Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 320 Creatures in the Dark Sea

Chapter 320 Creatures in the Dark Sea

"Then what is that!" The ship was driving normally on the sea, but at this moment, a shogunate soldier suddenly noticed something.

Everyone followed the sound, and they found that on the distant sea, there was a long black line galloping towards this side, and the number was incalculable.

"Quick! Speed ​​up!" Everyone realized that something was wrong at this moment, and the leading shogunate immediately ordered to speed up.

Their speed is already very fast, but the opponent's speed is faster than them.

It didn't take long for them to see each other's face clearly.

They were a group of deformed creatures, their faces were extremely ugly, and some even had incomplete facial features, which made people feel extremely nauseated.

And if you want to say the most conspicuous thing, it should be the black air covering them.

that is god
Lin Yan could tell at a glance, because he was too familiar with those creatures being corrupted by the gods, and he didn't know whether they were manipulated or intentional.

But now is not the time to think about these things. Lin Yan made a decisive decision. After activating the magic armor, he turned on the water element form, stepped on the sea, and raised the boat high above his head with both hands.

He glanced at the crazy creatures behind him, and then started running with all his strength. After a while, he got rid of them, and soon came to Narugami Island.

Throwing the boat on the coast of Narugami Island, there is a group of soldiers of the shogunate waiting in battle. Most of them are the holders of the Eye of God, and they must be the most elite troops of the shogunate.

"You are?" The leading shogunate soldier stepped forward. He naturally saw the scene of Lin Yan running wildly with the boat on the sea just now. Although he didn't know his identity, judging from the fact that he rescued the shogunate soldiers on the boat, He should not be the enemy.

"Can you deal with those things?" Lin Yan didn't answer the other party's question, because he knew that the god of evil was very powerful, and even the holder of the god's eye might not be able to resist the erosion of the god of evil.

If that is the case, then the shogunate soldiers here will be wiped out.

But the spirit is irresistible.

"My lord general said that the eyes of God will have a certain resistance effect on the black energy on those things, so he sent us here." The leader knew that the current situation was very serious, so he was not obsessed with understanding it. Lin Yan's identity.

"Really? Then it's all right." Lin Yan said, and at the same time he turned around suddenly, the magic armor switched to the form of the thunder element and at the same time summoned the spear of Vermilion.

The body and tip of Zhugou's Spear were attached with extremely strong thunder elements, and they were thrown out forcefully by Lin Yan in the next second, directly blasting towards the deformed creatures that were rushing here.

After three breaths, a huge water column suddenly exploded from the distant sea surface, and the thunder element and the water element formed an electrokinetic reaction, covering the entire nearby sea surface.

Those deformed creatures were regarded as being electrocuted to death, and some were directly killed by the explosion that occurred before. Anyway, they died a lot.

But even so, the number of deformed creatures has not shown any obvious signs of reduction. Their strength may be weak, but the number can forcibly make up for this shortcoming.

"That's amazing!" A group of shogunate soldiers were held in place by the mighty Lin Yan, staring at this stranger in amazement.

"Don't just stand there stupidly, hurry up and help me, I can't handle so many by myself." Lin Yan woke them up with one sentence. He planned to get to know the past wife first, but he didn't expect to find this. accident.

He had no choice but to help these shogunate soldiers clean up the deformed creatures that suddenly appeared, and he had a hunch that this attack seemed to be very violent, but it was just a vanguard used by the opponent as cannon fodder.

A truly powerful existence is waiting in the rear!

Time quickly passed from day to night. Lin Yan and the others fought for a whole day and night, and finally wiped out all the deformed creatures.

It is inevitable that many people died in the shogunate, and without his help, they would probably die even more.

"This foreign friend, thank you very much."

Lin Yan, who had removed the magic armor, was sitting on a rock to rest. At this moment, the previous leader suddenly came over. He was very strong, so he survived the battle.

"It's nothing, I'm just helping myself." Lin Yan said, he was not talking nonsense, because those deformed creatures would definitely not regard him as a friend, so one of them must be eliminated.

"You are so powerful, why don't you join the shogunate army? With your performance, the general will definitely let you lead a small team." The leading shogunate soldier said, he was already impressed by Lin Yan's strength, although the other party looked He looks young, but he is not to be underestimated.

If such talents can be recruited, it will definitely be a good thing for the Inazuma Shogunate, especially in the current special environment.

"Join the Inazuma Shogunate!" Lin Yan murmured, he didn't have such an idea, "It's better to avoid it, but if you want me to help you resist those things, it's okay."

Lin Yan wanted to understand the source of the god's power and the situation in the dark sea, so it was impossible for him to only have one confrontation with those things.

A person's strength is limited, and it would be great if he could get help from the Inazuma Shogunate. Although most of them couldn't deal with the demon gods who fled to the dark sea, it was still no problem to clear some soldiers.

"But before that, I have a request." Lin Yan said, "Can you introduce General Thunder for me?"

He wanted to meet General Thunderbolt, to be precise, he wanted to meet General Thunderbolt of this period.

The current rice wife should not have an eye hunting order. General Lei Dian's character may not have changed, but he will definitely not attack him.

Maybe he can take this opportunity to understand why she executed the eye hunting order, maybe?

"Introduce you to the general. I can't do it in my capacity," said the leading shogunate soldier. "After all, he is a god who pursues the moment. If you want to see the general, I can report it to the Kutiao family. My lord, they may be able to do it."

"Xu Mou?" Lin Yan couldn't help being stunned for a moment, even his face changed, "Isn't General Thunder pursuing eternity?"

"Ah?" The other party was also taken aback, "Eternal? How can she pursue eternity, General? Thunder and lightning are a moment, and that is the farthest thing from eternity."

"From the end of the Demon God War to the present, what she has been pursuing, General, is Xu Mo."

This statement directly stunned Lin Yan.

In the future Tivat Continent, it is well known that General Raiden pursues eternity, and she even made crazy actions like the order of locking the country and the order of eye hunting because of this, in order to achieve the realm of eternity.

But now, the other party said that the moment that General Lei Dian pursued was just that moment.

Eternity and even a moment, these are two words with completely opposite meanings, even if General Lei Dian wants to change his pursuit, it is impossible to change it so completely.

(End of this chapter)

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