Chapter 274

Of course, no matter how unspectacular this mansion is, it is indeed the place where Ayaka Kamisato lives.

Generally speaking, ordinary people are not qualified to enter the Kamisato House at all. Even if they try to force their way in, they will be stopped by the shrine guards.

But, because Lin Yan and the others were led by Thomas, they entered the residence of the Shenli family without hindrance.

There is no one in the hall of the house, and the surrounding furnishings are the same as the courtyard outside, without any luxurious items.

"Welcome to Shenli Mansion, honored guests, miss, she has been waiting for you for a long time." After entering the residence, Thomas finally showed the appearance that a domestic servant should have.

"That's what I said, but where is that Princess Egret?" Paimon looked around suspiciously, although Thomas said that Kamisato Ayaka had been waiting for them for a long time, but she didn't see him at all.

"Cough cough."

At this moment, two coughs suddenly came from behind the screen in the hall. Judging from the sound, it seemed to be a woman.

From the looks of it, the one behind the screen should be the egret princess.As for why she didn't choose to show her face, it may be because she is not familiar with it, or she doesn't trust Lin Yan and the others.

Thomas gave an explanation for this; "Hehe, as the eldest lady of the society, Miss Shenli usually treats guests like this. It can be said that it can be regarded as the custom of the society for a hundred years, please forgive me."

This way of treating guests seems reasonable, but Lin Yan always has a feeling that he can't accept it.

Because in his opinion, it would be a very impolite behavior for a guest to not even show his face.Liyue is like this, the master treats guests, no matter how much he hates the other party, he will maintain the most basic way of hospitality.

Maybe it's the difference in regional culture. Although some can't accept it, it's not enough for Lin Yan to break through the defense directly.

"You guys have traveled across the sea, and the journey is tiring, but we can only meet each other like this when we arrive at the house. Please forgive the lack of courtesy." Shenli Linghua's voice sounded from behind the screen. Judging from the tone of the speech, the other party It should be a very elegant woman.

After all, she is the noble Princess Egret. The most important thing is etiquette, including things like words and deeds, music, chess, calligraphy and painting, which must be impeccable.

"I have been looking forward to the arrival of several of you. From Toma's report, I am convinced that they have the ability to [change the situation]. Today's rice wife, under the implementation of the eye hunting order, the wishes of the people It's being trampled on with wanton."

"Although Shefuxing serves the general, because of its duties, it is also the party closest to the people's livelihood. The right to pursue it comes from the trust of the people. If you just ignore this situation, how can you sleep peacefully. "

"So, everyone, please give me your strength sister, we will definitely be able to change the current situation."

It is not difficult to hear from this passage that Kamisato Linghua is a young lady who is very concerned about the country and the people. She originally belonged to General Raiden, but now she chooses to oppose General Raiden for the sake of the people.

This is not the courage that ordinary people can have. Although it is not ruled out that she did this to prevent the eye hunting order from harming herself, but no matter what, her direction is always good.At least for those persecuted because of the eye hunting order.

Lin Yan and the others had already made a decision to resist the eye hunting order, but they had one condition.

"We can promise to help you overthrow the Eye Hunting Order, but before that, I have a request." Ying said, "After the Eye Hunting Order is successfully overturned, I hope you can help me introduce General Thunderbolt."

The main purpose of visiting Inazuma is to be able to meet the gods who rule here. As the eldest lady of the society, she must have the right to directly meet with General Raiden, or to write a letter to General Raiden.

It couldn't be more appropriate for her to help Ying introduce General Thunder and Lightning.

"Of course there is no problem." Kanli Linghua immediately agreed, "But I have one condition, that is, I want you to help me fulfill three small wishes."

"This is not to test your abilities, but to let you understand how painful the eye hunting order is for people who have lost their divine eyes."

Afterwards, Kanli Linghua stated the contents of the three wishes for them.

The content of the wish is roughly: There are three rice wife people who were deprived of the eyes of God by the eye hunting order. After losing the eyes of God, they all encountered difficulties of varying degrees. Kamisato Linghua hopes that Lin Yan and others can help They solve these difficulties.

And the duties of the three Inazuma people are: the samurai who guarded the village, the samurai who executed the eye hunting order in the past, and the swordsman who once aimed to be the best in the world.

Lin Yan and the others quickly agreed to this premise, because they also wanted to know what would happen to a person who lost the eye of God.

"Wait, I have a question." However, before leaving, Lin Yan suddenly turned his head and said to Shenli Linghua, "If a foreigner comes to Inazuma and is found by the shogunate soldiers to have the eye of God, it will be What kind of fate?"

"Ling Fengxing will issue a warrant for him that day, and unless he gets his God's Eye, he will never give up." The person who answered Lin Yan was Thomas, "There are only Sanfengxing and some rice wives who are extremely sensitive. The family members who have made great contributions can not be taken away from the God's Eye for the time being."

"For example, my lady and I are like this, but if all the other God's Eyes in Daozuma territory have been recovered, then it's time for us to hand in the God's Eyes."

No wonder Thomas was able to walk on the street openly with the eyes of gods on. It turned out to be a privilege.

However, he is not absolutely safe, because General Lei Dian's order to recover the God's Eye will be issued at some point. Maybe one day he will be caught by the soldiers of Tianling Xunxing when he walks on the street?

Everything is possible, and Lin Yan asked because he was worried that Yula would be discovered.

Although Yula will not hang the God's Eye on her body openly like Thomas, but she is a foreigner after all, even the ordinary people of Daozuma can see it at a glance, let alone a soldier of the Heavenly Leader?
Since she is a foreigner, if she is found by the soldiers of Tianling on the street, she will definitely check her body routinely to see if she has the Eye of God.It would be fine if they were not discovered, but it would be troublesome if Yula was found to have the Eye of God.

Lin Yan is not afraid of San Bong, but Wan Ye once said that if General Raiden finds out that he can use elemental power even without the eye of God, then she is likely to kill herself personally, so as to practice Own [eternal] will.

Once General Lei Dian really came, it was not a question of whether Lin Yan could beat her, but whether they could leave Daozao alive.

Even if they can escape unscathed, they can only stay with Dao Wife.And because General Thunder is the god who rules Daozu, so no matter where they escape, as long as they are still in Daozu's territory, General Thunder will definitely find them immediately.

This is the power possessed by the gods, so they cannot be discovered, let alone conflict with Tianling Xingxing and General Thunderbolt prematurely.

(End of this chapter)

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