Chapter 257: Dust Song Pot

Lin Yan originally wanted to keep a low profile, but Paimon couldn't help talking, so he was also very helpless.


"Hey, the championship must be between the two of them, so we're out of luck."

"Is it too late for me to retire now?"

Hearing the comments from the contestants around him, Lin Yan couldn't help but curl his mouth slightly. You want to ask him if he is proud?That must be pride, who can not be proud of this.

Ying and Paimeng also looked at each other and smiled at this moment, but it was a little different from Lin Yan who was pretending to be calm. The expressions of the two of them were a bit disdainful.

Zhuhan, who was in charge of registering the contestants, was surprised from ear to ear after hearing Lin Yan and his deeds.

"I know, I know, these are enough, I have never seen such a luxurious honor background." After reacting, Zhuhan began to register the information of the two.

Yula and Xiaobai did not participate in this martial arts meeting. The former is because he has the eye of God, while the latter has no interest in it at all, and Lin Yan does not want her to participate.

Soon, Zhuhan completed the registration of the information of the two of them: "Okay, the registration has been completed, and then I will introduce the prizes for you. Since the hero wants to participate in this martial arts meeting, it must be the sword Refers to the champion, I want to get that precious eye of God."

"You were right in what you said before, but the last sentence was wrong." Lin Yan said, "We are indeed here for the championship, but we don't want the eye of God. Your Captain Beidou promised us , as long as you can win the championship, you can send us to Daozu."

Zhuhan was a little surprised, because even she didn't know, apart from the God's Eye, there was nothing more attractive about this fight.

"So that's how it is. I negotiated the terms with the elder sister. You really deserve to be a great hero, but you can't even look down on the God's Eye, which is regarded as a precious treasure by ordinary people?"

"It's nothing strange, things like the Eye of God, don't say I can't use them, even if they can be used, the improvement for us will be very small." Lin Yan spread his hands, as if it was a matter of course.

This sentence sounds arrogant, but when it comes out of his mouth, it is not so arrogant.

"Since you two have already participated in the competition, come in the morning two days later, when the martial arts will start." Zhuhan told Lin Yan when their martial arts will start.

"There are still two days." Lin Yan thought that the fight would start soon, but he didn't expect to wait for two more days.

But this is also good, they can take advantage of this time to pack their luggage, if they want to go to Dao's wife, they must not take nothing with them.

"Okay, then we'll come back in two days." After speaking, Lin Yan and the others left Guyun Pavilion.They quickly returned to Liyue Port on the boat they had come in.

After returning to Liyue Port, they returned home non-stop and prepared all the luggage to take away.

"But speaking of it, some things take up too much space, and it would be inconvenient if you want to move them away." On the way home, Lin Yan suddenly thought of something, that is where their luggage should be placed.

For example, the air conditioner, including the one currently in use, Lin Yan has prepared a total of eleven. If he wants to take them all away, it may take a lot of experience.And after moving to Daozuma, I don't know where to put them, unless I buy another house there.

"If this is the case, we have a solution." At this moment, Paimon said suddenly.

Then, she took out a teapot from nowhere.

The teapot was no different from an ordinary teapot, so Lin Yan thought for a moment that Paimon was fooling himself.

Just such a small thing, you think you can do it?There is a way with a hammer.

But Paimon explained: "This is a gift from Grandma Ping. It's called [Dust Song Pot]. You may think it's small, but it's very big inside. Ying and I have made several pieces of it inside. What about a house?"

Originally, Lin Yan didn't believe this sentence, but seeing Paimon's serious expression, he was a little shaken in his heart.

"Is this little thing really that magical?"

Seeing Lin Yan still didn't believe it, Paimon could only show it to him.

So, under Paimon's instruction, Lin Yan gently placed his hand on the teapot.The next second, the world in front of his eyes suddenly began to distort until it finally turned into pitch black.

Just when he didn't know what happened, the world became brighter again, and the scene in front of him made him open his mouth wide.

This is an island suspended in the air, at a glance, it is extremely vast, and there is no end in sight.Because the island is above the clouds, it gives people a feeling of being in a fairyland.

Not only that, but this island is not the only one here. The other islands are connected by a suspension bridge similar to a spell, and the range is even larger than the Mond City and Liyue Port in the game.

In addition, there are several Liyue-style residences on the island where Lin Yan is located. In front of the largest residence, there is a creature whose body is shrunk in a pot.

"Yo, here's a new guest." The other party didn't seem surprised by Lin Yan's arrival, maybe it already likes that strangers appear here from time to time.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is A Yuan. I am the pot spirit of this cave, but it is actually the guardian of this cave." It also introduced itself very politely, only Lin Yan was in a daze status.

what is happening?Also, where is this pimple?

Just before Lin Yan realized what was going on, Paimeng's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Lin Yan!" Turning around, everyone came in. Like Lin Yan, Yula's first reaction was that she didn't know what happened.

But Xiaobai was different, probably because she was a child, so she looked around curiously as soon as she came in, and even kept running around, saying things like [this place is so big].

"Hehe, are you surprised?" Seeing Lin Yan's bewildered expression, Pai Meng explained to him with a smile, "This is the inside of the Chenge Pot. According to Grandma Ping, it should be [Dongtian], right? Did you see the guy behind him shrunk in the pot? Its name is A Yuan, and it is the pot spirit of this cave."

"This is our home, how about it, isn't it worse than your home?"

Glancing at the few houses standing on the island, Lin Yan was a little surprised. The houses are so beautiful, why are they still so poor?

Paimon gave the answer to this. They don't need to make buildings in the cave by themselves. They only need to bring the materials needed for the building, and they can let Xiaoyuan directly process it into a house, and the largest house is attached. , as soon as they come in.

Good guy, co-authoring is just hanging out.I have to say that for a moment, Lin Yan felt sour.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing sour. Although Paimon's house is indeed more beautiful than his own, in terms of assets, he is several grades higher than them.

And these houses can't be moved out, if they can, they can even make a lot of money from it.There may be no ifs, but this cave is generally not bad, at least as a place to live.

(End of this chapter)

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