Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 26 Lin Yan: I'm Really Not Good at Preaching

Chapter 26 Lin Yan: I'm Really Not Good at Preaching

The Lawrence family is the biggest stain in the history of Mond. They brought slavery to this land, and they run counter to the concept of freedom of Fengshen. No one is willing to recall that period of time, and most of the Mond people will not choose forgive them.

"You are not a Mond at all, are you? If you are not a Mond, you certainly cannot understand why we hate the Lawrence family so much."

The mood of the crowd became excited again, and there was even a vague tendency to push Lin Yan to the forefront.

"Indeed, I'm not from Mond, so of course I can't understand why you hate the Lawrence family so much," Lin Yan continued, just as everyone's emotions were about to intensify after choosing to follow the words of the crowd, "But if I don't remember If it is wrong, the rule of the old aristocrats took place in Mond thousands of years ago, and the people living in Mond at that time should be your ancestors."

"Since you didn't personally experience Mond, who was ruled by the old aristocracy, but only learned from various books, how can you evaluate the Lawrence family who committed crimes at that time as if you had experienced it yourself?"

At this time, someone in the crowd shouted: "We can't forgive those guys for our ancestors!"

"Yes! That's right!" The echoing voice sounded quickly, and finally changed from one person to a group.

Quietly waiting for everyone's emotions to calm down, Lin Yan continued: "That's right, the Lawrence family has committed heinous crimes. Although you haven't experienced it yourself, you can't forgive them for your ancestors."

"But what I want to say is, aside from the Lawrence family itself, do you think that the tyranny of the nobles is absolutely harmful to Mond? I don't think so, although I am not Mond People, but I still know about that period of history.”

"Vanessa, the first lion tooth knight, came to Mond under the will of the wind god Barbatos, and led the former Mond people to overthrow the tyranny of the old nobles, smashed the slavery system at that time, and fully opened the wind god's concept of freedom."

"Later, Vanessa established the Zephyr Knights and became the head of the first-generation Knights, bringing Mond into a new era. This is indeed a legendary story, but have you ever thought about it? Would Vanessa still be the Knight of the Lion's Tooth without the tyrannical rule of the old nobles?"

"If Vanessa hadn't become the Lion's Tooth Knight, would Mond still have the Zephyr Knights? Let me ask, everyone here, can anyone accept a Mond without the Zephyr Knights?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present fell into silence.

Lin Yan was right. Since its establishment, the Knights of the West Wind have long been the pillars in the hearts of all Mond people. No one would imagine a Mond without the Knights of the West Wind, and no one would be willing to accept it.

Without the Zephyr Knights, there would be no Mond today.

Perhaps as Lin Yan said, the rule of the old aristocrats plunged Mond into the darkest period, but at the same time, it also paved the way for Mond to fully enter the era of freedom.

No one spoke again, and no one refuted Lin Yan, but his last sentence, "Who can accept a Mond without the West Wind Knights?" was already doomed to win the verbal battle.

"Mond is the kingdom of the wind, and Barbatos, the god of the wind, is the god of freedom. The Lawrence family used to put shackles on freedom, but later, this shackle was crushed by the people yearning for freedom. Now you, will Irrelevant charges are forcibly imposed on Miss Yula, and she is even expelled from the land where she grew up, isn't this a blasphemy against the word freedom, and is it not against the idea of ​​Fengshen?"

"What is the difference between what you did and the Lawrence family back then? It's just that the roles have been swapped, from the oppressed to the oppressor. If this is the case, will you be satisfied?"

The continuous questioning made all the booing people hang their heads, probably out of guilt but didn't want to be too obvious. Soon, some people started to leave one after another.

When everyone left in the end, no one chose to apologize to Yula, but being able to handle the matter to this point was already far beyond Lin Yan's expectations.

"It's really amazing." Amber, who had been in a daze for an unknown amount of time, ran to Lin Yan with a look of admiration after seeing everyone leave and said, "Lin Yan, I didn't expect you to be able to say Such admirable words really caught my eye.”

Her face was flushed with excitement, and Amber's bunny hair accessory kept swaying.

"It's indeed a very bold statement. Even the acting captain can't say those words in such a calm manner." Lawrence said, wiping the sweat from his forehead. In this case, today's farce should be It's a happy ending.

Swan also nodded in agreement, and at the same time, he was very grateful to Lin Yan for coming forward to make a rescue, otherwise the matter would be really troublesome. Of course, the point is that he, who has nothing to do with this matter, may also be involved.

"I didn't expect that there would be someone who would help me out these days." Yula, who had been standing behind Siwan with her arms crossed, walked up to Lin Yan and said with a very proud attitude, "Those Guy, relying on the sinner's blood flowing on my body to make things difficult, I will never forget this hatred!"

"And you, although you helped me out, who told you that I needed help? It's just that I can handle those guys alone. Your actions are just trying to steal my limelight. This hatred, I also made a note of it."

The familiar attitude and way of speaking, this is indeed Yula who helped him in the tavern that day, but now Lin Yan has no time to pay attention to her words.

No one would believe it. Lin Yan, who suffers from severe social phobia, actually persuaded so many people in the situation just now. He was forced to keep calm, and his legs began to tremble with nervousness.

"Preaching is really not suitable for me." Limbs began to tremble uncontrollably due to tension, Lin Yan turned his gaze to Amber, "Why don't you find a place to rest first."

Afterwards, Lawrence and Swan continued to guard the city gate, while Lin Yan and the three came to the deer hunter, preparing to spend lunch time together.

"Lin Yan, although Yula likes to say she holds grudges, it's actually just her way of expressing her kindness, so don't take it to heart." While Yula was going to order food at the front window, Amber quietly told Lin Yan Said.

"I know, because she helped me before and said something like holding a grudge, so I can still accept it." After speaking, Lin Yan turned his gaze to the front desk, where Yula was talking to the waiter Sha La talked in a very brisk tone, and the other party seemed not to care about her identity at all, "It seems that not all Mond people don't want to see her."

Amber also nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, although Yula was rejected by many people because of her blood, there are still a small number of people who are willing to accept her, such as the acting team leader, because she recognizes Yula's ability, So I invited her to join the Knights, although after that, Yura always said that she would take revenge on the Knights."


PS: Brothers, I signed a contract to change my status today, and I have to say something.

First of all, since this book has been signed, I will definitely continue to write it. As for the final result, it may require the joint efforts of me and everyone.

If it is updated every day, the regular two updates at the starting point are 4000 words ([-]:[-] noon and [-]:[-] pm respectively, if you need to adjust it, you can talk about it), if it can be recommended, it will definitely be more (we dare not find the editor Yes, I can only watch it for a while and give it to me)

In addition, if you have any comments, you can also put them forward. I also want to find out what my problem is. Of course, if you are a troll, please detour

Finally, please ask for a ticket. If you don’t bookmark, please click to bookmark. If you have a ticket, vote for it. Only in this way can I have the motivation to code words

Finally, at the end, I wish everyone all wishes come true, the game ten consecutive double gold O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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