Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 263 The Eternal Kingdom Surrounded by Thunder and Lightning - Inazuma

Chapter 263 The Eternal Kingdom Surrounded by Thunder and Lightning - Inazuma

"There is one more thing I want to tell you." Wanye said, "Since you are going to Inazuma, you must know the internal operating rules of Inazuma."

"Just like Mond is managed by the West Wind Knights, and Liyue is managed by the Liyue Seven Stars. In Dao's Wife, the three are responsible for handling affairs for General Thunder."

"Inazuma's three major obediences are [Research and Ding Observance], [Social Obligation] and [Tianling Observance]."

"Among them, [Kanding Pursuit] is in charge of the Hiiragi family on outlying islands. And [Kanding Pursuit] is in charge of managing the financial affairs of the Inazuma shogunate, and is in charge of the flow of Mora in Inazuma territory, and in outlying islands. The organization that receives outsiders is also the [Recruitment and Implementation]."

"After you go to Daozuma, the first thing you will come into contact with should be [Kan Ding Feng Xing]."

"The people in charge of [Shabu] are the Shenli family of Narugami Island. They are mainly responsible for the management of religious affairs. Activities such as ceremonies are also managed by them. Moreover, in the Shenli family, there is a famous Inazuma's [Princess Egret] is also the eldest lady of the Kamisato family."

"Generally speaking, compared with [Reviewing Pursuit], the work of [Social Pursuit] is much easier."

"Finally, it is [Tianling Pursuit], [Tianling Pursuit] has no real authority, it is a direct organization affiliated to General Lei Dian, Daozu's military strength and public security are under their jurisdiction. And [Tianling Pursuit] , is also the main force for executing the eye hunting order."

"Among them, the one with the highest prestige in the army should be the adopted daughter of the Kutiao family, Kujo Sahara. She is the most capable subordinate of General Raiden, and she is also an absolute loyalist of General Raiden. It can be said that the reason why the Eye Hunting Order is like this Success is due to the Nine-Joint Shaluo.”

When the name [Nine Jojosara] was mentioned, Manyo's expression seemed to notice some changes.

"Presumably during the martial arts meeting, you should be very curious, why do I wear the god's eye of my dead friend? Because after he lost to Kujo Sharo, he was killed by General Raiden."

Hearing this, everyone except Lin Yan and Beidou showed surprise on their faces.

"General Thunder and Lightning, would you actually kill your own people?" Paimon's expression was unbelievable. Although Wendy and Zhongli didn't care about their people anymore, they would definitely attack if they were in danger.

And General Lei Dian not only did not love his people like Wendy and Zhongli, but even killed them with his own hands, which is really shocking.

Wan Ye explained: "This is the [Imperial Duel] that has been passed down from a long time ago. Anyone can initiate it to other people, and once the other party accepts, then one person will definitely die."

"The loser will never recover, and the winner will usher in a turning point. My friend wanted to prevent the continued development of the Eye Hunting Order by defeating Kujo Sharo, but he failed."

Having said that, Wan Ye's expression darkened, and it could be seen that he felt very sad for his friend's death, and even felt a little guilty.

The reason for the guilt may be that he was the only one who could prevent his friend from launching the imperial duel at that time.

"Okay, I've finished what I want to say. If you have any questions, you can ask me before you arrive at Inazuma." Manyo said.

Upon hearing this, Paimon immediately asked a question: "I have a question to ask, General Thunderbolt, is it really that scary?"

Wan Ye was silent for a while: "After leaving Inaozuma, I asked myself many times, did my dissatisfaction with General Raiden stem from that duel in front of the imperial court, did it stem from the knife she fell on my friend?"

"I've thought about it for a long time, and I don't think so. My friend died in the duel squarely, and General Lei Dian's knife was not inappropriate. My dissatisfaction with her comes from the [Eye Hunting Order]."

"Perhaps, the reason why General Leiden issued the [Eye Hunting Order] was to protect Daoqiu by reaching the [Eternal] state. But even so, she cannot deprive others of their wishes at will, even if she is [God] Neither."

Wan Ye's words were very meaningful, and even meant to whitewash General Raiden.

However, Lin Yan didn't know what the purpose of General Lei Dian's eye hunting order was, so he couldn't draw a conclusion prematurely.But as Wan Ye said, if they want to meet with General Raiden, it is best not to use elemental power in front of others.

Perhaps, all the situation will not be known until they arrive at Dao's wife.

A few days later, the Death Omen rushed into a sea area surrounded by thunderstorms. According to Beidou, they would arrive at Inazuma in less than two days.

And this sea area surrounded by thunderstorms is also the outermost area of ​​Inazuma.

When the Death Omen was sailing in this sea area, the hull was very bumpy. Although the crew of the Southern Cross Fleet had experienced many storms, even so, they still maintained a serious expression. Even Beidou is no exception.

In the end, after a few hours, they rushed out of the thunderstorm-filled sea.

At the same time, they also saw several standing islands in the distance.

Inazuma is there, and according to the current driving speed, they should be able to reach the coast of Inazuma within half a day.

Looking at the brand new world in front of him that he has never seen before, Lin Yan was a little excited and nervous at the same time.

Although Inazuma is currently locked down, there will still be some fleets coming and going.The foreign fleet can only stop at the outlying islands, which is also the place where Daozuma now specializes in receiving foreigners.

It's just that according to Wan Ye, the treatment of foreigners in the outlying islands seems to be not very good, and they are often suppressed by the "Pursuance of Investigation".

Lin Yan didn't care much, it would be fine if Kan Ding Xing Xing didn't come to provoke him, but once they dared to step on his head, then don't blame him for being rude.

It didn't take long for the Death Omen to stop at the pier of the outlying island. After Lin Yan and the others got off the ship, they officially entered the territory of Daozuma.

Because of the Eye Hunting Order, Manyo cannot appear in Inazuma's eyes. Once discovered, the entire Southern Cross fleet may be implicated.

Lin Yan asked Yula to hide the God's Eye. Although I don't know if this can deceive the people of the Inazuma Shogunate, this is the only method that can be used now.

Fortunately, this is an outlying island, and [Scanning Pursuit] is not the main force to execute the Eye Hunting Order. Maybe they have to be careful everywhere after they go to Narugami Island where [Tianling Pursuit] is located.

"This is Rice Wife." Paimon walked on the pier with a curious face, and glanced at the surrounding islands from time to time.

Inazuma's architectural style is very similar to Liyue's architectural style, but only the structure is the same, and the style is completely different.

Moreover, the color of Liyue's buildings is mostly earthy yellow of rock.However, the color of Inazuma's buildings is mostly purple.Maybe the color of the buildings is determined by the gods who rule them.

It is worth mentioning that Inazuma was made based on a country in Lin Yan's original world as a prototype.Although that country has a lot to do with Lin Yan's country, this is not his world after all, so there is no need to have such a strong sense of substitution.

(End of this chapter)

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