Chapter 212 Gan Yu's Choice

In fact, it was just Gan Yu's overthinking, because without her, the other secretaries of Yujingtai couldn't keep up with their work, and everyone was looking forward to Gan Yu's return, because only she could guarantee her return in a short time. Under the premise of efficiency, all the work will be dealt with.

"Because [The Age of Immortals] has passed, Liyue no longer needs such an inhuman thing like me. Qixing found an excuse and gave me a chance to exit the stage decently, why didn't I accept it gladly? After finishing speaking, Gan Yu smiled a little lonely, and it could be seen that she was still very reluctant to leave the world.

"Then have you ever thought that this is just your own overthinking? Liyue Port still needs you, and the task given by Qixing is not to let you leave?" Lin Yan asked back.

"I haven't thought about it," Gan Yu said.

"Isn't that right? It's just your own overthinking. You have been Seven Star's secretary for thousands of years. If they lose you suddenly, even your job will be difficult."

"Yes, yes," Paimon nodded at this moment, "Before we came to Jueyunjian to look for Gan Yu, we went to Yujing Terrace once. At that time, we saw the three acting secretaries that Qixing hired, but they were right. There’s no way around the piles of jobs that have piled up.”

"Could it be that I'm just overthinking it?" From the very beginning, Gan Yu took the task assigned to her by Qixing as an opportunity for her to make a decent exit.It never occurred to her that the task that Qixing gave her was just an ordinary task that couldn't be more ordinary.

She had already decided not to return to the mortal world, and insisted on doing so even if she felt reluctant, but now, what Lin Yan and Paimon said made her heart shake.

She began to ask from the bottom of her heart, does Liyuegang still need herself?What is Qixing's opinion of herself?
She asked many times, but she still couldn't get this answer, because now, she was so distraught that she couldn't even calm down and think.

If Liyuegang still needs her, and Qixing will continue to let her be a secretary, then she will definitely be happy to go back.But the question now is, does Liyuegang really need her?The mission assigned by Seven Stars was to let him exit the stage with dignity, or it was just an ordinary mission.

She had to figure this out, otherwise she couldn't make the final decision.

"Then...please allow me to go back to Liyue Port first, let me see if everyone in Liyue Port still needs me. If...if they really still need me, then I will definitely stay .”

In the end, Gan Yu decided to go back to Liyuegang to take a look and see what everyone thought of her leaving before deciding whether to stay or not.

"Okay, okay, then let Ying and I go back with you." Paimon clapped his hands and applauded, and planned to accompany her to Liyue Port with Ying.

But Lin Yan said in embarrassment at this moment: "If you leave, how can I go to Aozang Mountain?"

That's right, Lin Yan's original plan was to go to Aozang Mountain to find Master Liuyun and Borrowing Wind, but he met Ying and the others on the way, and then happened to catch the members of the Treasure Bandit who were following him. Smoothly resolved the series of things just now.

It is a good thing to help others, but you must not forget what you have to do.

"That's right, Lin Yan is going to Aozang Mountain, but he is a road idiot and can't find the way at all. If we go to Liyue Port with Gan Yu, there is no way to take him to Aozang Mountain .” Paimon said.

Lin Yangang was about to say something to Pai Meng: Who the hell are you calling Lu Chi?But at this moment, Mandrill, who had always chosen to remain silent, suddenly spoke.

"It's okay, I'll just take him to Aozang Mountain. You can go to Liyue Port with Gan Yu, so that she won't think too much about it then." The tone of his speech was very cold. Don't look at Mandrill like this, in fact, he is just arrogant. She's just charming, otherwise, how could she stand up and say that she would take Lin Yan to Aozang Mountain at this time?

In this way, there would be no problem. Mandrill took Lin Yan to Aozang Mountain, and Ying, Paimeng and Gan Yu returned to Liyue Port, just in time to escort the fourth head of the Treasure Thieves Group who had passed out in a coma.

So soon, the few people who didn't want to delay for a moment set off.

On the way to Mount Aozang, Mandrill led the way without saying a word.Lin Yan planned to chat with him a few words, but found that the other party ignored what he said, which seemed a bit embarrassing.

"Speaking of which, Shangxian Mandrill seems to use a long spear, right? If that's the case, can you spare some time to teach me how to practice the spear?" Lin Yan suddenly remembered something, and he didn't care whether Mandrill would take care of him or not, and said directly.

Before in Mond, he had already learned all the West Wind marksmanship. Although he was not proficient, he was certainly not bad.

However, Mond is not a country that specializes in spear weapons. In Mond, the use of spears is even discriminated against. This seems to be related to the tyranny of the aristocratic rule.

But Liyue is different. Long spears are Liyue people's favorite weapon. Lin Yan alone knows that there are many people who use long spears, including Mandrill.Even the standard equipment of the Qianyan army is the Qianyan spear.Not to mention that Morax, the rock god who rules Liyue, uses a rock spear.

Therefore, Liyue is the most suitable place to learn spear skills. If he can learn one of them, his spear skills will definitely improve greatly.

"You want to learn marksmanship?" Unexpectedly, Mandrill responded to him this time.

Stopping the pace of advancing, Mandrill folded his hands on his chest, closed his eyes and remained silent for a while, then said: "You once saved Liyue from Auxerre, and as a reward, it is not impossible to teach you marksmanship."

"Then ten days later, at noon, in the direction north of Nantianmen, there is a place called Huaguang Forest, surrounded by many wooden bridges connecting high mountains, I will wait for you there, I hope you will not be late."

Mandrill had set the time and place, which made Lin Yan a little overjoyed. He didn't expect him to agree so easily.

"Okay, I'm sure I won't be late."

Now that Mandrill has already agreed, Lin Yan will naturally not be concerned about the time and place he set.Without even thinking about it, he agreed directly.

After walking among the mountains for about an hour, Lin Yan finally arrived at Aozang Mountain under the leadership of Mandrill.

Aozang Mountain is different from other peaks. Its top is not a pointed mountain cap, but a very vast flat land.In the middle of the plain, there is another pool that is no deeper than Lin Yan's neck.

"This is Aozang Mountain. If you want to find Master Liuyun Borrowing Wind, its residence is in a cave nearby. I won't take you there. If you are really patient, then go find it yourself. "

After speaking, Mandrill turned and left Aozang Mountain.

He didn't leave in a very exaggerated way like those immortals in the TV series, but chose to walk down the mountain slowly. If he wanted to return to Wangshu Inn at this speed, it would probably take him a day and a night .

But this is not what Lin Yan needs to worry about.As a fairy, Mandrill naturally doesn't have to be afraid of the monsters in the forest and those with malicious intentions.

Anyone who dares to choose him as the target will only be at a disadvantage.

(End of this chapter)

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