ah, I don't know why, little Paimon, you don't feel convincing at all when you say such words."

"Hey! What do you mean!"

"Huh? What's going on there, it seems to be Kaiya!" After walking for a while, suddenly, several people saw the cavalry captain Kaiya not far away.

Kaiya was surrounded by a few Westwind knights, and those Westwind knights surrounded two people in black coats. Judging from their clothes, they seemed to be diplomatic envoys of fools. Names, Mikhail and Lyudmila.

"Please cooperate with our Knights' investigation, both of you." Two of the West Wind knights stepped forward, as if they were planning to forcibly take them away.

"What do you mean? Is this the way of hospitality of the Zephyr Knights?" Mikhail seemed very unconvinced. He struggled to break free from one of the Zephyr Knights to grab his hand, expressing great dissatisfaction.

"I'm really sorry, two," at this moment, Kaiya said suddenly, "Last night, the zither of the sky was stolen, and a member of the Fools was found unconscious at the scene of the crime, and even the witnesses said that the zither of the sky was stolen Among the people there is a fellow in a black coat, very similar to the clothes of you fools."

"Now, the whereabouts of the zither of the sky is unknown, and our only clues can only be found from you fools, so, what an offense."

After finishing speaking, following Kaia's order, the two were surrounded by the West Wind knights. Although they tried to struggle, they were quickly suppressed and unable to move.

"Damn it! You guys, if [Ms.] finds out that you treat us like this, she will definitely not let you go!" Mikhail said stubbornly when he was taken away by several people.

"Then let's talk about it when your [lady] comes." When the figures of several people completely disappeared from Lin Yan's sight, it seemed that Kaya could still vaguely hear the voice of Kaya rebutting the two.

The three of Lin Yan, who had a panoramic view of everything, stood in place like this. When they thought of Mikhail's embarrassment when they were just taken away, they couldn't help but want to laugh.

"In this way, it can also reduce the diplomatic pressure on the fools for Captain Qin a little bit." Lin Yan said, Qin has been troubled by the diplomatic pressure with the fools before, and now the fools are dubbed "Theft" I am afraid that before they return the zither of the sky, the other party will not dare to suppress the Knights like before.

"You're really smart, no wonder you dressed like that when you first acted, so it was to make yourself look like a crowd of fools." Paimon said, there was actually a trace of admiration in his eyes?

"Haha, it's not like what you said, but if it can relieve some pressure on the Knights, it can be regarded as worthy of their help to us." Lin Yan smiled embarrassedly. In fact, he didn't expect it at all. It will develop into this way, wearing a black coat to act is entirely to prevent the other party from recognizing him through the too ostentatious magic armor.

In the end, who would have thought that the fools who originally had an absolute advantage in diplomacy with the Knights would be deflated by Lin Yan's inadvertent detail.

"Okay, let's stop here for this topic," Lin Yan couldn't help stretching as a strong drowsiness swept over him suddenly, "Suddenly I want to sleep, let's separate here."

"Well, then, goodbye."

They all waved their hands at each other, and after that, they separated.

Lin Yan returned to the hotel. He was already exhausted and fell on the bed. Drowsiness kept hitting his consciousness. It didn't take long before his breathing became extremely stable and he fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already afternoon. After waking up, Lin Yan washed up for a while. The food in the morning had been completely digested. Feeling a little hungry, he ordered a takeaway from the deer hunter.

Well, eat and sleep, wake up and eat, and I will probably go back to sleep after eating later, this day is quite comfortable.

While waiting for the takeaway, Lin Yan moved his limbs a little in the room, that is, he did a set of radio gymnastics.

There are some things in the room that can be used to pass the time, such as various books on the bookcase.

Lin Yan took one of them at random, and found that it was actually the "Travel Guide to Tevat" written by a well-known adventurer. It is very popular in various taverns and hotels. Travelers who go to other countries will bring a copy. But here is only the Mond chapter, maybe because this is Mond's sake.

In addition, there are some historical books on the bookcase that record the past events of Mond, such as "The Legend of Vanessa", which records the story of the first Lion Tooth Knight Vanessa overthrowing the old aristocratic rule of Mond.There is also the romance novel "The Melancholy of the Girl Vera" which is more popular among young women. If Lin Yan remembers correctly, Qin seems to like this novel very much.

Looking at fancy books to pass the time, the takeaway arrived in a short while. After Lin Yan wiped them all out, he fell back on the bed and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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