Chapter 33 The Thunder of No Phase
The purple-gold wine glass placed on the platform was the target of everyone present, but the fools with a large number were in the light, and Lin Yan and the others were in the dark.

The phaseless thunder flipped in the air, and the purple lightning kept hitting the surroundings. An unlucky Wind Fist vanguard was hit by one of the lightnings, and blood mist burst out of his body in an instant, even wearing heavy armor.

Lin Yan and Yula, who were hiding in the corner, watched them silently, with no intention of helping them at all.

"These guys seem so arrogant on weekdays, but in the end they don't have any skills at all." Looking at the fools who were being ravaged by the phaseless thunder, Yula showed a happy expression on her face.

"Speaking of which, someone was robbed by them not long ago." Lin Yan, who had a sudden convulsion, teased.

"That's not because I was careless. If I do it again, I promise they won't be able to eat and walk around." Yula said with a displeased expression on her hips, "How dare you underestimate me, this grudge, I will write it down .”

Lin Yan smiled wryly twice and shook his head, not taking Yula's vengeance to heart.

After that, they didn't know how long they hid. Seeing the number of members of the Fools decrease one by one, the Phaseless Thunder was still not wiped out.

And Lin Yan also discovered one thing, that is, the attack method of the Phaseless Thunder is almost the same as in the game, and every time it launches an attack, it will enter a stagnation state. In this state, the Phaseless Thunder will reveal the core in the middle , is the only way it can be harmed.

However, what is different from the game is that it seems to be strengthened by the elemental veins, and there will always be turbulent lightning around the body of Wuxianglei, even when it enters a stagnant state. When stagnant, they dare not approach, and can only let guerrillas attack the core from a distance.

But in this way, it is impossible to cause fatal damage to the Phaseless Thunder, and as the number of people gradually decreases, the fools have begun to be somewhat unable to withstand the attack of the Phaseless Thunder. If this continues, they are very likely to be wiped out.

"Aren't you going to make a move?" Yula turned her head to look at Lin Yan and said, looking at the crowd of fools who had been reduced by half from the beginning.

Lin Yan's gaze was always on Wuxiangzhilei, and he seemed to be waiting for an excellent opportunity without saying a word.

"You can do it now." Just after Wuxiangzhilei launched another attack and entered a stagnation state, Lin Yan suddenly said in a low voice.

The magic armor covered his body almost instantly, and before Yura could react, he had already rushed forward.

"Hey, can't you act with me!" Seeing Lin Yan's sudden attack again, Yula could only express her displeasure by shouting.

On the other side, Wuxiangzhilei entered a stagnant state, and when the guerrillas armed with sniper rifles were about to attack its core, they suddenly saw a black figure jumping high into the air.

The magic armor turned on the wind element form, and Lin Yan raised his fists above his head and crossed them together. The surging wind elements gathered on the two fists. From a distance, it seemed that a huge vortex was gradually forming.

"Eat my steamroller!"

Almost using all the strength in his body, Lin Yan aimed at Wuxiangzhilei, swung his fists down, and smashed heavily on its core.

The air seemed to stagnate for a moment, and Lin Yan hit the core of Wuxiangzhilei with both fists, which seemed to stop time.

Before the gunfire guerrillas could pull the trigger of the sniper rifle in their hands, a strong storm suddenly swept over the next second, and the diffusion reaction produced by the thunder element and the wind element instantly covered the entire palace.

The turbulent air flow was mixed with purple current, and cracks appeared in the core of Phaseless Thunder just one breath after being hit by Lin Yan.

The number of fissures gradually increased, eventually spreading to the entire core.

At the same time as the ground cracked because it couldn't bear the strong pressure, the core of the Phaseless Thunder also burst, and its screams seemed to be heard in the air.

The storm raged for about half a minute and began to gradually dissipate. In situ, the Phaseless Thunder had completely disappeared, and only the residual purple current on the cracked ground could prove its existence.

Without the resurrection mechanism in the game, after the core is destroyed, the Phaseless Thunder will die directly.

The guerrillas hesitated for a while, then pointed their guns at Lin Yan.

He didn't know why Lin Yan appeared here, and he didn't know whether Lin Yan wiped out Wuxiangzhilei just to save him.

The fools don't need to care about these, they just need to complete the orders given by their superiors, and eliminating the unknown guys is one of them.

The sniper scope was already aimed at Lin Yan, and it was still aimed directly at his head. When the finger pulled the trigger, a bullet of fire element was fired from the muzzle of the gun.

However, the imaginary image of a neutron bullet hitting Lin Yan's head did not appear, because a figure holding a large blue sword suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked the bullet.

That person was Yula. Although she knew that this level of attack was just a tickle for Lin Yan, her instinctive reaction made her block the bullet for Lin Yan.

Anyway, she has nothing to lose, so let Lin Yan owe her a favor, even though Lin Yan has said that he doesn't like to owe others a favor.

Afterwards, a set of gorgeous swordsmanship was displayed, and Yula quickly chopped down the firecracker guerrilla so that he couldn't find the southeast and northwest. The other fools who saw this scene were ready to help, but Lin Yan, who had already freed his hand However, they were resolved one by one in an extremely swift and violent manner.

In the end, all the fools were knocked down, and Lin Yan and Lin Yan left only one conscious ice gun guard.

After the torture, they knew that the Fools had discovered this secret realm a few days ago, and through some special device, they could stay in this environment for a long time even without the Eye of God.

But because the danger factor of this secret realm is too great, even after a few days, they still failed to conquer it, and suffered heavy casualties. Up to now, their team has only collected one feather, not only that , I heard that another team was destroyed by monsters while collecting holy relics, and the losses were extremely heavy.

When asked about their purpose, the heavy ice gun guard said that he didn't know either. The order from above was only to let them collect the holy relics in this secret realm. As for the purpose of collecting these holy relics, he didn't know either.

Then, he revealed a very crucial piece of information, that is, among the members of the Fools in this operation, there is a guy named Arelles, who seems to be the confidant of [Ms.] and the leader of this operation It was also him. If he was found, he might be able to know the purpose of their operation.

(End of this chapter)

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