Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 38 Fierce battle with Arelles

Chapter 38 Fierce battle with Arelles

Hearing that Lin Yan said that a fight would start, Arelles' face gradually darkened: "Are you Zephyr Knights planning to start a war with us fools?"

"Don't threaten me, you are a small executive officer, and you don't have the right to make a final decision. Even if the West Wind Knights really want to fight you fools, it's not your turn to make the decision." Directly chose to ignore Aleigh In response to Les' threat, Lin Yan rushed forward at an extremely fast speed, and aimed at his forehead with a fist wrapped in wind elements.

Sensing the sense of crisis, Arelles didn't dare to slack off in the slightest, and took out a golden ornament from his body. While the ornament was emitting golden light, there were rock elements gathering towards his fist.

When the rock elements gathered to a certain extent, Arelles swung out a punch and chose Yu Lin Yan to head-on.

Fist and fist collided, and the thunder element in the air instantly spread to the surroundings, and the crystallization reaction between the rock element and the thunder element also made many purple crystal blocks on the ground.

But if you want to say who is more dominant, it must be Lin Yan.

The two sides only confronted each other for less than two breaths, and Arelles' face was full of strain, and when Lin Yan's fist was exerted for the second time, he was directly blown away.

His body rolled rapidly on the platform, and finally stopped at the edge. If he rolled back again, he would fall into the turbulent elemental veins.

Just when he was relieved that he didn't fall into the elemental vein, Lin Yan suddenly appeared beside him. After raising his right leg high, he kicked it down without any hesitation.

Feeling the breath of death, Arelles immediately rolled around in the opposite direction from the edge of the platform, so he was not hit by Lin Yan's kick.

Lin Yan stepped on the ground with one foot in the air, and several cracks appeared on the ground. If this foot stepped on a human body, it would probably be crushed into flesh.

Knowing this well, Arelles broke out in a cold sweat. He quickly got up from the ground, and he never dared to face Lin Yan with the initial sloppy attitude, because after confronting him head-on, he discovered that the other party was simply Terribly strong.

"Who is this guy? Is there such a number one figure in the Zephyr Knights?" Asked from the bottom of his heart, Arelles' status is considered extremely high among the fools who are resident in Mond, even second only to him. She is the executive officer's wife, so he has thoroughly investigated the West Wind Knights, but in his memory, he did not find Lin Yan at all.

Before he could come up with the answer to the question, he turned his attention to the members of the Fools who were still alive: "Get rid of those two guys!"

However, the members of the Fools who have already endured pain that they shouldn't have to suffer at this age have completely lost their fighting spirit, no matter how much Arelles yells at them, it is useless.

Soldiers who have lost their fighting spirit are like ants struggling in a hot pot. Their defeat is inevitable because Yura has already dealt with them.

"Damn it, a bunch of waste! I still have to rely on myself at the critical moment!" Cursed in a low voice, and after a moment of hesitation, Arelles took out a small bottle from his body.

There is an inexplicable purple liquid in the bottle, which has unexpected effects.

And this is a potion that can strengthen the human body developed by the [Doctor], the second seat of the executive officers of the Fools.

The potion has been improved many times, but it still has great side effects. The user will suffer great pain after the potion fails. People with weak willpower may even die because they cannot bear the pain. Much better to die.

Arelles was hesitating whether to drink the potion, but when he saw Lin Yan attacking him again, he felt ruthless, opened the cork, and drank the liquid in the bottle.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yan stopped and looked at him warily.

"Hmph, you hateful guy, wait for me." Just as he was about to taunt Lin Yan, the other party suddenly rushed up and punched himself in the face, half of which was sunken into his face.

Arelles, who was hit, flew upside down, and finally fell heavily on the ground.

"Damn, why are you still drinking potions?" Lin Yan rubbed his fists together and said, "Just drink it, do you think I will wait for you to transform before doing it like in novels and TV? Are you kidding me? Not a fool."

When Arelles got up from the ground again, blood was already flowing from both nostrils, and his face was red and swollen, and he looked extremely embarrassed and funny at the moment.

"Bastard!" It seemed that the effect of the potion had taken effect, Arelles roared, the clothes on his body were torn instantly, his limbs were more than twice as thick as before, and the bulging veins could not be seen immediately with the naked eye. count.

"Wow, muscle golden wheel." Lin Yan complained with a cold expression.

How should I put it, the sissy face combined with the hunk's physical disobedience is really more than a little bit, and even made a laugh at Yura who was dealing with other members of the Fools.

The conventional medicine to strengthen the body has appeared in various novels and TV, so Lin Yan didn't pay much attention to it.

But soon, he realized that he was wrong.

Almost in an instant, Arelles rushed in front of him. The fist that was almost as big as his head did not become dull due to his increase in size. On the contrary, his punching speed was much faster than before. Before Lin Yan could react, his fist had already hit the opponent's abdomen.

"So fast?" Lin Yan couldn't help being shocked when he was hit in the abdomen.

The body flew upside down, and Lin Yan stretched out his hand to grab the ground. He didn't stop until five long finger marks were drawn on the ground with his fingers.

Just as he was about to take a breath, the moment he raised his head, Arelles appeared in front of him again.

This time, Lin Yan came to his senses. He chose to punch rather than head-on, but he didn't gain the advantage as easily as the first time. Instead, he fell into a disadvantage after a few seconds of confrontation.

"It's not right, it's not right, why did it become so fierce all of a sudden." Lin Yan began to panic more and more as he blocked Arelles' continuous punches with his hands in front of him.

The efficacy of this potion was simply beyond his expectations. Arelles before drinking the potion and Arelles after drinking the potion were completely two-level opponents.

More importantly, Arelles hadn't used elemental power after drinking the potion. If he used elemental power, Lin Yan's battle would become more difficult.

The only good news may be that, due to the extremely strong defensive power of the magic armor, Arelles' seemingly violent attack did not cause much substantial damage to him.

Of course, it’s not an option to spend so much time, Lin Yan will not ask Yula for support, because he can be tough with Arelles, but Yula can’t.

Even though she has the God's Eye because of her thin body, Arelles might not even be able to catch two punches in this state.

(End of this chapter)

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