Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 200 The First Morning of the Newly Married

Chapter 200 The first morning of the newlyweds

The next morning. No, it should be said that it was at noon the next day. Lin Yan was woken up by the glare of the sun, and slowly opened his eyes.

His head was a little drowsy. Although his drunkenness had completely dissipated, the residual alcohol was still affecting his brain.

Habitually, he lifted the quilt and wanted to get up to wash up, but suddenly found a person lying next to him, which made him immediately cover the quilt back.

Blinking his eyes, Lin Yan took a closer look and found that the person was Yula.If it was normal, he would not be surprised, because Yula would occasionally sleep in the same bed as him for a night.

But what was different from before was that this time Yula was naked next to Lin Yan without any clothes on.She buried her head in the other's chest just now, otherwise Lin Yan would not have seen her until he lifted the quilt.

"What's going on here?" Lin Yan rubbed his eyes, then picked up the quilt and looked at it, making sure it wasn't his hallucination.

Moreover, he soon discovered that he was also naked, which was very strange, because he didn't have the habit of sleeping naked at all.

Looking up, he saw that his and Yura's clothes were thrown in every corner of the room by someone, as if they were just thrown away.

After standing in a daze for a while, Lin Yan's brain was running fast, and then he remembered that he had entered the bridal chamber with Yula yesterday.

It's just that he can't recall the memory of the period at all.

"Damn, if I knew it, I wouldn't drink so much wine. I'm so drunk that I don't have any impression." After reacting, Lin Yan couldn't help but regret that he drank so much wine last night, but if he drank less, He wouldn't be sitting on the bed like a fool like he is now.

At this time, as if feeling something, Yula groaned a few times, and her eyelids trembled a few times, it seemed that she was about to wake up.

Seeing this, Lin Yan quickly lay down and faced Yula face to face.

After Yula slowly opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Lin Yan's face.

"Huh?" A question mark popped up on her face, and Yura didn't seem to understand what happened last night.

But she was not drunk, so she still had some memories of what happened last night.

"Good morning, wife." Lin Yan stretched out his hand to greet Yula, with a smirk on his face at the same time.

Hearing this, Yula reacted instantly. She subconsciously wanted to push Lin Yan away, but the other party seemed to have expected this, and pushed her away the moment she reached out to push her away. Hug yourself tightly.

Since the two of them were not wearing any clothes, their bodies were directly pressed together in this embrace, and it was a real [physical contact].

"Why, we are both husband and wife, why are you so shy." Lin Yan said with a smirk, his and Yula's faces were very close, as long as they moved forward a little, they could kiss each other.

The two words [husband and wife] reminded Yula of what happened last night, causing her face to blush immediately, as if she wanted to find a hole to get into.

Frantically burying her head in the bed, Yula occasionally raised her head slightly to look at Lin Yan, and when she found that the other party was also looking at her, she would immediately bury her head back.This move made him look very cute in Lin Yan's eyes.

"Okay, okay, stop teasing you, put on your clothes, it's probably noon now, let's go out to eat something, Captain Qin and the others haven't left yet, maybe we can take them to eat together."

Not wanting to continue teasing Yula, Lin Yan got out of bed, took out a set of clothes that he put in the closet on the bed, then went to the room Yula was in before, took a set of her clothes and brought them down.

It may be that he is already married, so Lin Yan became more courageous. When Yula was getting dressed, he sat in the room the whole time. Although the other side turned his back to him, he still couldn't avoid being seen where he wanted to see.

Similar scenes may happen frequently in the future, Yula is aware of this, so she didn't drive Lin Yan out of the room.Just like she was very resistant to Lin Yan kissing herself from time to time, as long as she gets used to it later, it should be fine.

Lin Yan originally wanted to take Yula out for dinner, but she refused.

Because yesterday, she promised to make another moon pie for Amber, so she chose to cook it herself.

She also asked Lin Yan to find Qin and Amber, because Amber said that they would leave for Mond in the afternoon, so judging from the time, they should still be in Liyue now.

So, Lin Yan ran all over Liyue Port, and finally found Qin and Amber in a hotel.Amber had already said that she would be a guest at Lin Yan's house, but Qin said that the other party did not invite her, so it might be impolite to go directly.

But now Lin Yan invited them in person, so there is no question of being polite.

Along the way, Lin Yan and Amber chatted and laughed. Qin was quite reserved at first, but because she also liked to listen to love stories between men and women, she would also ask Lin Yan a few questions under the guidance of Amber. Questions about him and Yura.

Just chatting along the way, the two finally came to her home under the leadership of Lin Yan.

Yula has already prepared the meals, and Xiaobai, who was entrusted by Lin Yan to Ying and Paimeng last night, has also returned home.Because Yura told her that there would be guests, she resisted not eating the food on the table.

"Master, come and eat!" Seeing that Lin Yan finally brought the guests, Xiao Bai shouted at him excitedly, because she could no longer hold the knife and fork in her hand.

Why does Xiaobai use a knife and fork?Because Yula cooks Mond dishes today, although chopsticks can be used, they are not as convenient as knives and forks.

"Speaking of which, it's been a long time since we have eaten Monde's dishes." Lin Yan couldn't help but sigh as they sat around eating together.

Since they came to Liyue, they seldom ate Mond’s dishes. Yula, as a Monde, took her a lot of time to get used to Liyue’s dishes, even learning how to use chopsticks for a long time to learn.

"Speaking of which, I have noticed since yesterday, Lin Yan, who is this girl? Why haven't I seen her before, and why did she call you master? Could it be that she is a slave or something?" While eating, Seeing Xiaobai who was wolfing down the food, Amber couldn't help looking at Lin Yan and asking.

Slaves, there were a lot of these things during the period of aristocratic rule. All low-level people were slaves of high-level aristocrats. They did not have the life they should have as a human being, and they even lived worse than animals.

So now, the Mond people are very resistant to the existence of slaves. When Amber asked this question, her and Qin's expressions changed.

Seeing the serious expressions on their faces, Lin Yan couldn't help laughing: "Are you kidding me? Have you ever seen a slave who can eat at the same table as her master? She is Xiaobai."

"She's Xiaobai?" Amber said in surprise, even Qin was in disbelief after hearing this.

They all knew that Lin Yan had a pet named Xiaobai, but in their impression, Xiaobai should be a white slime, why did he become a white-haired beautiful girl now?Could it be that he took the new alchemy drug developed by Abedo?
(End of this chapter)

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