Chapter 30

After eliminating all the Qiuqiu people, Lin Yan shook his arms, showing a relaxed gesture.

"Look, I told you that there is no danger." As if showing off his own strength, Lin Yan turned his head to look at Yula and said.

Yula didn't know how to refute for a while, but as a tsundere, she would definitely not suffer.

"It's just that some Qiuqiu people are just complacent. This secret realm is not as simple as you imagined. It can be seen from the richness of its elemental veins that is more than twice that of other secret realms." With hands on hips, Yura said with a straight mouth.

"That's true." Unexpectedly, Lin Yan nodded in agreement, "This secret realm is indeed a bit strange, not only because it allows Qiuqiu people to use elemental power, haven't you noticed? Those Qiuqiu people The attack method is very strange."

"What?" Yula didn't understand what Lin Yan meant, and tilted her head to express her doubts.

"You haven't noticed it yet," Lin Yan looked at Yula's puzzled expression, and explained, "The attack methods of those Qiuqiu people are different from those outside, they obviously put their weapons aside, but they choose to use flying pounces way of attack."

"The Qiuqiu people are not as stupid as you think. They can use tools. Most of the Qiuqiu people choose to use weapons when fighting. For example, Qiuqiu thugs are divided into fire axe and wooden shields. Chuqiu thugs, because they use different weapons, they are called differently."

"But those Qiuqiu people just now, their weapons were obviously thrown aside during the battle, but their attack method was a single flying pounce. How can I put it like this, as if their minds were controlled. They are gaining more power. At the same time, previous habits seem to be superseded."

"As for why the attack method of using weapons will be replaced by swooping, then I don't know."

At the end, Lin Yan spread his hands.

"I didn't expect you to observe very carefully, but does it really have something to do with this secret realm?" Yula asked.

"Who knows, we haven't thoroughly penetrated into this secret realm yet, we will know if we continue to probe inside."

Afterwards, the two continued to explore the depths of the secret realm, and encountered some monsters on the way, but due to the great disparity in strength, they were quickly eliminated.

It seemed that Lin Yan was a bit dissatisfied with Lin Yan's behavior of stealing the limelight. Yula was very aggressive in the battle, and she could kill as many as she could.

Lin Yan, who was aware of the opponent's anger, didn't dare to say anything, but to be honest, he didn't notice at first that Yula's figure was absolutely top-notch among all the women he had ever seen. But without losing the elegant posture, it just feels cold and not easy to get close to.

As for her strength, as far as she has shown so far, she is no worse than Qin or Di Luke, and she is quite good, at least it seems so to Lin Yan.

And as they continue to go deeper, the first place where a choice needs to be made appears.

Three passages leading to different directions appeared in front of the two of them, and each passage could not see the end, so they did not know how to choose.

Perhaps the best way is to act separately. If you investigate the two passages at the same time, the time consumed can be greatly reduced, but in this way, the degree of risk will increase as they act separately.

Another method is for two people to investigate a passage at the same time. The speed may not be as good as the first method, but at least if two people act together, the chance of accidents will be greatly reduced.

In the end, the two chose the second method, and chose the right passage under Lin Yan's suggestion.

Along the passage all the way forward, they finally came to the end.

At the end of the passage, there is a very majestic palace. The dim purple lights reflect the flickering thunder elements around. Even if you can't see the whole picture of the palace, it still gives people a very shocking feeling.

The area of ​​the palace is not very large, and there are very few things that can be investigated inside, or even nothing, but at the end of the palace, there is a room that leads deeper.

The two first walked around the palace and found that there was nothing to investigate, so they set their sights on the room at the end.

The entrance of the room is not big, at most two adults can pass through at the same time, and inside the room, there is only an unknown flower placed on a platform.

"This flower" The two of them came to the platform and looked at the flower seriously, and the more Lin Yan looked at it, the more he felt that this flower looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Purple petals, you can count the number of petals just by looking at it with your eyes. The anthers and stigmas are golden, and the outer receptacles are also golden, and there are even purple and red embellishments.

"Isn't this the thunderous flower of life?" Lin Yan looked at the flower in front of him, and wondered in his heart.

Rulei's wrath is a set of holy relic equipment in the Yuanshen game, and the way to obtain it is to clear the designated dungeon. Now, the flower of life in the Rulei set—[Thunderbird's Mercy] just appeared in the forest. In front of Yan.

"The secret realm covered by thunder elements is like a set of thunder. Could it be that this is the Midsummer Garden?" Lin Yan couldn't calm down for a long time, and Lin Yan tried his best to suppress his joy from being noticed by Yula. "This is a good thing, although I don't know where the holy relic is. What's the use in the real world."

He stretched out his hand to take away the flower of life placed on the platform, but Lin Yan's fingertips stopped the moment they touched the petals.

In an instant, countless pictures flooded into his mind, Lin Yan's eyes became hollow, and his body was as stiff as a mummy.

In the unknown deep mountain, raging fire burned everything, as if an ancient tribe, their priests and shamans were holding some ceremony around them.

The miserable screams echoed in the night sky, blood stained the entire altar, no one knew who was sacrificed as a sacrifice, the only thing they knew was that there was a dizzy roar in the sky, Their actions aroused the wrath of the heavenly beings.

Dark clouds covered the full moon, and purple lightning thundered in the sea of ​​clouds, and piercing screams sounded from somewhere, like the roar of birds, and the indignation of gods.

In return for the overheard song, the Heavenly Creature takes on its terrifying true colors and wipes the tiny tribe from the face of the earth.

The purple wildflowers that survived the ashes of the wildfires are the only witnesses to the destruction of the ancient tribe.

It is like a lucky child who escaped the hopeless catastrophe and received a gift from the heavens.

(End of this chapter)

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