Chapter 327 Demon God Battle Begins
"Your heart has been corroded by darkness." Ying shook his head, looked up expressionlessly and said, "Just like those demon gods who fled after defeat."

In fact, Orobus is not a demon god with an evil heart. It has ruled Haiqi Island for more than a thousand years. It has never done anything cruel, and it takes great care of its own people. None of them brought the army of Haiqi Island, otherwise Haiqi Island would have suffered heavy losses.

"There is no way, Balzebu, you know better than me that the power of a demon god is determined by the territory it governs. I have lived in a corner for thousands of years, and my power has long since disappeared during the war of the demon god." As powerful as Heulia, so in order not to follow Heulia's footsteps, I can only do this."

After finishing speaking, Orobus didn't continue to talk nonsense with Lin Yan and the others. The snake's mouth opened, and a cloud of viscous purple venom spewed out in an instant. The speed was so fast that it was difficult for ordinary people to react.

Ying frowned, although she could easily dodge this blow, but the elite soldiers of the shogunate would be wiped out, so she was debating whether to use some powerful means.

But before she could make a move, Lin Yan took the lead.

The magic armor switched to the form of rock elements, and Lin Yan patted the ground with both hands, with powerful rock elements wrapped in his palms.

In an instant, a tall, thick and huge rock wall grew out of the ground, directly resisting the deadly venom.

The rock wall was corroded by the venom, and the surface made a sizzling sound, but fortunately, the venom could not penetrate the rock wall, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Everyone, the position is fifty miles behind!" Shang Baihe was the first to react. He has rich experience in commanding troops, so he knows exactly what to do now.

Leaving aside him and Lin Yan, just the collision of Ying and Orobus, two demon god-level powerhouses, can instantly razed a radius of several miles to the ground.

Therefore, Shang Baihe directly led the group of elite soldiers and retreated fifty miles back to make room for Ying and the others to fight.

"This is the divine power of Morax!"

Because the first generation of Seven Gods and their dependents often return to Liyue for gatherings, Ying can tell at a glance that the divine power fluctuations on Lin Yan belong to the eyes of Morax.

"Morax?" Orobus was also surprised. Although Liyue was not a short distance away from Daozuma, the reputation of the warrior god Morax had already spread throughout the entire period during the Demon God War. Watt continent.

But soon, Orobus discovered that this was not the presence of Morax himself, but that Lin Yan had a portion of Morax's divine power.

This instantly dispelled the worries in its heart, because if Morax was there, it would not even have a [-]% chance of winning.

"If Morax himself is here, I'm still afraid of him three points, but you, a mortal who has obtained part of Morax's divine power, want to challenge the gods in vain?"

Orobus looked at Lin Yan under him. It wanted to use this method to make Lin Yan feel scared, because from the scene just now, it can be judged that Lin Yan has the strength to fight against the demon god.

It thought that Ying was the only person who came, but after all the calculations, it did not count Lin Yan. This is not good, because the appearance of Lin Yan disrupted its original plan.

"Kebulal, don't hide any more, show yourself."

Orobus suddenly yelled in a distant direction, and then the ground began to tremble violently, and a huge body suddenly emerged from the ground in the next second.

Unlike Orobus, this Kebrar has a humanoid appearance, with two horns growing on his head, one of which was cut off in half for some unknown reason.

Not only that, but like Orobus, it exudes black energy all over its body.

This is also a demon god!
"Kebulal, I didn't expect you to come back." Ying said, her expression did not change because another demon god appeared on the field, and it could be seen that she and the man named Kebraal Demon God is old knowledge.

Kebrar is a demon god who competed with the Baal sisters for the throne of Thunder God during the Demon God War. He is the ruler of the ghost clan, but because of the tyranny of the ghost clan, the people of the ghost clan suffer unspeakably.

In the end, they couldn't tolerate Kebular's brutal behavior, and chose to take refuge in a pair of twin demon gods in the Daoqiu area at that time, that is, the Baal sisters.

Then, without the power of the people, Kebrar's strength was greatly weakened, and at that time, Balzeb also took the opportunity to attack Kebrar's territory, and cut off its power during the battle. A ghost horn.

In the end, Kebral, who was defeated by Balzeb, couldn't bear the humiliation and chose to escape to the dark sea, but today it appeared again, standing in front of Shadow.

"Balzebu, back then you cut off one of my horns, causing me to flee to the outside of the world in despair. Today I am here to seek revenge, and I will definitely wash away the shameful battle of that year!"

"Unbelievably stupid." Facing Kebrar's passionate speech, Shadow shook his head and spoke in a cold tone.

"If you want to fight, then come, I am not afraid of anyone, anyone who tries to trample on Dao's wife's land, I will kill him!"

After speaking, Ying directly summoned the weapon, as if ready to fight at any time.

Lin Yan certainly wouldn't just watch, he was picking an opponent.

Since Kebrar said that he wanted to duel with Shadow, then he would choose Obaros as his opponent.

Just do what you said, the magic armor switched to the thunder element form, and the next second, Lin Yan rushed out with the Vermilion Spear in his hand.

The body turned into a purple lightning, so fast that the naked eye couldn't react at all. Lin Yan instantly appeared behind the giant snake god Orobas, holding the vermilion spear with the thunder element attached, and fiercely aimed at it. Stab in the back.

The sound of sonic boom came, and the tip of Zhugou's spear was about to pierce Orobas's body, but it suddenly swung the snake's tail, and directly sent Lin Yan flying.

To be precise, it did not hit Lin Yan, because Lin Yan dodged the moment he was shot, but flew backwards for a certain distance due to inertia.

Orobus deserves to be the Demon God who has lived from the Demon God War to the present, and now that he has gained the power of the dark sea, his strength should not be underestimated.

Although Lin Yan had defeated several demon gods before, those demon gods were not in their prime at all.But the Orobus in front of him is different. It is not only in full state, but even stronger than normal state.

Lin Yan didn't dare to take it too seriously, so he directly sacrificed the strongest form of the magic armor, the Armor of Dawn, and planned to deal with Obaros with all his strength.

On the other side, the shadow holding the rice light of the shaving grass is also fighting with Kebrar, and it can be seen with the naked eye that the shadow at this time is gaining the upper hand, because she is far away from both speed and strength. Victory Kebral.

But Kebulal is not a vegetarian, its attack is extremely deadly, as long as it can touch Shadow once, it can completely reverse the situation of the battle, and Shadow is also very clear about this, so she knows that she cannot use it, and adopts The non-stop blinking method has a tug-of-war with Kebral.

(End of this chapter)

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