Chapter 56 Drunk Yura
"Ah? But I'm not an aristocrat at all, why do I need to learn aristocratic etiquette specially. Besides, are you drunk?" Looking at Yula's current appearance, Lin Yan couldn't help wondering if she was already drunk.

Just a glass and a half of dandelion wine became like this. If it wasn't for Yula's poor drinking capacity, it would be that the dandelion wine had too much alcohol and belonged to spirits.

"Drunk? Are you underestimating my drinking capacity? Are you kidding me? I'll make a note of this grudge." After finishing speaking, Yula directly drank the dandelion wine in her hand, still feeling very dissatisfied , I asked Charles to order two more glasses, this time it seemed to be a stronger wine.

Lin Yan just watched Yula drink one cup after another, while he himself ordered a cup of apple brew and drank slowly.

I don't know how long the time has passed, and Lin Yan can't even count how much Yula drank. I only know that she is completely drunk now, with her upper body lying on the table, and she is still slurring "I'm not drunk" and so on.

"Well, I'm familiar with this plot." After drinking the last sip of apple brew, Lin Yan looked at Yula who was already drunk.

If there are no accidents, the next script should be that he takes the delirious Yula back to the hotel, and it happens that the hotel has no spare rooms, so he can only take Yula back to his room, and snort!

For some reason, an evil thought rose in his heart, and Lin Yan immediately shook his head to dismiss it.

If he did something wrong with Yula, the other party would not be able to kill him with a knife after he sobered up?Although the amount may not be cut off.

Putting Yula's arm on his shoulder, Lin Yan slowly led her downstairs to ask Charles to pay the bill.

If you want to ask who will pay the bill, it must be Lin Yan. After all, with Yula's current state, she probably doesn't even know where the money is.

Because Yula drank too much wine, the amount of the bill was not small, but Lin Yan could afford it, and even if he couldn't pay it, he could send the bill to the Knights of the West Wind.

"Are you so drunk?" Charles looked at Yula, with disbelief written all over his face. Although she would also be drunk when she came to the tavern to drink, at least she was able to stay sober, not as delirious as she is now.

"I'm not drunk!" Even though she was already so drunk that she was unconscious, Yula would still retort when she heard someone say that she was drunk, "I will remember this grudge."

With Yula, Lin Yan left the tavern with a helpless face.

When I came to the street, because it was already late at night, there were no pedestrians, and even the West Wind Knight who usually patrolled the street had already left work.

"It's so slow, I'll carry you on my back." Xian's forward speed was too slow, Lin Yan grabbed Yula's two thighs and carried them on his back.

Yula, who was carried on her back, pressed her face tightly against the back of Lin Yan's neck, and said "I'm not drunk" and "resentment" in her mouth.

The forward speed was a little faster, but it didn't take long for Lin Yan to realize another problem.

"Damn, it's so heavy." Although Yula looked thin and long, after carrying her on her back, Lin Yan realized that her weight seemed to be more than a little higher than he imagined.

Gently placing Yula on the bench by the street, Lin Yan, who was sweating profusely from exhaustion, planned to take a rest first.

While he was sitting and resting, Yula on the side leaned her head on her shoulder in a daze, and kept talking, but Lin Yan couldn't hear clearly.

The atmosphere gradually became ambiguous, and Lin Yan couldn't help stretching out his hand to pinch Yula's flushed face. The touch was really good, but that's all, he wouldn't do anything out of the ordinary.

But sometimes, a person is really forced to commit a crime. For example, now, it seems that resting her head on Lin Yan's shoulder is not enough. Yula suddenly sat up, then turned her face to Lin Yan, and slowly approached him past.

The most important thing is that during this process, Yura's eyes were never opened.

An inexplicable magnetic force seemed to be attracting Lin Yan, and he couldn't help turning his face towards Yula.

Seeing that the lips of the two were about to touch, at this moment, Yula heard [vomit], and lumps of unknown objects spewed out of her mouth like this, and spit it out in the forest without any mistakes. Yan's body.

"Damn it!" Lin Yan hurriedly distanced himself from Yula, standing up from the bench, he was at a loss on the spot, because he was wondering whether to pat those unknown objects off the clothes with his hands.

And Yura, after another wave of vomiting, finally calmed down.

No longer in the mood to rest, Lin Yan carried it on his back again. After spending a lot of time and effort, he finally returned to the hotel.

The only pity may be that there are many spare rooms in the hotel, Lin Yan opened one for Yula alone, and went upstairs with the key.

Gently placed Yula on the bed, and covered the quilt. After finishing all the work, Lin Yan smelled the alcohol on his body, showed a disgusted expression, then turned back to his room, and took a bath in hot water. bath.

After taking a hot bath and drying his hair with wind elements, Lin Yan fell asleep on the bed.

The next day, when the sun gradually rose from the east, Lin Yan, who was awakened by the cries of merchants on the street, woke up from his sleep. After waking up, the first thing he did was not to get up and take a shower, but After getting dressed, I went to the room where Yura was.

Lin Yan thought that Yula had woken up, but after opening the door with the key, he found that Yula was still asleep.

The air in the room was filled with a strong smell of alcohol, and Lin Yan, who had an empty stomach, heard the smell and immediately felt extremely nauseated.

So, he opened the closed windows and used the wind element to send out all the air in the house. It didn't take long for the alcohol smell in the room to fade a lot.

After finishing these, Lin Yan came to the bedside and confirmed that the other party was really awake. When he came downstairs, he bought two breakfasts, and he didn't know if Yula liked it or not.

Putting the breakfast gently beside the bed, Lin Yan went back to his room to wash up. After breakfast, he thought about what he was going to do.

When it came to the gift from the angel, Lin Yan went to buy a glass of apple brew. He heard that this stuff seems to have the effect of sobering up.

In order to satisfy Yula's taste, Lin Yan also asked Charles to add ice cubes, but he didn't know if drinking this after breakfast would cause stomach upset.

Back at the hotel, Lin Yan found that Yula had woken up, but maybe it was because the alcohol hadn't evaporated completely, so she looked dazed now, and she would be dazed for a while after taking a bite of breakfast.

"I bought this for you. I heard that it is good for sobering up." Lin Yan put the apple stuffed in front of Yula and said.

Yula put down the breakfast, and asked in a confused tone: "What happened last night? Why am I in this kind of place, shouldn't we be in a tavern?"

(End of this chapter)

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