Chapter 341 Return (The Finale)

Time flies, and more than a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

For more than a month, the reconstruction work of Inazuma is still going on, and the reconstruction work of Narugami Island is almost completed. The next island to be reconstructed is Kannazuka, followed by Yarui Island.

The order of the remaining islands should be Qinglai Island and Heguan.

Because Haiqi Island was not invaded by dark naval forces during the war, there were almost no dead people.

It has also been more than a month since Zhenheying and the others left Daozuma, and Lin Yan's mood has changed from anxious at first to calm.

Because at the beginning, he was still debating whether to go to Kanria or not.

On this day, it was pouring rain in the sky, and Lin Yan was in the house of the castle tower. Yes, after the war, because there was no place to live, Lin Yan was really arranged to live in the castle tower.

Everyone was very curious, what did such an unknown person do to be so valued by General Lei Dian.

But after all, this is the decision made by their generals, so they dare not have any opinions on it.

Originally, Lin Yan was sleeping soundly in the house, because it was raining, so he had no idea of ​​going out at all.

But at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the room.

He thought it was some powerful creature that appeared in Daozuma's territory, and the soldiers of the shogunate could not deal with it, so he came to look for him.

He hurriedly got up from the bed, and then went to open the door, only to find that the person standing outside the door was actually Yae Shenzi.

Yae Miko was drenched in the rain, her expression didn't look good, she didn't have the usual hippie smile at all.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yan tilted his head in confusion.

"Something happened." Yae Kamito said in a low tone, "Kage and the others are back."

"Ying and the others are back?" Lin Yan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, "Isn't that a good thing? Why did you say something happened?"

Afterwards, he understood that, just like the literal meaning, something happened, and it was Ying and the others.

"They are at Narugami Taisha Shrine now, hurry up and go with me," Yae Kamiko said.

After finishing speaking, she and Lin Yan rushed to Narugami Taisha without stopping.

After rushing to Narugami Taisha, he found that Lei Yingshu actually banned people from visiting today, and even the witches in the shrine were not qualified to approach there.

But because the person who made this decision was Yae Kamiko, under her leadership, Lin Yan came to Lei Yingshu without hindrance.

Under the thunder cherry tree, a woman is suffering, and in her arms, there is another woman, but she no longer has any vitality in her body, she is a dead person.

How could Lin Yan not recognize who the crying person was.

That is shadow.

Since she is a shadow, then the corpse held in her arms should be real.

"How could it be like this?" In an instant, a roar like a thunderbolt from the blue sky exploded in Lin Yan's ears, and his head was a little dizzy for a while, because he couldn't accept this fact.

Really dead, but why?Is it because of Kanria?

But wasn't it the Grass God who died on the battlefield of Kanria?Why is it true?

For a moment, Lin Yan's mind went blank, as if he had stopped thinking.His eyes were dull, quietly looking at Ying who was devastated by the loss of his sister.

After reacting, he finally understood why in the future, the person in charge of Dao Wife would change from real to shadow.

Because it died 500 years ago.

Lin Yan was also wondering, didn't they all say that only the wind god Barbatos and the rock god Morax were alive in the original seven rulers of the world?Didn't the first generation of Thor really live well?

It turned out that in the battle in Kanria, not only the God of Grass died, but also Zhen.

The people who didn't know that General Lei Dian actually had two people probably thought that their general was one person from the beginning to now.

If so, the death of the three people in Huzhai Palace just made Ying feel a little hard to accept, then leaving would be the last straw that crushed her.

It's no wonder that in the future, the film will implement a series of policies such as the lock-up order and the eye-hunting order, and even change the pursuit of the concept from a moment to an eternity.

No matter who this kind of thing happens to, it is estimated that the result will be the same.

At the beginning, Lin Yan always thought that Ying was a god who disregarded the life and death of his subjects, but he didn't expect this kind of thing to happen to her.

Maybe he misunderstood Ying from the beginning?The reason why she implemented a series of policies such as the lock-up order and the eye-hunting order is purely because she doesn't want to see things like this happen again?
This possibility is not ruled out, but it would be too much to completely ignore the life and death of one's own subjects.

Unless there is an inside story.

If he could go back, Lin Yan would definitely investigate this matter as soon as possible.

After Zhen died, Ying logically inherited the throne of Thor and became the second generation of Thor, and at the same time inherited the heart of God he got from Zhen.

The heart of God, an item used by the Seven Gods to establish a connection with Sky Island, Lin Yan doesn't know what its actual function is, maybe it will be clear at a glance when he reaches this level in the future.

Lin Yan witnessed the change of the god position with his own eyes, but the naive people of Daozuma still believed that the general Lei Dian who led them was still the former General Rai Dian.

And it didn't take long for Ying to announce an important thing.

From now on, the idea pursued by Daozuma has changed from a moment to eternity, and the pursuit is eternity without job or thought, because only eternity is the closest to the law of heaven.

No one knows what the last paragraph of this sentence means, only Lin Yan knows.

Shadow witnessed the real death, witnessed the destruction of Kanria, and also witnessed the strength of Tianli.

All this led to a complete change in her concept, and in the future, her approach will gradually go to extremes.

How much Lin Yan wants to change all this, because the extreme actions of Ying Hou have really brought too much suffering to the people of Daozuma, especially on Yalu Island. They turned against each other and were hostile to each other.

All of this, I'm afraid I really don't want to see it.

But Lin Yan does not have the right to do this, and he cannot do it, because it will change history, because it will affect the future.

However, he has no way to stop the present Ying, but it is not impossible to stop the future Ying, as long as he can go back, then he has absolute certainty to let Ying terminate the lock-up order and eye hunting order.

So the most urgent thing is to find a way to go home quickly.

Kung fu is only for those who have a heart, and not long after, the news came from Qinglai Island, and there was a violent thunderstorm inexplicably in the sky, which affected the entire Qinglai Island's creatures, and even caused the environment of Qinglai Island to change. .

What Lin Yan wanted was this news. He gave Yae Shenzi a parting letter and asked her to hand it to Ying, while he took a boat to Qinglai Island.

The familiar thunderstorm appeared above the clouds on Qinglai Island, and Lin Yan came to the top of Tianyun Pass, which is the closest position to the thunderstorm.

He summoned the magic armor, and then borrowed the feather of the Thunder Demon Bird to successfully enter the deepest part of the thunderstorm in the same way.

After fainting again, when Lin Yan woke up, he had already returned to the Tivat continent that belonged to his own time period.

Afterwards, he rushed back to Narugami Island non-stop, and found that the eye hunting order had already been revoked.

It turned out that since Lin Yan left, Ying had created a puppet exactly like herself, and asked her to rule Dao Wife instead of herself.

As for Ying himself, he has entered an inner world called "One Heart Pure Land", where he has been meditating for hundreds of years.

On this day, Lin Yan and Ying talked a lot, because they haven't seen each other for too long.

Of course, this is for Ying, and for Lin Yan, they met yesterday.

With the removal of the eye hunting order, the story of Dao Wife has come to an end for the time being.

What Lin Yan and the others are going to next is the country called wisdom and ruled by the God of Grass—Sumeru.

This is the fourth stop of their journey, and perhaps in the near future, their deeds will spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms of Tevat and be forever praised by people.

(End of the book)

(End of this chapter)

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