Chapter 283
The two just stared at each other for a long time, the surrounding was very quiet, only the sound of the breeze blowing the treetops.

In the end, it was Yae Shenzi who couldn't bear it first and said: "Why, you have been silent all this time, could it be that you are waiting for me to speak first?"

"It's obvious that you are looking for me for something, right? Why do you act like I'm looking for you for something?" Lin Yan said, since Yae Shenzi is looking for him, logically speaking, she should be the first to speak.

"Could it be that you don't know me?" Yae Kamiko was a little surprised by Lin Yan's answer, and she deliberately walked around him a few times, as if to confirm whether she was really Lin Yan.

But no matter how you look at it, he is the person in her memory. Hu Immortal has a very good memory, so she can't admit his mistake.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? I'm Dao's wife who just came here a few days ago, how could I know you, have been to Mond or? Liyue not long ago?"

The words of Yae Shenzi made Lin Yan feel a little baffled. It was the first time for him to come to Inazuma, so how could he know her?
Moreover, even if she had been to Mond or Liyue not long ago, she had never seen her at all.

So, what did she mean by that?
Seeing Lin Yan's puzzled reaction, Yae Kamiko rested her chin with her hand, pretending to be thinking.

"So that's how it is." After thinking about it, she seemed to understand something, "No wonder you haven't responded at all since just now, but if you are like this, you will disappoint her very much."

Another inexplicable sentence, because he couldn't understand Yae Shenzi's meaning, so Lin Yan didn't know who the other party was talking about "she".

"Are you okay? If it's okay, I'll leave first." Because the other party only said some nonsense, Lin Yan, who was impatient, turned his head and planned to leave.

But Yae Shenzi suddenly stopped him: "Wait!"

"Why are you so impatient? Even if you don't know me, it shouldn't be a problem for the two of us to be friends."

"So...can you pat my head?"

Yae Shenzi's last words made Lin Yan stunned.

Touch your head?Is he touching his head in understanding?The same type of head pat as he touched Xiaobai's head?

What a joke, if a big man like Yae Kamiko with a high status in Inazuma dared to touch her head, he would probably be beaten to death with a stick.

"What did you say?" In order to prevent whether he heard it wrong, Lin Yan asked again as if sure.

The answer he got was that Yae Miko pointed to his head: "Touching the head is the kind of touching between passionate lovers. Although we are not a couple, it does not prevent you from doing this."

When he said these words, the aura exuding from Yae Kamito was completely different from before.

Just now, she was a great witch with an extremely powerful aura.But now, she is a lively and lovely beautiful girl, and even the tone of her speech has changed.

This huge reversal made Lin Yan a little unresponsive, and he also didn't understand what the meaning of Yae Shenzi letting him touch her head was.

"Hurry up, it's a pain in the ass to do this kind of thing. If you can't do it because you have someone you love, then treat me as a friend of the same sex as you."

Seeing that Lin Yan didn't respond for a long time, Yae Shenzi said to him as if urging him.

Friends of the same sex?What a joke, like Yae Miko, the dream lover of countless men, even a blind person can't see her as a man.

But she has asked herself so much, if she doesn't do it, won't it embarrass her?
Wandering frantically between what to do and what not to do, when Lin Yan reacted, his hand had already been placed on the head of Yae Shenzi at some point.

The silky touch like a willow spread across the hand in an instant, and the unique fragrance of Yae Miko's long pink hair seemed to float into Lin Yan's nose along the palm of his hand.

If you want to use one word to evaluate this kind of touch, then it should only be [great].

The strange thing is that it seems that this is not the first time that Yae Shenzi has been touched on the head like this. On the contrary, he shook his head very skillfully to rub Lin Yan's palm.

And before he knew it, Lin Yan couldn't help shaking his palms, because he had touched Xiaobai's head many times before, so his technique was surprisingly proficient.

"How did things evolve into this situation?" The corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching, and now Lin Yan felt a little bit unaware of his blessings.

After touching the head for about a minute, Lin Yan took his hand back.

Yae Miko's hair, which was originally neatly arranged, became a little messy because of his head touching.

But she didn't care about it herself, instead she said with a smile on her face: "Well, isn't this technique very skillful? It seems that you don't miss other girls' heads in normal times."

Lin Yangang, who heard this, wanted to refute, but found that the other party seemed to be right.

He often touches Xiaobai's head, almost once every two days, and he has touched Yula's head a few times, but because the other party doesn't like this feeling, he doesn't touch it often.

But why Yae Shenzi can show the appearance of being patted by himself often?

However, compared to this question, Lin Yan wanted to know more about why the Yae Godko would find him. I can't. It's as simple as letting him touch his head, right?

"So... what's the matter with you? You can't just let me touch your head." Lin Yan asked.

"Of course not." Saying that, Yae Miko's expression suddenly became serious, but soon, this seriousness turned into an unscrupulous smile.

"I opened a place in Naruto Island that specializes in selling and displaying light novels, and I named it [Yaedo]."

"I will go to the Yaedo Hall every Tuesday, so if you have time, you must remember to come and play with me."

"By the way, if you're looking for me at Yaedo, you'd better bring a freshly baked fried tofu with you. It would be even better if you made it yourself."

Lin Yan's inner image of the great witch of Narugami Taisha has completely collapsed at this moment. He thought Yae Kamito would be a difficult person to get along with, but he didn't expect her to be so
Alas, so what was he worried about before? With Yae Miko's appearance, he would probably tell all the information about General Raiden.

"Is that all?" Seeing that Yae Shenzi didn't speak any more, Lin Yan took advantage of the situation and asked, "Then it's up to me. I heard that you and General Thunder seem to have a very close relationship, so...can you tell me Any news about her?"

Hearing this, Yae Shenzi was slightly taken aback, and immediately asked: "Oh? It's true that I have a good relationship with her, but want to inquire about her."

"Because my friend wants to meet her, I want to ask her a question." Lin Yan stated his purpose directly.

"Could it be that you don't want to see her yourself?"

"I think it's a bit of a thought, but I don't think it's necessary, because my friend wants to ask her a question. As for me, who would let go of an opportunity to meet with the world's seventh ruler?"

(End of this chapter)

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