Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 248 Going to the South Gate of Heaven

Chapter 248 Going to the South Gate of Heaven

But if asked, Kun Jun would definitely say that he didn't know, because he had forgotten everything except his name and home address.

Afterwards, Kun Jun also explained why he was looking for Zhenlongshi: "Oh, I don't know where to go, so I had to wander around. One day when I walked past the market, I went in and walked around. At that time, I heard someone chatting, vaguely mentioning the name [Zhenlongshi]."

"These three words are very familiar, as if what I'm going to do has something to do with that kind of stone. So, I want to find one to have a look. Maybe holding the stone in my hand, I can remember what I'm going to do along the way." .”

After finishing speaking, Kun Jun sighed softly. Although Lin Yan had never experienced such a sudden memory loss, just thinking about it would make him feel very painful.

So he and Zhongli promised Kunjun that if they had the chance this time, they would also help find this kind of stone.

After the episode, the three continued to move forward.

They saw footprints on the road. Based on preliminary judgment, these footprints should be four adults. Through the ore on the roadside, Kun Jun also saw the little girl passing by with four missing workers.

So they followed the clues all the way forward, and met a scholar who was attacked by a monster on the way. After saving him, they also learned from the scholar that she met a little girl at Nantianmen not long ago. As for the appearance and characteristics of the adults, she couldn't tell because her memory was too vague.

But this is enough. They originally guessed that the four workers went to Nantianmen, and with the information provided by the scholar, the guess can be replaced with affirmation.

So, they headed towards Nantianmen non-stop, and finally arrived at their destination after an hour.

Here, they quickly found a worker who had fallen to the ground, and it was certain that he should be one of the four missing workers.

"Looking at his appearance, he should have fainted here due to exhaustion." Zhong Li could tell at a glance that he fainted here because of exhaustion of strength.

Not only that, but the other party seemed to be muttering something non-stop, but Lin Yan and the others could only vaguely hear a few words.

【I can still dig】

"What does this mean? What does it mean that he can still dig?" Lin Yan was a little confused about the meaning of this sentence.

"The four of them all brought the pickaxes they used for mining, which means that they are digging something nearby, but he was unable to continue digging because of exhaustion, so he was thrown here." Zhongli immediately Analyzed.

"It's strange to bring him from the mining area over the mountains, and now he is ruthlessly abandoned here." Lin Yan murmured, "Or, as long as it is a person who has lost the value of use, will this end? ?”

After saying this, the three fell into silence.

"Zhongli, you said earlier that there was a giant beast sealed by the King of Rock in Nantianmen, do you know the exact location of the seal?" Lin Yan asked after the silence.

He knew that what happened this time must have something to do with the sealed giant beast. If that was the case, all he needed to do was find the location of the seal.

"I don't know the exact location of the seal," Zhong Li said. He must be lying when he said so, but it may also be to avoid Kun Jun's suspicion. , and it was sealed under the ancient tree at Nantianmen."

After finishing speaking, all three of them looked at the ancient tree not far away.

"Go and have a look, maybe you can find some clues?"

Afterwards, the three of them approached the ancient tree. It was strange to say that it was already winter, but the leaves of this ancient tree were still ancient yellow, and there were some strange spots on the trunk and branches. Blue crystals.

Although Lin Yan noticed these things at first glance, he still couldn't tell what caused this.

"Let's find each other separately."

The seal to suppress the giant beast would definitely not be placed in such an obvious place, so the three began to search separately.

There is a stone tablet in front of the ancient tree. Lin Yan has seen the content on this stone tablet before. It is probably that a dragon is being suppressed here, and idlers should not approach it at will.

Because Kun Jun came to Nantianmen for the first time, he was quickly attracted by this stele.After reading the content on the stele, he put his hand on it thoughtfully.

But in the next second, his heart was shocked.

"This is." He looked up at Lin Yan and Zhong Li, who didn't notice anything unusual about him, and were looking for the seal very seriously.

Of course, this is just Zhongli's show. He personally sealed the giant beast back then, so how could he not know where the seal was?

"Everyone, come here!" So soon, Zhongli's shout came from behind the tree.

Lin Yan and Kun Jun followed the sound and found that in front of Zhongli, there was actually a passage leading to the ground.

It is worth mentioning that this passage was newly dug, so the stone walls on both sides are not smooth, and the ground is also full of gravel that fell after excavation.

In addition, the three of them could vaguely hear some sounds from the passage, which seemed to be the sound of mining pickaxes.

Without hesitation, the three of them walked into the passage quickly.

And they discovered one thing, that is, after walking into the passage, the surrounding atmosphere instantly became depressing.They were clearly in the passage, but they could see a thin layer of mist in front of them. When they turned their heads to look outside the passage, they would also find that the originally clear sky outside had become dark.

Lin Yan had encountered this kind of situation before in Cuijuepo and Wuwangpo, but he didn't know what he would face this time.

The deeper the tunnel went, the more the sound of mining became more and more obvious, until they came to the end and found the missing workers.

They were holding mining picks in their hands, and they kept digging. Their eyes were dull, and they seemed to have no energy at all, and their movements seemed very numb, like dead people who could only obey orders.

"Found it." Lin Yan said, it seems that their previous guesses were all correct.

Moreover, on the stone wall at the end of the passage, there is a seal-like talisman. This talisman is not a physical talisman, but made of rock elements, and four characters of different colors are engraved on the talisman.

These four questions seem to be old, but Lin Yan can recognize them by their colors, which are [Fire], [Water], [Ice], and [Thunder].

The four characters represent the four elements of the seven elements. What does this mean?Lin Yan didn't know, and he didn't have time to think about these issues.

Because the three workers had already spotted them, Lin Yan didn't realize until then that all three of them exuded a very strange black aura, which Lin Yan had seen many times.

For example, in the disaster that happened in Mond, the experimental site of No Taboo in the Labyrinth, and the little girl in blue clothes he had seen before, he had seen this kind of black energy, but he didn't know if it was the same kind.

After the three workers found them, they all showed malice on their faces, and rushed towards them with mining picks in their hands, as if they wanted to kill them all.

(End of this chapter)

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