Chapter 41 Vibration
"Okay, Timmy, stop crying."

On the bridge in front of the gate of Mond City, Ying and Paimon, who had just returned from completing the mission of the Adventurer's Association in the wild, encountered a problem before entering the city.

A little boy was crying with his head up, and two lines of tears flowed like water from a faucet.

And he is Timmy, Mond's largest poultry supplier.

"You... I just went to the bathroom and you all killed my pigeons. I... I must tell my mother when I get back." While crying, Timmy said in a choked tone.

Ying looked at Paimon who was at a loss, and Paimon also scratched his head, expressing his helplessness.

"I didn't expect that either. I saw a lot of pigeons on the bridge. I thought they were wild pigeons coming to forage, so I planned to kill a few and go back to make sweet flower stuffed chicken. Who would have thought that it was Timmy's pigeons. Paimon spread his hands and said, "Ying, please coax him."

"I don't know how to coax children." Ying said helplessly, with a bitter expression on her face.

"Why don't you kill him? Eh? Why do I have such a thought." For some reason, a strange thought arose in her heart, and Ying quickly shook her head to dismiss it.

At this time, the ground suddenly began to tremble violently, and the sudden change made Ying nearly fall to the ground.

"What's the matter, is this an earthquake?" Paimon looked around suspiciously, trying to find the source of the trembling.

Ying didn't know it happened, but it was certain that it was definitely not as simple as an earthquake.

"Timmy, the situation is very dangerous now. You should go home and find your mother. I will make up for you about the pigeon." Ying said, grabbing Timmy's shoulders with both hands.

"Really?" Timmy looked at Ying with tears in his eyes and asked. It has to be said that a creature like a child really only needs to be coaxed.

"Of course, I won't break my promise." Ying made an oath gesture.

"Okay, then I'll go first, big sister, you have to be careful." After nodding, Timmy turned and ran towards the city.

At the same place, Paimeng flew to Ying and said, "The ground suddenly started to tremble. I don't know what happened. Why don't you go to the headquarters of the Knights to have a look, Captain Qin and the others may have some clues."

"Yeah." Ying nodded, expressing her agreement with Paimon's proposal.

Afterwards, the two came to the city, but what they saw shocked them.

The streets were full of residents running around, and the shop signs and bulletin boards fell to the ground. The fear they had accumulated for a long time because of the wind dragon made them not think at all in this situation, and only ran away to save their lives.

Several West Wind knights are maintaining the order of the crowd. Although the effect is not very good, it is still somewhat effective.

There was no time to pay attention to these things, and the two rushed towards the direction of the headquarters of the Knights.

When they came to the headquarters of the Knights, the two West Wind knights at the gate immediately allowed their applications because they knew them.

In the acting head's office, Qin walked back and forth anxiously, while Lisa picked up the fallen books from the bookshelf one by one.

At this moment, Ying and Paimon knocked on the door and walked in.

"Captain Qin, what happened, is it an earthquake?" Paimon asked directly when he came up.

"It's you guys." Seeing the arrival of the two, Qin had a relieved smile on his face, but it was quickly replaced by anxiety, "I don't know what happened, the ground started shaking without warning, and now the city is shaking. It’s a mess, I’ve already sent Kaiya and the others to deal with it.”

"But if you can't find the reason, this matter will never be resolved, that's why Qin is so anxious." Picking up another book on the ground, Lisa interrupted suddenly.

"That's it." Paimon said, "By the way, Lin Yan, why didn't I see him? If it was him, maybe there is a way to find the reason for the vibration of the ground, or... have you considered a simpler method? Reasons, such as just ordinary earthquakes or something."

"That's not true," Lisa said, "The flow of the elemental veins suddenly became disordered, and some elemental veins even disappeared directly. No matter how you think about it, the ground vibration is directly related to this. As for Lin Yan's cute Hehe, we don't know where he is."

"Lin Yan, cutie." Hearing Lisa address Lin Yan, the corners of Paimon's eyes twitched.

Just when everyone was at a loss, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and a Zephyr knight dressed in a different outfit from ordinary knights ran in, sweating profusely, with an extremely anxious expression on his face.

"Master Acting Commander, it's not good." Panting, the West Wind Knight said.

"You are a guerrilla knight?" Qin recognized the other party's identity as a guerrilla knight through his clothes, "what happened?"

"It's Captain Yula and Glory Knight. The two of them went to investigate a secret realm together. Because the thunder element in the secret realm is too strong, Captain Yula asked us to wait for them outside the secret realm."

"Everything went well at first, but the ground suddenly started to vibrate for some reason. We were a little worried and we sent someone to take a look inside the secret realm, and found that the entrance was actually blocked by a boulder. We guessed that the inside of the secret realm might have collapsed. Captain Yura and Glory Knight are trapped inside."

"Because there were no tools to dig, I came back and asked for help."

"What?!" Hearing this, Qin became anxious.

Yura is the guerrilla captain of the Knights, and was evaluated by Grand Master Falga as "a warrior comparable to the Dandelion Knight". The most important thing is her ability, and over the years, she has been recognized by many people.

Lin Yan is a glorious knight of the Knights. Although he is not a native of Mond, he has made great contributions to the dragon disaster, and even once saved the city from the wind dragon. More importantly, Lin Yan is extremely powerful , even in the face of the former Fengshen family, he has the power to match it.

If the two of them are lost, it will be a huge loss to the Zephyr Knights, and even the entire Mond. Now that Grand Master Falga is leading the main force of Mond on an expedition, they simply cannot afford this loss now. .

"Lisa, you stay in the Knights to continue the investigation, I'm going to see, the Knights can't lose the two of them," Qin said.

"We are going too. Lin Yan is our partner. We will never sit idly by when he is in danger." Paimon said with his arms raised high.

Ying nodded, indicating that Paimon was right.

"I want to go with you too." At this moment, Lisa said suddenly.

"Why?" Qin didn't understand. Kaia was maintaining the order of the crowd. She was going to the secret place to check the situation. Now the only person who can sit in the knight order is Lisa.

Lisa stretched her waist enchantingly, and said: "At first, I didn't know which elemental vein was wrong, but the guerrilla knight just said that the guerrilla captain and the glory knight were trapped in the collapsed secret realm. I deduce that the elemental leylines in question should be in that secret realm."

"There are a few secret realms that are connected to the elemental leylines. Since the ground tremor happened almost at the same time as they were trapped in the secret realm, it is obvious that the elemental leylines in that secret realm had abnormal movements that caused the ground to tremble and trap them in the in."

"Is this speculation really reliable?" Paimon questioned Lisa's speculation.

"I haven't concluded either, but in this case, the truth should be pretty close to what I guessed." Lisa said with a charming expression.

At this time, Qin suddenly said: "I trust your judgment, Lisa, if this is the case, you can come with us."

(End of this chapter)

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