Chapter 36 The Thunder Bird
When the two came to the end of the passage, the scene in front of them made them feel extremely incredible.

At the end of the huge platform connected to the steps, a huge tree without even a single leaf stood there, surrounded by surging thunder elements, but it still couldn't shake it at all.

The elemental leylines are close to the soles of the feet, and just looking at them can make people feel dizzy. If it was acceptable before because they were far away from the leylines, then now, as an ordinary person, Lin Yan can already feel obvious physical changes. discomfort.

"Welcome to you, friends of the West Wind Knights." At this moment, a voice sounded from somewhere, and the two of them immediately became vigilant. In order to prevent accidents, Lin Yan was even more careful to activate the magic armor directly.

Then, they saw Arelles standing in the center of the platform and many members of the Fools around him.

"Who is that guy? It's really disgusting to look at." When she saw the makeup on Arelles' face that was even more exaggerated than that of a woman, Yula said with a disgusted expression.

"How do I know, she's probably a fake girl, and she's the kind that people don't have the slightest desire to see." Lin Yan shook his head and complained.

At this time, Arelles began his self-introduction: "Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Arelles, and I am the executive officer of the Fools—the most loyal subordinate of Lord [Madam]."

"Don't be nervous. Since you are here, please witness with us and witness the further realization of our queen's great plan." After finishing speaking, Arelles took out the other three forms of thunder sets from his pocket .

Like the Death Feather and the Empty Cup on Lin Yan, the other three forms that are like thunder suits at this moment are also constantly shining with purple light as if they have been summoned by some kind of call.

"In the name of thunderous wrath, summon the demon bird that was once powerful enough to rival the thunder of the demon god. In order to realize the great ideal of the empress, please show your true face." As if chanting a spell, he muttered to himself. , when Arelles' last word fell, the holy relic that was originally held by him suddenly started to riot.

The purple light shining on its surface gradually became more intense, and then it started to act on its own as if it had become conscious. After scurrying around in the air for a few times, it finally fell into the roots of the giant tree at the end of the platform.

This is not over yet. Seeing this scene, Lin Yan felt a little uncomfortable. He was just about to retreat, but the Death Feather and the Empty Cup in his pocket suddenly flew out by themselves. After wandering in the air for a while, they also One fell into the roots of a giant tree.

The next second, the ground began to tremble, and even the elemental veins began to riot. The surging thunder elements became more intense, and finally began to gather on the branches of the giant tree without a single leaf.

As more and more thunder elements gathered, Lin Yan and the others were surprised to find that new leaves began to grow one after another on the bare branches.

It's just that it's not an ordinary green leaf, but a purple thunder leaf formed by thunder elements.

The number of thunder leaves gradually increased, and the originally dim body of the giant tree began to gradually become brighter. At the same time, the magnitude of the earthquake tremors became larger and larger, and some members of the Fools even fell over because they could no longer maintain their balance. .

They didn't seem to know what they were going to face next, so they all showed fear on their faces. They wanted to go forward to ask Arelles, but they didn't have the courage.

I don't know how long the time has passed. Lin Yan and Lin Yan who stood there did not choose to launch an attack at this time, but observed the surroundings with a vigilant attitude, because they did not know what would happen in the next second.

Finally, when the thunder leaves covered the branches of the giant tree, a crack suddenly broke out in the ground at its root.

Not long after, the second crack appeared, followed by the third one. When the cracks gradually covered the surrounding ground, the giant tree suddenly burst open without warning.

Thunder elements like a torrential rain swept across the surroundings in an instant, and some unlucky members of the Fools were directly chopped into coke on the spot because of the short distance.

At this time, Lin Yan, who was wearing the magic armor, realized through his keen perception that something was about to rush out of the ground.

In the next second, a huge figure rose from the original position of the giant tree, and flew into the air at an extremely fast speed, and lightning flashed where it passed.

Everyone looked up at the figure in the air, and found that it was actually a giant bird covered in purple.

The giant bird's body is full of thunder elements, and every time its wings flap, there will be a low roar in the air.

It looks down on everyone like a god, just like what Lin Yan saw in the memory of the holy relic, that lonely thing in the sky was an existence that was once strong enough to rival the demon god - the demon bird of thunder.

"Mortal. Why do you disturb my sleep?" A huge sense of oppression hit, and the Thunder Demon Bird spoke out.

Arelles stepped forward and said with a humble attitude: "Master Demon Bird, I am the apostle of the God of Ice, and I want to use your power to wake you up from your deep sleep."

"Use my strength?" Hearing this, the Thunder Demon Bird suddenly laughed loudly. It was a mockery of the god's unreasonable demands on mortals. "No mortal has ever dared to ask me such a Such a request, you are very interesting, but unfortunately, my power is not something that a lowly mortal like you can get your hands on."

"Get out of here!"

With a roar like a roar, Arelles who was standing in the front was instantly shocked back.

This strike of the Thunder Demon Bird played an absolute deterrent effect, but fools will never give up until they achieve their goals, so even though he is very afraid of the Thunder Demon Bird, Arelles still has no plans to retreat.

"It seems that Lord Demon Bird doesn't intend to have a serious talk with me." Arelles' face was livid after being knocked back by the Demon Bird of Thunder.

"Talk? Do you think you are qualified to talk to me? I'll give you ten breaths, get out of here, my paws haven't been touched by mortal blood for thousands of years."

The members of the group of fools who had been frightened to their limp legs wanted to run away, but before they could take two steps, Arelles suddenly flashed to one of them, and his sharp nails cut his throat in an instant. In a few seconds, the member of the Fools died on the spot.

"I see who dares to run away today!" roared with a distorted expression, and none of the Fool members who were shocked by this scene dared to run away again.

Surprisingly, seeing Arelles kill his fellow Thunder Demon Bird, a hint of indignation appeared in the bird's pupils: "You mortals are still the same as before, but you want to kill each other. Disgusting behavior."

Of course Arelles heard this, and after calming down the members of the fools, he turned his head and said to the Thunder Demon Bird: "Don't act like a good person there, say that we kill each other, and you didn't kill each other before!" Have you killed so many mortals, and even turned them into slaves, and turned them into prisoners who will never change the sky?"

(End of this chapter)

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