Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 48 Qiu Qiuren: Lin Yan, I call you an immortal!

Chapter 48 Qiu Qiuren: Lin Yan, I call you an immortal!

The Qiuqiu people who were bombed by Keli and ran around even forgot to resist. Only one Qiuqiu thug could barely block the attack of the bomb with the wooden shield in his hand.

However, just when it was going to attack Keli, it was punched by Lin Yan in the middle of running.

In this way, a group of Qiuqiu people who were going to have lunch were all wiped out by Keli with bombs, leaving only the burning lawn and collapsed buildings in place.

"Ah, it's gone." Ke Li, who had been unable to find a Qiuqiu in the camp, seemed not satisfied yet.

"Brother Lin Yan, Keli still wants to play." Looking at Lin Yan with begging eyes, Keli said that she is getting more and more proficient at acting cute.

Of course, Lin Yan would not refuse Keli's request. After all, Qiuqiu people can be found by walking around in the wild. Recently, due to the dragon disaster, the number of Qiuqiu people around the city has increased dramatically. If some of them can be eliminated, It can be regarded as sharing some pressure for the Knights.

Although the main reason is because of Keli.

"Then let's continue to look for it. If we find Qiuqiu people, we will let you play."

"Okay!" Keli jumped up excitedly.

Turning around, Lin Yan found another Qiuqiu camp. Although the scale was not as large as before, the mosquitoes were still meat no matter how small they were. What's more, Keli was so excited to run over after seeing them.

The difference from the first time is that before Keli launched an attack this time, the group of Qiuqiu people found them. One of the Qiuqiu crossbowmen pulled the crossbow arrows in their hands and aimed at Keli, but the arrow flew to Halfway, Lin Yan grabbed and broke it.

Then, before the Qiuqiu crossbowman had time to shoot the second bolt, it was blown over by Keli's bomb.

It was another horrific unilateral massacre. Not long after, all the Qiuqiu people here were wiped out. Lin Yan stepped forward to pick up the spoils that fell on the ground. If these things were sold in Mond City You can also change some Mora.

After that, Lin Yan took Keli to find several Qiuqiu camps. I don’t know if it’s because of her nature. Keli seems to never be bored with explosions, no matter how many Qiuqiu camps Lin Yan takes her to find. , she will always request to go to the next place after the Qiuqiu people are all wiped out.

In this way, time passed quickly, and Lin Yan couldn't even count how many Qiuqiu people's camps they cleared out. He just saw the sun that was about to set, and he knew it was time for them to go back.

Keli also seemed to be tired, and fell asleep while walking. Lin Yan held her in his arms, and she fell asleep not long after.

Lin Yan hugged Keli, who was sleeping soundly, and rushed back. Along the way, he could see many scorched grass fields, all of which were Keli's masterpieces.

When they returned to Mond City, the sky had completely darkened. Lawrence and Swan at the gate of the city were still standing guard. When the two saw Lin Yan, they were about to say hello, but they saw the other party beckoning to them to be quiet. gesture.

Only then did they notice Keli who was sleeping soundly in Lin Yan's arms, so they didn't make a sound, but after paying a standard knight's salute to Lin Yan, they watched the two of them enter the city.

After entering the city, Lin Yan came to the headquarters of the Knights and found Qin in the office.

"It's the Glory Knight, what can I do for you?" When Lin Yan found Qin, she was dealing with a mountain of documents by herself, and there was a coffee cup next to her, but the coffee inside had already been consumed.

"Ah, it's all right, it's just this little guy." Lin Yan handed Keli in his arms to Qin. At this time, Keli was curled up and seemed to be sleeping very peacefully.

"Ke Li?" When she saw that Ke Li was actually in Lin Yan's hands, Qin was stunned, "I said why didn't I see her today, so she was with you."

Gently took Keli, Qin didn't intend to wake her up.

"Ke Li performed very well today, helping the Knights to share a lot of pressure." Lin Yan said, and told Qin the deeds of the many Qiuqiu people Ke Li wiped out today.

"So it is," Qin Wen said, with a gratified smile on her face, "Ke Li's parents entrusted her to the Knights a few years ago, everyone in the Knights likes her very much, but sometimes A headache for her ability to destroy."

"Although it is a child's nature to play, Keli's favorite toys are all dangerous goods, which are easy to hurt others. At the same time, I am also afraid that she will hurt myself, so I have always resisted her using bombs. Once the Knights and In the monster war, Keli’s bombs were used to wipe out the enemies in one fell swoop, but because she placed too many bombs, the entire Wangfeng Mountain was razed to the ground.”

"Using your method to get her to use bombs is a good way. Besides, you two didn't fry fish today, did you?"

Sensing Qin's gradually sharpening gaze, Lin Yan quickly shook his head and changed the subject.

"Speaking of which, what happened to the elemental veins in that secret realm? Can it still be used?"

Qin Wenyan sighed softly, and said with some helplessness: "Lisa looked at it yesterday, and came to the conclusion that the elemental leyline has been severely damaged and will lose its function for a long time in the future, and the elemental leyline The damage also affected other leylines, which caused the flow of Mond's leylines to be very chaotic during this time."

"If you want to solve this situation, you must either repair the damaged elemental leylines, or wait until the flow of the leylines becomes normal. There is no other way."

"That's right." Lin Yan pondered, "What about the fish in Guojiu Lake? There are so many fish, you can't just let them float on the lake, right? If you don't fish them up and eat them, they will go bad after a while. "

"I've thought about this too," Qin said, "A large number of fish in Fruit Wine Lake died, which will have a huge impact on the aquatic products of the entire Mond. I will send people to salvage all the fish tomorrow, and I encourage everyone to They eat them, and as for the remedy, it seems that the only way is to go to Liyue to bring in some freshwater fish to raise them."

"Speaking of which, the recent Mond is really not peaceful. The dragon disaster has not been resolved yet. As a result, waves of unrest have arisen again and again. Everyone's psychological pressure is increasing day by day. I'm afraid that if this continues, everyone will be tense sooner or later. live."

"There's no way around it." Lin Yan said, "We must survive no matter what, even the dark age of aristocratic rule has survived. If you can't even bear this setback, then Mond will really It’s come to an end.”

Realizing that his speech seemed a little too much, Lin Yan hurriedly apologized: "Sorry, my speech was a little bold, I hope Captain Qin will not blame me."

Qin Yi smiled, and didn't care about Lin Yan's rude speech: "It's okay, besides, you are right, and I believe everyone will be able to survive."

"I hope so."

(End of this chapter)

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